Looking for the Patron Saint of Fertility? I’ve got 21 Patron Saints of Fertility, Trying to Conceive, Infertile Couples, Barren Women, and Miscarriage listed on this blog post. Praying with the saints was a HUGE part of my infertiltiy journey, and I hope this post blesses you.
Table of Contents
Patron Saints of Fertility To Pray to When Trying to Conceive
Whether you have just started trying to conceive or you are struggling with infertility, the ups and downs of the fertility journey can be LONELY. Sometimes you have friends or family you can talk to, but sometimes you don’t. The great news is that there are legions of saints just waiting to intercede on your behalf. In this post I’m focusing on fertility saints, including the patron saint of infertility, the patron saint of miscarriage, and the patron saint of pregnancy protection.
I have always been fascinated with the Saints. Knowing that these holy people are up there in heaven doing miracles on earth just blows my mind. It isn’t that I don’t pray directly to Jesus and God- I do. It’s just that I love knowing there are these powerful and holy saints that are sitting up there, right next to Jesus, Mary, the angels, and God Almighty, and that they have my best interests at heart.
Who Is The Patron Saint Of Fertility And Conception?
While I was trying to conceive I spent time researching the catholic saint of fertility. It turned out there wasn’t just one saint of fertility, but actually several patron saints to pray to when trying to get pregnant! After my first miscarriage I started praying with the Patron Saint of Miscarriages. Then, as I was diagnosed with infertility, I started praying with the Patron Saint of Infertility and Hopeless Causes.
I prayed with them, I visited their holy sites as I was able, and felt their presence and companionship on my infertility journey. Some of the many patron saints of fertility include St. Gerard, St. Philomena, St. Colette, and St. Anne. The saints that I spent the most time praying with struggling with infertility were St. Anne, St. Rita of Cascia, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, St. Catherine of Sweden, and St. Gerard.
In this post I attempt to list all the Catholic Patron Saints of Fertility to pray to when trying to get pregnant! I have written individual blog posts about many of them; if so, you will see their names hyperlinked in the listing.
Read here about how I asked God for a miracle baby!
Make sure to grab my free fertility novena calendar of the catholic saints of fertility! Praying a novena for fertility was such a blessing for me, and I hope it will be for you too! You can join my newsletter and download it here!
What Saint To Pray With When Trying To Conceive
Early on while trying to conceive I started praying with St. Gerard Majella who is the Catholic Patron Saint of Fertility and Motherhood. There is a beautiful prayer to him for motherhood that someone gave me on a prayer card. That was how my obsession with praying to the saints for fertility started- small, with a simple prayer. I also become dedicated to St. Anne early on, and then St. Therese. I definitely think that they each interceded for me and helped me have my miracle baby.
While trying for my second miracle, I walked with St. Rita and St. Gianna. If you’re going to read any other blog post on my website, read my post on St. Rita for sure!
Read my story of how I found my miracle when the doctors said it was impossible here.
Now, my interest in fertility saints has blossomed into writing my own prayers, visiting shrines, and praying with almost a dozen saints!
There are so many saints for trying to get pregnant, I hope you find someone in this list that resonates with you and your journey!
Who is the Patron Saint Of Infertility and Childless Couples?
In this post I’m going to outline all the Catholic Saints that are associated with fertility, healing infertility, healing the pain of miscarriage, pregnancy, and children. All of them are great to pray with for fertility.
You can also pray with any saints that are special to you. For example, St. Therese de Lisieux is not commonly associated with fertility or motherhood, but she was my confirmation saint, so I feel connected to her and pray to her for all my requests. Eventually I hope to have a blog post up on each of these Saints.
Additionally, in Catholic teaching, anyone who is in heaven is a “saint” even if the Vatican hasn’t canonized them as such. That means that you can pray with that virtuous great-grandmother of yours- I’m sure she is up there and you KNOW she wants you to get pregnant! I regularly pray with my beloved deceased for intervention.
There is no right or wrong way to pray with these saints. You can pray however you want, you can ask however you want. However, many of them have special prayers or novenas that you might want to use.
For some of these saints I have already posted full blog posts on their history, and in some cases I have written original prayers that are shared on the blog. For others, you may want to google prayers or more information. Remember, you can always freestyle your prayers in a conversation-like manor! It is up to you!
