Looking for a fertility novena to get pregnant quickly? You’re in the right place.
Have you ever prayed a novena? I started praying novenas when I was struggling with infertility. One of the beautiful blessings of my fertility journey was that I grew closer to God in my faith and that I started to develop a special relationship with many saints.
I’ve always been fascinated with the Saints, and during my infertility journey, I spent a great deal of time praying with the various Patron Saints of Infertility. Whether you are trying to boost your fertility, recovering from miscarriage, or just starting to try to conceive, I”m sure that praying with the patron saints of fertility will be such a blessing to you!
Table of Contents
Why I prayed to the Patron Saints of Infertility
I was a bit of a hopeless cause myself, and prayed extensively to St. Rita the Patron Saint of Infertility and Lost Causes. I had been diagnosed with Diminished Ovarian Reserve at an age of 32, with high FSH, low AMH, and very low antral follicle counts. I also had endometriosis, an MTHFR mutation, and had suffered several early miscarriages and chemical pregnancies.
My doctors told me to turn to donor eggs- and I just wasn’t in a place to even consider it.
I wound up doing a lot of research and changing my diet and lifestyle, ditching toxic chemicals, and developing a fairly detailed mind-body practice. AND . . . I prayed. I prayed and prayed and prayed. And one of the ways I prayed was with the Catholic Saints.
Patron Saint of Fertility Novena Calendar
When I was praying with various fertility saints, I tried to celebrate their holy days (“Feast Days”) with prayers. There are special prayers, called novenas, that you can pray with saints. BUT, the trick is you want to start them nine days before the Feast Day (you don’t HAVE to of course, it is just traditional). When you are working with a dozen saints, all with different feast days, it becomes very confusing trying to remember when to start each novena. So, I decided we needed a calendar?
Keeping track of all the different fertility saints can be confusing. We’ve taken the saints, their feast days, and their novenas, and packaged them into a calendar to inspire you to prayer all year.
This free fertility saints novena calendar is a twelve-month 2025 calendar complete with Fertility Saints feast days, their novena prayers, and when to start and stop the novenas. It also highlights the seasons and shares ideas for being mindful of your fertility and the earth’s cycles.
This novena prayer to get pregnant calendar downloads as a PDF, so you can use it on your computer or print it out! The typeface is probably a bit small for mobile.
Patron Saints of Trying to Conceive
In this fertility saints novena calendar, we share feast days of the Catholic Saints that are associated with fertility, healing infertility, healing the pain of miscarriage, and a safe pregnancy. All of them are great to pray with when trying to conceive, recovering from miscarriage, or struggling with infertility. Of course, feel free to print the calendar and add in the feast days of Saints that are special to you.
Read my full post on Catholic Patron Saints of Fertility here!
Here are the saints featured in this calendar:
- St. Agnes– Patron saint of childbirth, children, and maternal concerns. Prayed to by some for fertility.
- St. Brigid of Kildare – Patron Saint of Babies, but also special for healing women. Read my full blog post on her here – it includes an original prayer to her for a child!
- Saint Collette– Patron Saint of women trying to conceive, expectant mothers, and of stillbirth.
- St. Joseph– Patron Saint of Fathers – St. Joseph is also the protector of the home and family. He, of course, is the earthly father of Jesus, and is the perfect saint for the husband to pray to for fatherhood.
- St. Catherine of Sweden – Patron Saint of Protection Against Miscarriage. Read my full post on St. Catherine here and my original prayer to her!
- St. Gianna Beretta Molla – A very special modern saint, St. Gianna was a wife, mother and pediatrician. A working mother saint! She suffered two miscarriages herself, and is a matron saint of Motherhood. I recently visited her Shrine just north of Philadelphia, and it was a very meaningful visit for me. Read my full post on her and the original prayer to her I wrote!
- St. Catherine of Siena – Another patron Saint of Miscarriage Protection.
