Using affirmations can be a powerful way of inviting a baby into your life. I believe that the more specific the affirmation is, the more helpful it is. One of the many things I did to help myself overcome infertility and get pregnancy successfully twice was to use affirmations.
There are many ways to use affirmations. You can:
- Write one and put it up on your mirror so you see it every day.
- Pick one and say it out loud over and over for five minutes each day.
- Read through all of them out loud each day.
- Pick one to be your mantra during a yoga or meditation practice.
- Write them in your journal when you wake up and before you go to sleep.
- Listen to the recordings of them, you’ll find the videos throughout this post that you can listen to over and over again, and you’ll find the videos on my YouTube Channel!
This post includes 85 fertility affirmations that I have written to help myself on my journey- and I hope they help you! The first group are affirmations for general health, happiness, and fertility. These can be used anytime for anyone, no matter what path towards conception you are taking.
The next sections are affirmations grouped by cycle phase. There are affirmations for Menstruation, the Follicular Phase, Ovulation, and the Luteal Phase. All of these are appropriate for natural conception (i.e., plain old baby dancing/having sex!), and many of them are appropriate for different stages of an IUI or IVF cycle as well. If you need help tracking your menstrual cycle, see my post on the best fertility tracking devices and ovulation monitors.
One day I hope to turn all of these into printables that you could either buy as a card deck or download and print in a card size. I also have big plans to record these so you can listen to them! But for now, I wanted to go ahead and share the list with you so you can use them as you see fit.
A word of warning: positive affirmations do not work for everyone. AND, if you are struggling with infertility and accompanying anxiety or depression, please do not use these affirmations without an associated self-care fertility mind-body practice. Don’t just say an affirmation in the morning, feel miserable all night, and say an affirmation in the evening and think you are changing things!
You might be familiar with the bible phrase, “Faith Without Works is Dead” (summarized from James 2:14-26). This is the same with affirmations.
You can’t just say “My ovaries are energized and fully nourished,” unless you are actually eating a robust fertility diet that nourishes your ovaries!
Similarly, if you say, “Oxygen, energy, and blood easily circulate through my body and nourish my ovaries, follicles, and my womb,” you’ll know its true if you are doing things like acupuncture, fertility yoga (this is the DVD I use), and Mayan Abdominal Massage, that actually do circulate oxygen, energy, and blood to your reproductive organs.
Not sure where to start? Check out my guide on how I overcame infertility or download my list of 79 Things I did to get Happy, Healthy, and Pregnant. It’s a three prong approach for me- reducing exposure to toxic chemicals; nourishing my body with an organic, whole-foods fertility diet; and practicing a daily mind body routine.
See all my posts on these here:
Please enjoy these and leave a comment with your favorite affirmation! Or with your own affirmation that you have written! BABY DUST!
Table of Contents
Fertility Affirmations for Trying to Conceive
- I completely love and completely trust my body.
- I know that my body is the perfect vessel for bringing forth new life.
- My body is finding its perfect balance for health and fertility.
- My ovaries and uterus are in perfect harmony to create an easy and healthy conception.
- I am aware of a great creative power within me.
- I celebrate the phases of my cycle and embrace the special blessings each brings.
- I can see myself holding my baby.
- I am completely safe.
- I am loved for exactly who I am.
- My menstrual cycle is finding a perfect, regular, balance.
- I am dedicated to healthy life choices for fertility.
- I am energetic, alert, and feel fully alive.
- The universe is conspiring with me to bring forth new life from my womb.
- I give thanks everyday for my many blessings.
- I am in tune with my personal wisdom and guide my own path.
- I know I will be an amazing mother.
- I am healthy, happy, and fertile.
- My partner and I easily manage our challenges together.
- My body was made to conceive and carry a healthy baby with ease.
- I welcome new beginnings and new life.
- I am happy, confident, and at ease with myself.
- I love and care for myself.
- I nourish my body with clean, whole foods.
- Everyday I am becoming healthier, happier, and more fertile.
- I am ready to be a mother.
- I am surrounded by healing and love.
Fertility Affirmations for the Menstruation Phase- Week 1 of your cycle
- My womb functions perfectly and knows exactly what is doing.
- My uterine lining is released exactly as it should to prepare my womb for this new, perfect cycle.
- As I bleed, I let go of any limiting fears or beliefs of the past cycle.
- I cycle with the moon and with all the fertile women of the world.
- My body is perfectly synchronized to the moon, the ocean, and the patterns of fertility.
- My body is already preparing the perfect nutrients and healthy blood for a new uterine lining.
- I trust my body to know exactly what I and it need.
- I listen to my body’s needs, and rest when appropriate.
- My womb is preparing to be a perfect vessel for my baby.
- I eat right to nourish my body and replenish my energy stores.
- I am spiritually active and powerful.
- I allow myself plenty of sleep while my body begins this perfect cycle.
- My body cleanses itself and prepares for conception by the easy shedding of my uterine lining.
- I nourish myself perfectly to prepare for this perfect cycle.
Fertility Affirmations for the Follicular Phase- Week 2 of your cycle
- My hypothalamus and pituitary gland produce the perfect amount of hormones which are transmitted to my ovaries with ease.
- My ovaries are healthy, pink, and warm.
- My eggs are plentiful and healthy.
