I see you. I see you mama. I am crying with you. I know how hard Mother’s Day is when you are on the long road to baby. How incredibly gutting it can be to want a baby more than anything and to be reminded that you aren’t yet a mama. And, I see you mama who has lost pregnancies or babies. You know in your heart you are mama, but you just can’t celebrate.
I see you. I love you. And you know who else loves you? Your future baby. And your future baby has a message for you.

A Message from Your Future Baby
Mommy, we haven’t met yet, but I am on my way to meet you! I know you are working so hard right now and it feels like we might never meet each other. But, we will.
In the end, it won’t matter to me how we find each other, just that we do. I don’t care whose eggs and sperm makes me, or even whose body births me.
All that will matter is that you hold me and call me yours.
All that will matter is that you will be my mother and that you will be perfect.
And once you meet me, you will understand.
You will know why you had to wait so long.
And you will finally understand that you’ve actually been a mother all these years.
So, this Mother’s Day, think of me, mommy. And please, keep working hard coming toward me.
I will keep coming towards you.
Your Baby
Mothering Yourself On the Path to Pregnancy
One of the most important lessons from my “infertility” journey was that I needed to be a loving and devoted mother to myself. My body and my spirit needed me desperately to love them with the unconditional love of a mother. I needed to put my body and spirit first so that I could start transitioning from maiden to mother.
If you read my blog you know I did a crazy 79 Things to Get Pregnant. But I didn’t just get pregnant. I got incredibly healthy and happy at the same time. Because almost everything I did? It was to nourish my body and nurture my soul.
Because when we truly take care of ourselves we send the universe two important signals. One- that we are brilliantly capable of mothering and ready to care with our whole hearts. And, Two- that we are currently able to be healthy and happy mommies, which is just what our babies need.
So, just like your baby asked you to, keep walking toward them. And that means, keeping nourishing and nurturing yourself to full health and fertility.
Your baby wants you healthy. Your baby wants you healthy. And, your baby is so excited to meet you.
xo, Anna
5 Ideas to Celebrate Mother’s Day when you are waiting for baby
- Imagine your six year old son or daughter writing out a card to you for Mother’s Day. Actually go buy and write out the card and stick it on your mirror. Spend time imagining the day. What will you do? Will they give you flowers? Will you have a special breakfast? Imagine your family just as you want it to be.
- Go on a hike with just your and your partner. Forgo celebrations with others.
- Mother yourself in the best way you know how. Get a massage, get your hair done, spend time meditating or in prayer, and make yourself the healthiest, yummiest meal you can dream up!
- Buy yourself flowers. Or better yet, start a garden to watch the fertility of the earth in action.
- Journal about motherhood. Write down the kind of mother you want to be and are GOING to be. Imagine it as if it is already true.
- BONUS: If you are brave enough, look yourself in the mirror. Tell yourself out loud that you love yourself and that you are already the best mother in the world.
Want to get pregnant fast?
Love lists? Me too. Grab my 79 Things I did to transform my life and get pregnant in less than 3 months after 2 years of infertility and miscarriages! Totally free!
Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!
Anna, you are such a blessing! I truly thank God for you, your encouragement, all the information you share, and your heart to help others on this journey.
You are so welcome! Thank you for your kind words 🙂
Thank you, Anna, this was much needed and surprisingly uplifting.
I’m so glad honey! Sending you hugs and baby dust!!
Thank you darling! It’s you who have inspired me to be healthy. So much LOVE and GRATITUDE! Love to all the mothers out there, still waiting for tiny hands to hold.
Thank you for such a sweet message! Hugs and baby dust to you!!
Thank you Anna for this uplifting encouraging message .
Thank you for this uplifting hopeful and encouraging message .i
Thank you, I really needed to hear these words today. ❤️
You are so welcome. Sending love and baby dust!
Thanks you 😭🤍💗
This is lovely. Thankfully I’m on the other side now. My gorgeous two year old boy is sleeping here beside me in bed and the remains of breakfast are nearby. It was a very long seven years to get pregnant with him. I had two losses along the way, so I was a mum already but no one could see that, and no one ever acknowledged it. But I beat the odds, got pregnant on my last embryo, well into my forties. If I can do it, anyone can. You’ve got this!
Anna, Thank you so much for this message, I have read it several times since receiving your email and will probably read it throughout the day. I knew it would be hard but this post has reminded me it’s OK to feel how I feel and to give myself the space and care I need.
I love you so much Anna and can never joke with any of your mails I will nurture and prepare my body cos I know saint Gerald and Giana will assist me.
Thank you. I don’t know what else to say, just thank you.
xo hugs honey!
Thank you Anna for this email. I really needed to hear it. God bless you more for helping us get through and get pregnant.
Love to you honey xo
I am so happy 😂after reading the letter my heart is filled with joy, I do appreciate thanks a lot.
Blessings to you my dear!!
Thanks my friend for your kind message and advice, I really appreciate it and believe in God and always pray with the two saints for fertility.I know for sure that my God will give me that blessing that I’m longing for.❤️❤️
Thankyou so much,
Anna Cohill
Blessings to you my dear!!!