- St. Rita of Cascia– A powerful Saint who is the Patroness of Impossible Causes. For this reason she is considered the patron saint of Infertility. There is a beautiful shrine to her in Philadelphia that I recently visited, and I had a very powerful moment with her. Definitely add her to your list of Saints to pray to! I’m wearing her medal right now as I write this :-). Here is my full post on St. Rita and how she was part of my journey to my second successful pregnancy!
- St. Anthony of Padua – Patron Saint Against Infertility and of Barren Women- St. Anthony is often pictured holding the baby Jesus and has gained a reputation for helping “sterile” women get pregnant. He is most well known as the Patron Saint of Lost Articles. A true story- Years ago I lost my great-grandmother’s diamond necklace. It was gone for one whole week and I was crushed. I sat down and prayed to St. Anthony for about thirty minutes. I imagined him bringing it to me and setting it in my hands. I opened my eyes, and looked around. It was on the floor next to the chair I was sitting in, arranged in a perfect necklace form as if it was in a jewelry box. I am not kidding! Read my full post on St. Anthony of Padua Patron Saint Against Infertility.
- St. Margaret of Antioch – Patron saint of pregnant women and childbirth, often prayed to by couples trying to conceive.
- St. Anne and St. Joachim– St. Anne and Joachim were Mary’s parents, and the grandparents of Jesus. They struggled with infertility and were scorned by others for being barren. Joachim went to the wilderness for a forty day fast and Anne prayed under a laurel tree. An angel visits both of them, and they meet outside the city gates where they embrace. Some stories say that St. Anne (Ann, Anna, Ana), was in her 80s when she gave birth to Mary. I prayed to St. Anne for my miracle baby, and have always felt strongly connected to her (of course, she is my name saint!).
- St. Philomena– a Patron Saint of Hopeless Causes, including Sterility. She died at age 13 and so is also considered a patron saint of babies and children. She is known for healing illnesses and wounds overnight.
- St. Raymond Nonnatus– This Saint came into the world by an urgent medieval period c-section. For hundreds of years women have prayed to him for help in conceiving. Apparently the current Pope recommends him for couples struggling to conceive (see in comments below)!
- St. Gerard Majella– This is a heavy hitter! St. Gerard is the Patron Saint of Fertility and Pregnancy, and was the first Saint my Catholic relatives told me to pray to! My grandmother had 7 children and she always had a prayer card to St. Gerard lying around!
- St. Jude– Patron Saint of Lost Causes. Although not a typical fertility saint, I think that as the Patron Saint of Lost Causes he belongs in this list for those of us who have been told by the doctors that we are “lost causes.”
- St. Elizabeth– St. Elizabeth was barren for most of her life. The Angel Gabriel came to her husband Zachariah and promised him a son. She was the mother of John the Baptist. You might remember the Gospel story when the child John leaps in her womb when she embraces Mary who is pregnant with Jesus.
- St. Felicitas of Rome– Patron Saint of Sterility, Mothers of Sons, and Mothers who have lost children. She had seven sons, who became martyrs. In the Eastern Orthodox church her feast day is January 25.
- St. Andrew– You can pray a special chaplet to him from November 30th until Christmas Eve to ask for his assistance in conceiving!
- St. Nicholas– Patron Saint of Infertile Men and of Children. St. Nick is sometimes known for bringing presents and leaving them in the shoes of children on December 6th (or the eve, December 5th). You might have heard him mentioned in songs about Santa Claus. Pray that he leaves some strong sperm for your husband! Read my full post on St. Nick here!
- St. Hannah– Patron Saint of Childless Wives and Infertile Women. Hannah’s story is in the Book of Samuel, and she is infertile. She prays, and her prayers are answered- she gives birth to Samuel. She then goes on to have three more sons and two daughters.
- St. Eulalia– Patron Saint against Miscarriage. I can’t find anything more on her story in relation to miscarriage or fertility other than this. I’ll update if I find anything!