Curious about how to ask God for a baby? Check out how I prayed to God for a miracle baby during infertility!
Praying with the Saints during Infertility
Remember that technically in Catholic tradition your are not praying TO the saints for THEIR intercessions. Instead you are asking them to intercede on your behalf to God for his action. The saints are not God- only God is God.
But, it certainly helps to bring some friends along on our prayer journey to Jesus.
I honor these saints in multiple ways. I pray with them, I keep their prayers cards, and for some of them, I have decorations up around the house in their honor. I also try to keep their memory on their feast day, and spread their word to other people who may benefit from it.
If you benefit from a prayer journey with a saint, consider spreading the word of their goodness, and the goodness of God.
If you are looking for decorations I recommend searching Etsy. Crafters make beautiful items honoring the saints! You can also follow my Pinterest board on Fertility Saints for more ideas!
Who are the Patron Saints of Fertility?
Want my free calendar of the Fertility Saints? You can join my newsletter and download it here!
Here are the Patron Saints of Fertility, Infertility, and Miscarriage, in Order of Their Feast Days.
January 21- St. Agnes– Saint Agnes is the patron saint of childbirth, children, and maternal concerns. She was a young martyr who refused to be married or lose her virginity. You can pray to Saint Agnes for fertility!
February 1- St. Brigid of Kildare – St. Brigid is the Patron Saint of Babies, but also special for healing women. Read my full blog post on her here – it includes an original prayer to her for a child!
March 6 – Saint Collette– St. Collette is the Patron Saint of Infertility and Childless Couples. She is also known as the patron saint of women trying to conceive, expectant mothers, and of stillbirth. St. Collette is a great saint to pray with when trying to get pregnant.
March 19 – St. Joseph– St. Joseph is the Patron Saint of Fathers – St. Joseph is also the protector of the home and family. He, of course, is the earthly father of Jesus, and is the perfect saint for the husband to pray to for fatherhood.
March 24- St. Catherine of Sweden – St. Catherine of Sweden is the Patron Saint of Protection Against Miscarriage. Read my full post on St. Catherine here and my original prayer to her!
April 28- St. Gianna Beretta Molla – St. Gianna Beretta Molla is the Patron Saint of Fertility and Pregnancy. A very special modern saint, St. Gianna was a wife, mother and pediatrician. A working mother saint! She suffered two miscarriages herself, and is a matron saint of Motherhood. I recently visited her Shrine just north of Philadelphia, and it was a very meaningful visit for me. Read my full post on her and the original prayer to her I wrote!
April 29- St. Catherine of Siena – St. Catherine of Sienna is the Patron Saint of Miscarriage.
May 22- St. Rita of Cascia– Saint Rita of Cascia is the Patron Saint of Infertility. She is also considered the patron saint of gynecological problems, and is also known as the Patroness of Impossible Causes. For this reason, she is considered the patron saint of Infertility, especially for those who have been told they cannot conceive. There is a beautiful shrine to her in Philadelphia that I recently visited, and I had a very powerful moment with her. Definitely add her to your list of Saints to pray to! I’m wearing her medal right now as I write this :-). Here is my full post on St. Rita and how she was part of my journey to my second successful pregnancy!
June 13 – St. Anthony of Padua – St. Anthony of Padua is the Patron Saint of Infertility and Barren Women- St. Anthony is often pictured holding the baby Jesus and has gained a reputation for helping “sterile” women get pregnant. He is most well known as the Patron Saint of Lost Articles. A true story- Years ago I lost my great-grandmother’s diamond necklace. It was gone for one whole week and I was crushed. I sat down and prayed to St. Anthony for about thirty minutes. I imagined him bringing it to me and setting it in my hands. I opened my eyes, and looked around. It was on the floor next to the chair I was sitting in, arranged in a perfect necklace form as if it was in a jewelry box. I am not kidding! Read my full post on St. Anthony of Padua Patron Saint Against Infertility.
July 20 – St. Margaret of Antioch – Saint Margaret of Antioch is the Patron Saint of Pregnant Women and Childbirth, and she is often prayed to by couples trying to conceive.
