Infertiltiy and delays in getting pregnant are an increasing problem. It can be heartbreaking to try to conceive month after month and fail. Prayer was a very important part of my fertility journey, and I’ve gathered the most effective and reassuring prayers used by Catholics to improve their fertility and chances of having a baby! Check out these many options for a fertility prayer for Catholics here.
Table of Contents
Catholic Fertility Prayers for Pregnancy
Whether you have just started trying to conceive or you are 1 in 5 couples who are struggling with infertility, you may turn to prayer to help you get pregnant, or be comforted during the wait. When you desperately want a baby with all your heart, fertility prayers are an excellent way to connect with God, and to verbalize exactly what it is you are looking for.
When I was trying to conceive I wondered, “Is there a fertility prayer for Catholics?” It turned out there several prayers specifically for getting pregnant (most famous is the prayer to St. Gerard, which you will find below!). But there are also several prayers that are for healing or for specific intentions that can be used as a fertility prayer.
You can use any of these fertility prayers I have shared in this post, but remember you can also just talk to God and ask for what is in your heart! Praying was a large part of the mind-body work I did when trying to conceive.
When I was struggling with miscarriage and infertility praying with the Patron Saints of Infertility, Trying to Conceive, and Miscarriage was a big part of my fertility journey. I hope you find some solace and company in the saints, and in their fertility prayers for Catholics that I’ve shared below.
Do You Have to Be Catholic To Prayer These Fertiltiy Prayers?
Of course not! I know that people are looking for a fertility prayer for Catholics, so I wrote this post to help them find several Catholic prayers for trying to conceive. I thought it would be helpful to have them all in one blog post, so you could pull it up time and time again to pray.
But CERTAINLY non-Catholics are welcome to pray these prayers. What makes these fertility prayers “for Catholics” is that they mention Mary or the Saints, which are generally used in prayers for Catholics or Orthodox Christians.
Infertility in the Bible
There are so many stories of God helping women overcome infertility in the Bible. The stories of Elizabeth and Zechariah, the parents of John the Baptist; of Sarah and Abraham who went on to have descendants as “numerous as the stars”; and of course the story of Hannah, in the book of Samuel.
The story of Anne and Joachim, the parents of Mary, is one of my personal favorites and you can read more about it in my post dedicated to them!
Read now- St. Anne & St. Joachim, Patron Saints of Infertility
My Catholic Fertility Prayer Journey
Sometimes in life you learn or experience something so wonderful, so joyful, or so miraculous, that you have to share it. You simply cannot rest until you have spoken it, sung it, written it, or in some way transmitted this knowledge or joy to others.
One of the greatest blessings of my infertility journey, and there were MANY blessings, was how it brought me closer to God, Mother Mary, and a host of saints. I also learned HOW to pray, and how to call out to God for exactly what I wanted.
While trying to conceive my son, and later my daughter, I spent hours researching patron saints of fertility. I also learned about saints who were patrons of preventing miscarriage- something I had experienced all too much of.
I started praying fervently with St. Anne, my name-saint and the grandmother of Jesus. She herself experienced infertility, so I know that she understood how I felt. After my first miscarriage, I gave permission to my mother to ask the women of the family to pray for us, and several great-aunties sent me prayer cards for St. Gerard, and thus I started praying with him.
Later I came to St. Rita, and St. Gianna, both of whom I felt very close to (if you read any other blog post on this website, read about St. Rita!). I visited their shrines and felt their loving presence and heard their voices comforting me.
After one heartbreaking early loss I prayed with St. Therese of Liseux, the name saint I had chosen at my confirmation. Later that day my car was flooded with the beautiful scent of roses, and I knew this was a sign from St. Therese that everything would be okay . . . . eventually!
And of course, I had to learn how to call out to Mother Mary. She is always waiting to hear our calls, and responds immediately. Sometimes it is as easy as saying, “Mother Mary, show me a sign you are with me,” and then seeing a special flower, animal, or other comforting sign. Sometimes it is as easy as praying, “Mother Mary, please release me from this anxiety,” and then feeling the anxiety leaving your body.
Praying the rosary is an amazing blessing. If you can make time for a whole rosary in one day, what a blessing that will be to you. If you can do just one decade of the rosary, do that. If you can just say a single Hail Mary each day, do that. Mother Mary is waiting for your prayers.