- My follicles are surrounded by the bright, healthy light of growth and mature easily.
- My ovaries work perfectly.
- My ovaries are energized and fully nourished.
- My body is in a state of harmony while a perfect egg and beautiful egg is grown, nourished, and selected.
- My uterus is easily preparing itself for a perfect implantation.
- My uterine lining is developing into a thick soft cushion that will accept and nourish a perfect fertilized egg.
- Warm and loving energy surrounds my ovaries and my womb.
- My body is in total balance and harmony, even at the cellular level.
- My follicles are abundant and easily grow.
- My beautiful, healthy ovaries are developing plenty of beautiful, healthy follicles.
- My body is selecting the healthiest and strongest follicle to become a perfect egg.
- I know that my body understands how to grow the very best egg this cycle.
- Oxygen, energy, and blood easily circulate through my body and nourish my ovaries, my follicles, and my womb.
Fertility Affirmations for the Ovulatory Phase- Week 3 of Your Cycle
- One beautiful, perfect follicle emerges as the largest and strongest as it receives perfect amounts of energy from my body.
- My ovaries are fully nourished, healthy, pink, and work perfectly.
- My body has selected the healthiest and strongest follicle to become a perfect egg.
- A gorgeous, plump, pink egg is ready to be released.
- A perfect egg is being released by my ovary.
- I ovulate at the perfect time in my cycle.
- A healthy, mature egg has been released from my ovary and is easily making its way down my fallopian tube.
- My strongest follicle releases a perfect, energized egg.
- I enjoy making love and creating life.
- My perfect egg easily meets a my partner’s perfect sperm.
- I see a plump, pink, perfect egg meeting a strong, healthy, energetic sperm in my perfect fallopian tubes.
- The perfect sperm easily fertilizes my perfect egg.
- Life is beginning inside of me.
- I know I am experiencing the miracle of life right now in my body.
Fertility Affirmations for the Luteal Phase- Week 4 of your Cycle
- My fallopian tubes are wide cushioned tunnels that are warm, welcoming, and completely free of blockages.
- My fallopian tubes are easily passable and are operating perfectly.
- My perfectly fertilized egg easily and happily travels through my healthy and open fallopian tube towards my uterus.
- My follicle easily turns into a corpus luteum and releases the perfect amount of progesterone to support implantation.
- My uterine lining is perfect, warm, nourishing, and welcoming.
- The lining of my uterus is a perfect cushioned thickness to prepare to welcome the fertilized egg.
- A perfect fertilized egg easily snuggles into my womb and becomes a happy embryo.
- My uterus is a lush, warm, jungle of nourishment for my perfect embryo.
- I send warmth and love to my uterus as I see my embryo snuggling into my perfect lining.
- My womb receives the perfect amount of blood, oxygen, and energy from my body.
- My body produces the perfect amount of progesterone.
- My embryo is welcome in my warm and nourishing womb.
- I know my miracle is growing within me.
- I trust my body to fully nourish the life growing within me.

Want to get pregnant fast?
Love lists? Me too. Grab my 79 Things I did to transform my life and get pregnant in less than 3 months after 2 years of infertility and miscarriages! Totally free!
Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!
I love these affirmations, and I plan to utilize these throughout my journey!
I’m so glad 🙂 Baby dust!
This really blessed me. Thank you and God bless you.
I love them too. Thank you so much for sharing this. I use them all the time.
I go for my transfer this morning and these affirmations will be my strength and reminder of the perfect baby I am about to carry. Thank you ❤️
God bless you and I hope that transfer was your miracle!
Hey these affirmations just bring out so much positivity..!! Thank you so much..!!
I’m so glad my dear! You are welcome!!
I’m 27, with one child. And now I’m having trouble concieving due to fibroids. These affirmation came right on time.
I’m so glad my dear!!! Baby dust to you!
Since I found these affirmations I have been saying them daily! Thank you so much ❤
You are so welcome Jasmine! Baby dust!
Hello! I enjoyed your beautiful and soothing affirmations. I have a grown child, but we’ve always wanted another, and i doctors dont reallly want to help is, so i decide to reearch natural remedies as the red raspberry leaf you had mention. I will definitely try to add these to my tea. Thank you again. If it hapoened for you, it can happen for all us who are struggling. We need to follow a regular routine to ensure our is getting the right amount of nourishment and we need to be positive as we go on this journey of creating life within our womb. Take care and blessings.
Thanks for such positivity. So need it right now. Please keep me in your prayers for a successful and perfect pregnancy 💟
I’m so glad I stumbled on these affirmations!! I am 34, with a soon to be 15 yr old. (I know I started early) but now here I am wanting, craving praying for a second child. And everyone says I’m crazy. It’s too late. I’m too old! But I know that I’ll be blessed with a beautiful healthy baby soon and stumbling across these affirmations make me hopeful and give me such positive vibes! (I’m getting emotional while typing this. Lol ) Thank you dearly.
I’m becoming healthier and healthier as I make all these changes! The one question I wanted to ask- is I actually ovulate twice a month but haven’t been able to conceive. With the affirmations for the Follicular phase, and ovulation phase- do I combine the affirmations for Phase 2 and 4- or phase 2, 3 and 4 at the same time? I only menstruate once a month for some reason BUT I ovulate twice a month!
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