July 26- St. Anne and St. Joachim– St. Anne and Joachim are the Patron Saints of Barren Couples. They were Mary’s parents, and the grandparents of Jesus. They struggled with infertility and were scorned by others for being barren. Joachim went to the wilderness for a forty day fast and Anne prayed under a laurel tree. An angel visits both of them, and they meet outside the city gates where they embrace. Some stories say that St. Anne (Ann, Anna, Ana), was in her 80s when she gave birth to Mary. I prayed to St. Anne for my miracle baby, and have always felt strongly connected to her (of course, she is my name saint!). Read my full post on them here.
August 11- St. Philomena– St. Philomena is the Patron Saint of Hopeless Causes, including Sterility. She died at age 13 and so is also considered a patron saint of babies and children. She is known for healing illnesses and wounds overnight.
August 31- St. Raymond Nonnatus– St. Raymond Nonnatus is the Patron Saint of Trying to Conceive and of C-Sections. This Saint came into the world by an urgent medieval period c-section. For hundreds of years women have prayed to him for help in conceiving. Apparently the current Pope recommends him for couples struggling to conceive (see in comments below)!
October 16- St. Gerard Majella– St. Gerard Majella is the Patron Saint of Fertility and Pregnancy, and was the first Saint my Catholic relatives told me to pray to! My grandmother had 7 children and she always had a prayer card to St. Gerard lying around!
October 28- St. Jude– St. Jude is the Patron Saint of Lost Causes. Although not a typical fertility saint, I think that as the Patron Saint of Lost Causes he belongs in this list for those of us who have been told by the doctors that we are “lost causes.”
November 5- St. Elizabeth– St. Elizabeth is the Patron Saint of Barren Women. She was barren for most of her life. The Angel Gabriel came to her husband Zachariah and promised him a son. She was the mother of John the Baptist. You might remember the Gospel story when the child John leaps in her womb when she embraces Mary who is pregnant with Jesus.
November 23- St. Felicitas of Rome– St. Felicitas of Rome is the Patron Saint of Sterility, Mothers of Sons, and Mothers who have lost children. She had seven sons, who became martyrs. In the Eastern Orthodox church her feast day is January 25.
November 30 – St. Andrew– Saint Andrew isn’t known specifically as a patron saint of fertility, but he has a special special chaplet that you can pray from November 30th until Christmas Eve to ask for his assistance in conceiving! Many of my blog readers have reported that they got pregnant after praying with the St. Andrew Christmas Novena.
December 6- St. Nicholas– St. Nicholas is the Patron Saint of Infertile Men and of Children. St. Nick is sometimes known for bringing presents and leaving them in the shoes of children on December 6th (or the eve, December 5th). You might have heard him mentioned in songs about Santa Claus. Pray that he leaves some strong sperm for your husband! Read my full post on St. Nick here!
December 9 – St. Hannah– St. Hannah is the Patron Saint of Childless Wives and Infertile Women. Hannah’s story is in the Book of Samuel, and she is infertile. She prays, and her prayers are answered- she gives birth to Samuel. She then goes on to have three more sons and two daughters.
December 10 – St. Eulalia– St. Eulalia is the Patron Saint against Miscarriage. I can’t find anything more on her story in relation to miscarriage or fertility other than this. I’ll update if I find anything!
Additional Saints and Angels that people pray to for a baby, but are not primarily focused on fertility
Our Lady of Guadalupe– Our Lady is of course St. Mary, mother of Jesus. People pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe to get pregnant because she is such a special helper of pregnant women and protectress of the unborn.
San Padre Pio– Known as a miraculous healer, St. Padre Pio can be prayed to for healing problems that might be affecting infertility.
Archangel Gabriel– Gabriel was the angel who appeared to May to ask if she would be the mother of God. Many women pray to him to ask for pregnancy.
Saint Perpetua– A martyr killed days after giving birth in prison, she is considered a patron saint of expectant mothers, but is often prayed to by women seeking pregnancy.
Am I missing any? Please let me know! Feel free to leave your prayers to the Saints in the comments!
Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!