With all of these blessings and experiences, how could I not share with the world?
After the birth of my son I felt called to share my story of healing from infertility and miscarriage. Every night God would whisper in my ear until I would get up out of bed and type till all hours of the morning. That is how my website was born. I hope you stay and enjoy your time here.
Some of my most popular posts are not about faith, but maybe you will be interested?
Take a peak:
- My Evidence-Based Fertility Smoothie Recipe
- Best Prenatals (for fertility or pregnancy)
- Fertility Tracking Monitors
21 Fertility Prayers for Catholics
Prayers to Mother Mary for Trying to Conceive
Fertility Prayer for Catholics Seeking to Conceive a Child
Mother of Christ, you were graced by God with the privilege of bearing our Divine Savior. You experienced the joys and challenges of being a parent. Your life was blessed with seeing Jesus grow from infancy and childhood, into his adult years of teaching a ministry. With St. Joseph, you created a home for your family to love and share together.
Please intercede before the God of all life, that (here mention names) may conceive a baby and raise healthy children, with whom they can share the Lord’s good gifts.
May their children honor them and You by lives of virtue and caring for others. May their home be holy and their family be blessed with health, happiness and abiding love. Amen.
Prayer for Motherhood to the Blessed Virgin
Most Holy Mother, hear the cries of my heart right now. Blessed Virgin, I want to be fruitful, but I have not yet been blessed with fertility. Grant me fertility over my life and end my suffering. Help make me a fruitful vine within my house; my children will be like olive shoots around my table. Mother of Mercy, I know I was not created so that I would be fruitless, but your Son created me to be effective in all that I do. I know that my season of fertility will come according to your Son’s timing. Amen.
Prayer To St. Gerard for Getting Pregnant (“St. Gerard’s Oil”)
Prayer to St. Gerard for Motherhood
O good St Gerard, powerful intercessor before God and wonder worker of our day, confidently I call upon you and seek your aid. On Earth you always fulfilled God’s designs, help me now to do the holy will of God. Implore the Master of Life, from whom all parenthood proceeds, to render me fruitful in offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this life, and in the world to come, heirs to the Kingdom of His Glory. Amen
Prayer To St. Rita to Get Pregnant
Prayer to St. Rita for Healing from Infertility & A Miracle Child
Original by Anna @
Saint Rita, you are my advocate and my protectress.
Saint Rita, you are beloved by the Lord and given special graces from heaven.
Saint Rita, you help those who are in need.
Hear my desire now to be healed of infertility.
Intercede on my behalf to the Lord that I may be blessed with perfect and miraculous fertility.
Know my deep desire to conceive and birth a healthy child who will live a long, happy, and healthy life.
Advocate for me, that heaven might hear and grant my desire to lovingly welcome a miracle child into my family.
As I wait for this intercession, help me to be patient in my suffering as you were.
Help me to be consumed with Divine Love as you were.
Help me to persevere in prayer as you did.
Through your intercession, and the love of Jesus Christ, I pray.
Prayers to St. Brigid of Kildare to Conceive a Baby
Prayer to St. Brigid for Successful Pregnancy
(original by Anna @
St. Brigid, champion of women and of babies, I ask for your intercession.
You are a healer who strengthens what is weak.
You bring harmony where there is discord.
Pray to Jesus to heal my body that I might conceive and birth a healthy child into this world.
Strengthen my soul that I may remain steadfast in my belief in my own fertility.
Bring harmony to me that my body, soul, and spirit may align to prepare for pregnancy.
Prepare my heart to welcome new life with love.
Hear my pleas, Brigid, and intercede for me to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Through Jesus Christ I pray.
Saint Brigid Hearth Keeper Prayer
Courtesy of
Brigid of the Mantle, encompass us,
Lady of the Lambs, protect us,
Keeper of the Hearth, kindle us.
Beneath your mantle, gather us,
And restore us to memory.
Mothers of our mother, Foremothers strong.
Guide our hands in yours,
Remind us how to kindle the hearth.
To keep it bright, to preserve the flame.
Your hands upon ours, Our hands within yours,
To kindle the light, Both day and night.
The Mantle of Brigid about us,
The Memory of Brigid within us,
The Protection of Brigid keeping us
From harm, from ignorance, from heartlessness.