- San Padre Pio– Known as a healer, he can be prayed to for healing problems that might be affecting infertility.
What is a Novena?
A novena is a nine day period of private or public prayer focusing on a specific intent or need. Catholics often pray novenas directly to God, and sometimes with a chosen saint whom they ask to bring their intention to God on their behalf. These holy saints act as a kind of advocate to bring our prayers to God. Novenas are not magic, but a way to call out to God, spend time in prayer with Him, and leave your petitions in His hands.
We have collected 19 different Patron Saints of Fertility, Infertility, and protection from Miscarriage. These Saints of Fertility are featured in this novena calendar. We hope your relationship with God and the saints grows deeper as you pray with this calendar, and that your prayers are answered.
What is the Novena Prayer For Trying to Conceive?
There are several powerful Catholic prayers to get pregnant. In the calendar you will find a dozen novenas you can pray to Patron Saints of Trying to Conceive, but on my website you can find several also. Consider the traditional St. Gerard Novena, The St. Andrew Christmas Novena, The St. Anne & Joachim Novena, the St. Rita Novena, the St. Gianna Novena, the St. Collette Novena, and the St. Nicholas Novena!
In case you need a novena RIGHT NOW without clicking away, here I have taken the traditional St. Gerard Majella Prayer to Conceive and turned it into a Novena. Please see his traditional novena in the calendar or on my blog post all about St. Gerard the Patron Saint of Fertility and Pregnancy.
Novena to St. Gerard to Conceive
Pray these prayers for nine days in a row:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer to St. Gerard
O good St. Gerard,
powerful intercessor before God
and Wonder-worker of our day,
I call on you and seek your help.
(Mention your request here…)
You who on earth did always fulfil God’s design,
help me to do the Holy Will of God.
Beseech the Master of Life,
from whom all paternity proceeded,
to make me fruitful in offspring,
that I may raise up children to God in this life
and heirs to the Kingdom of His glory
in the world to come. Amen.
Saint Gerard Patron Saint of expectant mothers, pray for us
Say 1: Our Father… Say 1: Hail Mary… Say 1: Glory Be…
Praying with Catholic Saints during Infertility
Remember that technically in Catholic tradition your are not praying TO the saints for THEIR intercessions. Instead you are asking them to intercede on your behalf to God for his action. The saints are not God- only God is God.
But, it certainly helps to bring some friends along on our prayer journey to Jesus.
I honor these saints in multiple ways. I pray with them, I keep their prayers cards, and for some of them, I have decorations up around the house in their honor. I also try to keep their memory on their feast day, and spread their word to other people who may benefit from it.
If you benefit from a prayer journey with a saint, consider spreading the word of their goodness, and the goodness of God.
If you are looking for decorations, pictures, or statues of particular saints, I recommend searching Etsy. Crafters make beautiful items honoring the saints! You can also follow my Pinterest board on Fertility Saints for more ideas!
The Fertility Saints 2025 Novena Calendar
Ready to grab your free calendar? Use this link below. If you don’t see the email right away, wait twenty minutes or so. Also, check your spam folder :-). I’ve also had subscribers who COULD NOT find the email and then they searched their inbox for “tomakeamommy” and found it.
Best wishes, and may the Grace of God be with you!
Want to get pregnant fast?
Love lists? Me too. Grab my 79 Things I did to transform my life and get pregnant in less than 3 months after 2 years of infertility and miscarriages! Totally free!
Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!
Hi Anna, please pray for my daughter Hailey and her husband Michael who are trying and hoping for a baby. Thank you!
Hi Anna
Thank you for your Ministry. May God continue to bless you abundantly.
Please pray for my son Joseph and his wife Amanda who have been trying to conceive since their marriage in 2018. ❤🙏 …for nothing is impossible for God…
I hope to see the 2024 version up soon!
It’s up!! Enjoy!