I wld Like to know a Saint that is for unborn Babies in distress and to Turn illness around for complete Healing and Health for The Unbirn, In Jesus Name for We need a Miracle, My Son and Daughter IN Law, second Baby has Cystic Hygroma with Hydrops, We NEED A MIRACLE IN JESUS NAME, HELP ME FIND A SAINT, AS WE PAID TO SAINT GERALDO for My First 3 Grandchildren fm 2 Sons, This Little Angel is having Medical Problems, They waited 5 Years for Him, So Sad, I DO BELEIVE IT IS ALL IN GOD’S HANDS! THANK YOU, NATALEE
Please pray to St. Gianna Boretta Molla and read all about her. You can read about her on my website, and then follow the link to her shrine, where you can type your prayer submissions and the members of her Society will pray for you. They print the prayer submissions and put them right at the feet of her statue in the shrine. I will pray for your little grandbaby now!
St. Gianna, mentioned above, is a good one. My daughter did a research project on her about two years ago. One of the miracles that helped her become a saint was the nun’s in a small rural jungle clinic asked for her intersession when a woman came in with low embryonic fluid and mother and child where not likely to survive. They had no means to get them to the city hospital until morning. When the expected mother got to the hospital everything was fine and she delivered a healthy baby
Pray to St Philomena known to heal illnesses and wounds overnight. Also. Ask intercession of Mother Mary, Jesus never refuses her. Finally pray to Archangel Raphael, the medicine of God.
I am so similar to you. We have been trying ten years this October. We visited st Anne shrine in Scranton pa 3 times on her feast day after my priest said to pray to her. As you know, she is the mother of the blessed mother and conceived her at a late age. We have also been to St. Gerard shrine three times in Newark New Jersey on his feast day, 10/16 which is also our anniversary. We say his prayer every night together.
We went to Saint Gianna shrine in phila after I had surgery to open my fallopian tube’s. My doctor prayed the st Gianna prayer over me prior to surgery. We went to Saint jude shrine in Baltimore. We went to Saint Padre Pio shrine in Barto Pennsylvania.
We went to Saint Rita’s in Philadelphia after I had an Iui. I have faith it will happen for us but we have waited so long, it is very painful.
Oh Sherry!
Thank you for your comment! I didn’t know of those other shrines in NJ and PA, I will be sure to visit them! I truly believe that St. Anne and St. Gerard helped me conceive my first miracle, and I believe that St. GIanna and St. Rita are working miracles for me right now. Your faith is so strong. What a blessing that your doctor prayed the prayer over you prior to surgery. 10 years is a very long time to wait on your miracle. Your faith is strong. I am praying for your right now! Please come back and leave a comment if you visit any other shrines, so that I might know where they are!
– Anna
To add, I have icons and statues and prayer cards with all of them all over my house. I pray unceasingly every day. I know it is meant for us but 10 years is a long time to feel so empty.
Hi thanks so much for all Ur work. Am from Nigeria and seeing everything u at doing, I truly appreciate.
May the lord answer us all.
I have suffered two miscarriages my self but praying and hoping on the lord to make a way.
Suzan- I am praying for you to find your miracle!!! – Anna
Thanks Anna
Thank you for sharing this post. I cried as I prayed to each of them. St. Margaret of Antioch and St. Agnes are also infertility saints, as is Sarah, Abraham’s wife. She is the original story of infertility in the Bible.
Thank you Lucy!! I am so glad you felt a powerful connection as you prayed!! I will add in St. Margaret and St. Agnes after I research them- I didn’t know about them, thank you! It’s funny I know about Sarah, but I forget that she is a Saint. I will add in her as well! Blessings!
I prayed to St Margaret for my daughter and myself. I was in danger of uterine rupture my entire pregnancy and my daughter’s kidneys were not functioning in utero. I received her prayer card in my 8th month and carried her full term and she was born with 2 healthy kidneys. Thank God!
What a beautiful miracle, thank you for sharing! I will have to add St. Margaret to the list!!!