This day and night,
From dawn till dark, From dark till dawn
Prayers to St. Anthony
An Original Petition to St. Anthony For Children
(original by Anna @
St. Anthony of miracles, through your intervention God heals the barren woman and makes her a happy mother of children. Deliver me from barrenness, and restore my lost fertility. I am confident that you will hear my prayers and intercede for me to the Lord, Our God. Heal my body. Heal my soul. Guide me to make the right choices. Help me to find my baby. I pray with certainty that my happy, healthy baby will soon be in my arms. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Praying to St. Anthony for a Special Request
Holy Saint Anthony, gentle and powerful in your help, your love for God and charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were always ready to request for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me (request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle. Even so, you are the Saint of miracles. Gentle and loving Saint Anthony, whose heart is ever full of human sympathy, take my petition to the Infant Savior for whom you have such a great love, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.
Prayer to St. Gregory the Wonder Worker
Holy Saint Gregory, confessor and priest of the Lord, I pray thee that thou wouldst intercede with our Lord God for me, that, being purified from all vice, I may please Him in all things, and that He will grant me the peace possessed by all His servants. Amen.
Prayer to St. Anne for Fertility
Most high God, my Lord, Creator and Preserver of the universe, whom my soul reveres as the true God, infinite, holy and eternal! Prostrate in thy real presence I will speak, though I am but dust and ashes proclaiming my need and my affliction. Lord God uncreated, make us worthy of thy benediction, and give us holy fruit of the womb, in order that we may offer it to thy service in the temple. Remember, O Lord, that Anne, thy servant, the mother of Samuel (Hannah), was sterile and that by thy generous mercy she received the fulfillment of her desires. I feel within me a courage which incites and animates me to ask Thee to show me the same mercy.
Hear then, O sweetest Lord and Master, my humble petition: remember the sacrifices, offerings and services of my ancestors and the favors, which thy almighty arm wrought in them. I wish to offer to Thee, O Lord, an oblation pleasing and acceptable in thy eyes: but the greatest in my power, is my soul, my faculties and inclinations given to Thee, and my whole being. If Thou look upon me from thy throne giving me issue, I will from this moment sanctify and offer it for thy service in the temple. Lord God of Israel, if it should be thy pleasure and good will to look upon this lowly and impoverished creature, and to console thy servant Joachim, grant me my prayer and may in all things be fulfilled thy holy and eternal will.
St. Anne & Joachim Fertility Prayers
Archangel Gabriel Prayers for Pregnancy
Prayer to St. Gabriel the Archangel for Conception
Beloved Archangel Gabriel, Come, and Wrap me up With your angels of white light.
I humbly ask that your luminous presence be the bearer of good news related to my next motherhood, just as it was with our beloved Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Help me with your white ray angels, that my husband and I fulfill in this life the dream of being parents and that we can conceive as soon as possible a child, the fruit of our love.
I have faith in your divine power, I believe in your kindness and I know of the quick response with which you act in response to requests for motherhood, that is why I have come to you and from now on, I thank you, because I know that my request is already having a positive answer from you.
Beloved Archangel Gabriel you will always be in our heart and in our son’s as a sign of gratitude. Amen.
Fertility Prayer with Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel, please light up my womb with God’s divine creative power to help me conceive a baby in alignment with the perfect divine timing for my soul. Divine intelligence is working God’s perfect order in my physical body and overriding any dysfunctions that are interfering with my natural ability to conceive a child. I willingly release all conscious and unconscious fears to God about becoming a parent. I now surrender all of my frustrations, heartache, lack of patience, and my desperation in my desire to conceive a child to the divine light of God to be healed and resolved in His perfect way.
Thank you. Amen. It is done!
– Angel Prayers, Joanne Brocas
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel (for healing during Infertility)
Healing Prayer to St. Raphael
St. Raphael, of the glorious seven who stand before the throne of Him who lives and reigns, Angel of health, the Lord has filled your hand with balm from heaven to soothe or cure our pains. Heal or cure the victim of disease, and guide our steps when doubtful of our ways.
Prayer to St. Jude (for Strength During Infertility)
Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, I place myself into your hands at this difficult time. Help me to know that I am not alone. Please pray for me, asking God to send me comfort for my sorrows, bravery for my fears, and healing for my suffering. Ask our loving God to strengthen my faith and give me the courage to accept His Will for my life. Thank you, St. Jude, for the hope you offer to all who believe in you. Amen.