I really like this list so much! Thank you I really needed this! (Side note, try not to say “pray to” a saint because that may confuse non catholics into thinking that we pray to saints, which is strictly forbidden in the Church. Say “pray with” instead. (: )
Hi Sabrina! I’m glad you enjoyed the list! It’s funny, I thought I had put a note in the post about how we are praying for them to intercede on our behalf TO GOD, as they are closer to God than we are. But, I guess I hadn’t. I put in a note clarifying that we aren’t asking the Saints to perform the miracle- we are asking them to ask God for us to perform a miracle. It’s hard for me to give up the word “to” because I’m saying “Please, St. Anne, intercede on my behalf and beseech the Lord our God to grant me . .. .etc.” So while I’m technically praying with her, it feels like I’m praying to her for intercession. While still beleiving it is God that performs the miracle. Does this seem sufficient to you, and like it adheres to correct Catholic doctrine?
I understand your meaning. It would be more correct to say that we pray *with* saints, asking them to seek intercession from God and Jesus on our behalf. Also, I feel that it is limiting your openness to the fullness of divine assistance you may receive to pray only for the thing you desire, far better to also pray for wisdom, understanding, knowledge, faith, etc…all the gifts of the Spirit, to help you be the bearer of God’s beloved miracle of creation however that may come for you, if it be according to God’s will and your ultimate salvation and the salvation of others.
Hi Ann, thanks so much. Your list of saints is so inspiring. I’ll keep praying to God and asking for intercession from the holy saints of fertility so I can also carry my own miracle baby in Jesus mighty name
Hi Anna thanks for this wonderful list of saints to pray through! We had a miscarriage 4 months ago and on the 4 month anniversary which is also my deceased grandmothers birthday(who i was very close with) I got a positive pregnancy test. They had me get a blood test and my HCG is only at 8. It’s possible that it is normal because of how early it is but I’m also trying to find some peace with the fact that we may experience another loss. I go back in two days to get my blood drawn again and pray in the meantime that the levels rise. I have a very special connection with St. Giana with her being my confirmation saint and St. Anne being my namesake (middle name). If you could remember me in your prayers the next couple days I would be extremely grateful. Thank you!
Sarah Anne,
I am sorry for your loss four months ago, and I feel your hope and nervousness with this new pregnancy! It is so hard in those early days! I will pray for you, and St. Gianna and St. Anne are perfect for you to pray to as well. Be well, and baby dust!!
Hi Anna,
Thanks so much for this list and for the positive vibes you’re emitting! You’re message gave me comfort…knowing that there are women out there with the same goal as me and we’re all rooting for each other. I can’t remember the last time I prayed this hard. After finishing my rosary tonight, I decided to google search for saints of fertility and that’s how I came across your writing. My husband and I got married this past March and we have been trying to conceive since September. I know it hasn’t been too long but I’m 38 with somewhat irregular periods and found out last year that I have a small fibroid. All these factors affected my hope and I cried when I got my period a few days ago. I’m focusing on my faith and prayers now and would greatly appreciate your prayer for us. I visited Saint Anne Basilica in Quebec a few years back and it was magnificent, so perhaps I will pick her to pray with me for now. Do you have a specific prayer that you recommend for St. Anne? Saint Martha is my saint name. Do you have any information on Saint Martha? Which saint(s) is(are) best for me to ask to pray with me? Thanks again and I hope to hear from you! God bless you and all the women on here! I pray that God will bless all of us with happy and healthy children. I’ll end with Luke: seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive.
What a nice message :-). I am praying for you, and wish you many blessings on your journey to your baby!! I love St. Anne, but I haven’t written a post or a specific prayer to her yet. I prayed a novena to her when trying to conceive my son, and now just openly pray to her (no set prayer). It is on my agenda to write one though! I don’t have information on St. Martha, but if you feel close to her definitely pray to her!
It sounds like you have just started trying recently so hopefully you will get pregnant quickly and easily. For people who feel like their fertility situation is a “lost cause” I strongly suggest praying to St. Rita of Cascia. She helps make the impossible possible. But for you St. Anne and St. Martha might be just the ticket :-). And our Holy Mother of course.
Be well, and be fruitful! Baby dust!
Hi Anna,
Thank you so much for this list! I’m not Catholic, (raised Baptist) but I’ve always thought Catholicism was so interesting, the dedication to traditions &… Ceremony is just amazing to me!
I’ve been struggling with infertility for 10+ years. Throughout that time I’ve had a lot of sappy nights searching the internet & praying for a family of my own. Tonight was one of those nights & somehow it came to me to Google Saints to pray to for help, strength, family. I came upon this page & am so grateful I did. As I said I’m not Catholic & didn’t know you don’t actually pray TO Saints, but I’ve taken notes & names of the various Saints & I so pray they can help! Thank you so much again- Jenni
Thank you so much for this beautiful post. We are struggling with male factor infertility, but I feel connected to Saints Felicity and Perpetua, who are martyrs killed days after giving birth in prison. They are considered patron saints of expectant mothers. This list is a big inspiration to me, thank you.
Cassandra! Wow! I didn’t know about Felicity and Perpetua :-). If I ever do a list for expectant mothers, I’ll be sure to add them! Definitely pray to whomever you feel most connected!! Be well and baby dust!!
St. Padre Pio is known for being a healer. He can be prayed to for healing the problems that might be affecting fertility. Also the Angel Gabriel came to Mary to ask if she would be the mother of God. Both of these saints can be prayed to for intercession. I am currently saying a novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for my daughter, Meryl. May the Lord anoint you in this ministry and thank you in advance for prayers.
Thank you Liz!! These is good information!! I will say a prayer for your daughter Meryl right now!
Thanks Anna for creating this list. I didn’t know there were so many Saints we could turn to for help. Is there a specific way of praying that you find most helpful?
For my honeymoon, I was lucky enough to meet the Pope and ask for his Blessing. I knew it would be hard to start a family because I have PCOS. He told me to pray to Saint Raymond. It’s been 2 years, and I don’t think I am doing it right.
I usually just pray to God but, I am ready to start begging and pleading.
As jus as u heard st rita speaking to u i also want someone to speak to me. Now am looking for my second child. Feel so guilty for we terminated a baby foetus thinking it was too early to go for the second issue. Could u pls reply me
I am praying for you!
I prayed to St. Rita, St. Theresa of Calcultta and the Virgin Mary after my two miscarriages. Once I got pregnant again I prayed to this trifecta and I have the most amazing and beautiful little boy, he is one. I feel that Rita was especially important in this. Just ordered a new St. Rita medal since we are trying for our second and haven’t been successful yet. Hoping she will come through for us again but I love this list, thank you 💕 I’m thinking we might need to take a trip to Philly soon…
Meghan- Blessings to you! So glad to hear your testimonial and I hope you have success again soon!!
I feel like the Holy Spirit lead me to this site today. My husband and I have been on this journey of infertility for 4 years now. My husband was diagnosed with Kilenfelters syndrome which is a genetic mutation causing testicular dysfunction. Basically my husband is sterile. It’s been so hard to deal with accepting what doctors have been telling us. Basically are chances to conceive naturally is 1%. We can do IVF or sperm donor. We are staying true to our Catholic Faith and believing in a miracle of God’s grace we will become parents one day! Reading this blog today I realized all these saints have been surrounding me and my husband and I have not really been paying attention to them. As I’m writing this tears of JOY are falling down my face!! My heart has been telling me Don’t worry everything will be ok. Everything will be ok, God’s will is always better than our own! Thank you for sharing and helping all of us on this journey!
Gina, I’m so glad you found this post and remembered that Saints are with you! I pray that your miracle and am sending you hugs and baby dust!!
Hi Anna! Just an observation, I read a few sources that says the feast day of St. Gerard was Oct. 16. It says on your list it’s Sept. 29?
Yikes, thank you for the catch! I wonder how I made that mistake! Just fixed in the post!
Hey Anna,
Our Lady of Guadalupe comes to mind as the helper of pregnant women and protectores of the unborn :):)
Oh good thinking!! Thank you!
I didn’t see you mention Felicitas of Rome (more commonly called St. Felicity). There are two saints named Felicitas. The first is from Carthage and is associated with St. Perpetua, both of whom are patrons of mothers and expectant mothers. Felicitas of Rome is patron of sterility, mothers of sons and mothers who have lost children. There is a Felicity cross, although I’m not sure to which Felicity it belongs. Both Feliticies were a blessing to me.
I had no idea!! Thank you, I will research St. Felicitas of Rome and add her!