Prayer to St. Roch (to heal infertility)
O Blessed St Roch, Patron of the sick,
have pity on those who lie upon a bed
of suffering. Your power was so great when you were in this world,
that by the sign of the Cross, many were healed of their diseases.
Now that you are in heaven, your power is no less. Offer to God our sighs and tears and obtain for us the physical and spiritual health we seek:
(Mention your request…)
This we ask through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
St Roch, Pray for us, that we may be relieved from all diseases of body and soul.
(Repeat 3 times)
Lord Jesus, may thy will be done.
Say: Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory be.
Prayer to St. Collette
St. Collette of Corbie Prayer for Pregnancy
By Anna Rapp of To Make a Mommy
Saint Colette, Miracle Child, and Daughter of the Church.
You spent your life in love and dedication to the Cross.
You were a miracle worker in life, and you are a miracle worker in heaven.
You know my desire to conceive a healthy baby and deliver them successfully that they may have a long and happy life.
Please intercede on my behalf to Jesus Christ. Please help me to conceive a miracle baby and have a blessed pregnancy and delivery.
And, with the grace of God, please be with me to grant me dedication I need to remain constant and unswerving in my faith while I wait patiently to meet my baby.
To Make a Mommy- St. Collette of Corbie
Prayers To St. Nicholas
A Prayer to St. Nicholas for a Child (at Christmastime)
Original Prayer by Anna @
Generous St. Nicholas, you are the joy of little children, and the bearer of sweet gifts.
Please grant me the grace in my heart to be childlike once more.
Grant me the happiness, wonder, and awe, to enjoy the beautiful world that God has gifted us with.
Fill my heart with faith this Advent season, and help me to trust in the journey.
As your feast day prepares us for the Christmas season, so prepare my heart and faith to be strong in my time of waiting.
I ask you, St. Nicholas, for the greatest gift. The gift of a child.
Please place my request before the throne of Jesus, so that he may hear and answer my deepest request.
Continue to intercede on by behalf until my healthy and happy child is in my arms.
Obtain for me the grace to be peaceful and joyful during my waiting.
And, this advent season, bring me in reverence to the Holy Child of Bethlehem.
Prayer to St. Philomena for Fertility
Dearest St. Philomena, your prayers are powerful because you are so close to Our Lord. Your child-like faith and devotion are an inspiration to all of the faithful. Many miracles have occurred as a result of your intercession. In your closeness to Our Lord, please lift up these my intentions in prayer…
(state your intentions)
St. Philomena, at such a young age, you gave everything to Jesus to become a consecrated virgin for the Kingdom. Giving even more, you gave your life as you suffered a martyr’s death to preserve your gift to our Lord. Pray for me that I might have the same faith and willingness to accept God’s will no matter the cost.
Prayer to St. Agnes for Fertility
Heavenly St. Agnes, I humbly come before you with my deepest desire for fertility. Please intercede on my behalf and ask our loving Lord to bless me with the gift of motherhood.
Grant me patience, strength, and faith during this journey.
May your holy example inspire me to trust in God’s divine plan for my life.
Know of another prayer, or want to publish your personal prayer to conceive? Leave a comment and share with all of us! Bless you on your journey!
Looking for more inspiration for infertility? Check out these posts:
- How to Ask God for an Infertiltiy Miracle
- 72 Inspirational Quotes for Infertility
- The Mind-Body Work that Got Me Pregnant (Twice!)
- Best Prenatals for Fertility
- Best Male Fertility Supplements
- Best Fertility Tracking Monitors
- My Favorite Fertility Smoothie Recipe
- 20 Tips to Get Pregnant Fast
Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!
🤰🤱👶🤞🙏😭 I’m desperately seeking to conceive a child for my husband Vladimir jarrin I’m desperately seeking prayers for a healthy successful pregnancy NOVEMBER OF 2024 and a healthy successful growing baby inside my stomach with a healthy ovaries and womb and a healthy eggs for god to place his powerful miracle blessings hands upon my entire body to carry a full term nine month healthy successful growing baby a successful delivery My husband Vladimir jarrin We are both desperately seeking for God’s hands permanently upon our pregnancy journey we both want to extend our family finally bring our miracle blessings child into this world with God’s mercy and grace 🙏😭🤰🤱👶🤞