We visited the San Francisco de Asís Church, Monastery and Catacombs in Cusco, Peru on our honeymoon. We didn’t know but there was a shrine inside and our guide said it was in honor of a fertility saint, and that if we wished my wife could write out a prayer and leave it there with the others. Any chance you might know the name of this saint? We would like to mention this experience in her upcoming dedication ceremony. There is a photo on Trip Advisor which is captioned nuestra Sra. de la Oh – la Virgencita de la fertilidad. Google searches for this phrase return only spanish pages. Thanks for any help you might be able to provide.
How fascinating!! I have no idea, but clearly I need to travel to Cusco!! It’s on my list anyway!!! 🙂 Blessings to you!
Check out St. Cunegunda. She’s a German saint invoked in pregnancy.
Thank you!!!
You forgot St. Anne of Line.
I didn’t realize St. Anne of Line was related to fertility!! Thanks!
Hi, I’m a 28-year old male who suffered from an untreated bacterial infection that led to IC and then Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome. I wanted to get married and have a large family like my parents but am concerned that I won’t be able to because men with Chronic Pelvic Pain usually become infertile. Currently, non of the medical proffesionals can fix the quality of the sperm that are affected by the inflammation from the infection. I’ve felt very sadned and traumatized just knowing that it impacts my dream to have a family. Although I’m not currently in a relationship with anyone I was hoping to start a relationship in a few years and progress from there but am uncertain if I’ll be able to move forward with this illness. Please inform me of any saints for male infertility that I could pray to for help in conceiving a child. I’m holding on to hope that somehow the medical community or some miraculous cure will make conception possible. Please also pray that the saints preserve my fertility if it is only immpaired and not fully affected by the illness in become infertile.
Yours in Christ,
Pray with your namesake, St. Joseph, and St. Nicholas!
I need a saint who you recommend to pray to. I have had two miscarriages 3 months apart. The doctors won’t run any test to see what is causing them since I haven’t had three miscarriages we have since started trying again but no luck so far
Thank you
Leah, I am sorry for your losses! Those docs drive me crazy. Pray to St. Catherine of Sweden, for sure!!!! https://www.tomakeamommy.com/praying-to-st-catherine-of-sweden-for-healing-and-protection-from-miscarriage/ xo,
My sister needs prayers. She recently was told she would not be able to have another child and desperately wants to give her daughter a sibling. While she was pregnant with her daughter she had a cancer scare and wasn’t able to get definate results until after the baby turned a year. Gratefully she didn’t have cancer. But after all that stress now she would like to give her daughter a sibling and has just been told she can’t have another child after everything she already went through. She is crushed and blames herself. Please pray she gets pregnant again.
Praying for your sister my dear!!
I’m 28, just underwent fibroid surgery and HSG, my doctor said I have one tube, but I know God’s plans for me is not the plans of man. still in my recovery process after surgery, I’m praying for successful conception as soon as we start trying again. I will start praying to St. Ann for intercession, thanks for this post.
You are welcome Felicia, and I am praying for you too my dear!!!!
I have been praying for my daughter and son-in-law that God will bless them with a positive and healthy pregnancy. They have been trying over 4 years with 2 failed IVF treatments. She will be having a fibroid tumor removed soon and hopefully this will result in a positive pregnancy soon. Thank you for the list of saints that I will include in my daily prayers.
You are so welcome Carol!! I am praying for your daughter and son-in-law!
One saint I think not mentioned that I personally think worth noting for help is St. Expeditus. My husband and I decided to start our family after getting our home ready, and within 3 months I was expecting. We hardly even tried. To be honest, I did not have any fertility concerns, was in my early 30s, and was reassured by my OB that being in good health things might happen quickly. So, there is that. But, even with all this riding for me, it’s easy to feel jittery when so many of your friends and co-workers for years were having trouble having kids.
Still, prior to deciding to start, I prayed to St. Expeditus in dedication for a month for help in becoming pregnant quickly and just to express my feelings and fears. As mentioned, our baby boy was conceived quick and born quick! He is about 3 months old now.
Please, consider this saint when praying, and if your prayers are answered, thank him with some nice offers of pound cake, rose, or red wine 🙂
Thank you for this! I will have to do some research on St. Expeditus!!!
I am extremely grateful to have found you! I have recently experienced a miscarriage, 25 days ago, with our first. I am devastated and am in a dark spot. I ask for prayer lots of prayer as I feel my faith is being tested. I know God has a plan for me, for us, its just a little difficult to comprehend right now. I am unsure as to where to go from here …that is until i was looking for prayer and found you. God Bless you!
Sandy, I am so sorry for your loss, but so glad you found my blog. Blessings to you on your journey!
Thank you for your post and all the beautiful responses below. I was looking for a saint to intercede and comfort my sister-in-law, whom just learned she miscarried at 5 months, when I came across your post. My husband and I have been trying for over 5 years with no success and struggle with this cross often. Reading your post and the responses feels heaven sent. We’ve prayed for the intercession of many saints over the years but are always looking for more to add to our list.
Thank you for sharing with all of us out there in the world. God bless!
Which saint would be best to go to for a blocked tube and fibroids as well as trying to conceive and having a healthy pregnancy
Read through the whole list and pick which one speaks to you!! Maybe St. Rita?
Hi, my husband has fertility issue. Doctors said he has non obstructive azoospermia and he got TESE surgery with no result. Which saint would be best for male infertility factors? I am still expecting we could have children of our own naturally.
Thank you.
St Raphael Guízar y Valencia. A Mexican bishop my priest told me about when I asked him for prayers. He told me this saint’s intercession helped a woman WITHOUT A UTERUS have a successful pregnancy.
“In one instance a woman named Cirana Rivera who was infertile due to a hereditary medical condition gave birth to a healthy boy after praying to the bishop. The other medical miracle also involved the birth of a baby. Valentina Santiago was told by her doctor that her baby would be born with severe birth defects as evidenced by various ultrasound images. During her pregnancy Valentina went to the Xalapa cathedral daily and prayed to Rafael Guízar, and the baby was born without the defects as seen in the many ultrasounds.”
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How can a website that promotes Catholic teaching also promote IVF, which Catholic teaching condemns as gravely offensive to God?
AM, for the record I don’t promote IVF. But I also don’t judge those who choose that path. God has clearly set my path before me and it is not one of hate, judgement, or inflicting guilt on others. I aim to make this site have information that can help anyone be happier, healthier, and more fertile, naturally, no matter what route their baby journey is taking. Xo, Anna
I am a mom of 4, 1 son 3 daughters and also a step son. My husband and I have been trying to convince for a year now . I had a tubal reversal and all test show normal but for what ever reason it’s not happening. I have had a massage last month that the lady said my uterus and vagina had moved and dropped she was a holistic type person who then prayed with holy oil and moved everything in its place we then prayed for our miracle. I am a very spiritual person growing up in the Catholic religion my dad always prayed and we had saints around the house and candles. Please help me to know what saints I should be praying for their help for our miracle baby please .
Pray to St Philomena known to heal illnesses and wounds overnight. Also. Ask intercession of Mother Mary, Jesus never refuses her. Finally pray to Archangel Raphael, the medicine of God.
Hello I am a mother to 3 beautiful baby girls whom I adore but I want to conceive a baby boy. Please help me to know what Saint I should be praying to
Hi Anna!,
I haven’t posted in awhile, but did you post about Our Lady of La Leche?? I was told about how our Blessed Mother’s milk had spilled on a rock where Jesus was born (or was an Infant)(?), and that infertile couples trying to conceive have received a miracle child after either adoring this (dried milk relic), or just asking to Our Lady of Leche to intercede for them!
Thank you for posting this article. I am doing a Novena to St Helena from another website right now and I wondered if she was also for fertility.. I added St Philomena, as her Feast Day is coming up. Many of the Saints you mentioned helped us to conceive our miracle babies (one on Earth and one now in Heaven). They are St Philomena, St Andrew, St Padre Pio, and most likely St Gianna…Now we’re praying for another miracle baby, either birth or adoption..
Hi Kathryn! Praying with you! I haven’t posted about Our Lady of La Leche, what a great addition! Thank you!
This is a very well thought out post. Very engaging and a great read.
Hi I want to see what saint I want to pray to. I am 46 years old. I was told my fsh is to high that last time it was checked it was 83. I was told my remaining eggs is less than 0.08 what ever that means. I do get hot flashes. I still bleed a little. I was told I am going through menopause. I want to try to have a baby. I believe in prayer and miracles. It only takes one egg hopefully there is still a chance.