This post has been reviewed by Dr. Sarah Mathis, Functional Medicine and Fertility Expert.
Looking for an evidence-based fertility smoothie recipe? You’re in the right place. When I was trying to conceive, I researched everything under the sun to maximize my chances of getting pregnant. I’ve spent 11 years perfecting these fertility smoothie recipes, tailoring them to each phase of the menstrual cycle, AND they helped me get pregnant twice despite infertility.
If you are trying to get pregnant and you aren’t drinking a fertility smoothie every day you are missing out! First, smoothies are delicious. Second, it’s easy to pack them full of healthy greens, proteins, and fats, which are important to a healthy fertility diet. Finally, if you are struggling with specific types of infertility diagnosis, you can incorporate your healing superfood fertility “boosters” in your smoothies!
Read all my posts about a fertility diet here!
Table of Contents
Fertility Smoothie Guidelines for Natural TTC or IVF
In this post, I discuss what to include- and what not to include – in your daily fertility smoothie. I also address some common concerns that women trying to get pregnant have with the smoothie: Raw veggies or cooked? Dairy or no dairy? Protein powder or not? What kind of protein powder? At the end of the post, I’ve included my recommended ultimate fertility smoothie recipe!
And, most importantly, I’m going to tell you why most of the other fertility smoothie recipes on the internet are probably not going to be helpful if you are dealing with infertility. If a website suggests raw spinach, full bananas, or a bunch of dairy, you’re going to want to click away. See why below!
Don’t have time to read? Listen to this podcast where I discuss all the do’s and don’ts of fertility smoothies!
A Daily Fertility Smoothie Helped Me Get Pregnant
I’m passionate about fertility smoothies for a few reasons. The first, is that a daily fertility smoothie helped me get pregnant with infertility (twice)!. The second is that I was frustrated that so many so called “coaches” were completely getting the fertility smoothie WRONG. And the third is that, I really, really love fertility smoothies. I love them so much I still drink them even after I’ve had my two children (despite High FSH, low AMH, endometriosis, and recurrent miscarriage!).
What is a Fertility Smoothie?
A fertility smoothie is a great way to get a deep nutrient-dense burst of antioxidants from low-sugar fruits and leafy greens when trying to conceive. It is also the perfect way to boost your protein and healthy fat intake. You want to keep your sugars LOW in a fertility smoothie; this is not the right time to load up on sugary fruits (see more guidance below).
Why Fertility Smoothies are SO Helpful For Boosting Chances of Conception
While a smoothie for fertility isn’t a magic bullet for infertility, the deep nutrition and antioxidants found in a fertility smoothie can boost your health, egg health, and chances of pregnancy success, whether you are considering trying to conceive naturally or using IVF. Studies have shown that antioxidants can boost egg health, that higher protein and fat intake can boost egg quality, and that nutritional status can affect fertility. A fertility smoothie is an easy way to get that nutrition, especially when it’s difficult to do so in your meals.
My Basic Fertility Smoothie Recipe (That You Can Tailor To Your Needs)
I have a round-up of several tried and true fertility smoothie recipes at the bottom of this post. But if you want to free-form a fertility smoothie, here is my general recipe that you can use as a template. If you scroll below you’ll find detailed guidance on each of these!
- 1 cup leafy greens (lightly steamed if spinach or kale)
- 1/2-1 cup berries
- 1 scoop Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein or Fertility-Safe Veg Protein (see below for ideas)
- Healthy Fats
- Fertility Superfood (like spirulina, see below for ideas)
- Seeds for Seed-Cycling Depending on Cycle Phase
- Seeds according to my seed cycling protocol
- Zero-sugar liquid base
How To Make the BEST Fertility Smoothie To Help You Get Pregnant Faster
1. Add Leafy Greens to Your Fertility Smoothie
Your daily fertility smoothie is the perfect way to make sure you get an extra serving or two of the leafy greens you need to boost your fertility! The beneficial leafy greens include veggies such as romaine, kale, spinach, collards, watercress, arugula, cabbage, beet greens, chards, and dandelion greens. These greens fight infertility by creating a healthy sperm-friendly alkaline environment and by providing crucial minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are needed to grow healthy eggs and sustain a successful pregnancy. I recommend 2-4 servings of greens a day (although one serving is from the nettles in your daily fertility herbal infusion), and it is much easier to get at least one of these servings in a smoothie.
One serving is equal to 1 cup raw, or ½ cup cooked dark green leafy vegetables.
BUT . . . you’re probably not going to want to use raw leafy greens. I know, I know. Hear me out in the next rule . . .
Can I break this rule? Yes, but make sure you are eating a large green lettuce salad every day and two additional cooked green veggies.
2. Skip the Raw Greens and Consider Steaming (I did it!)
Here’s the thing- for most of the healthy leafy greens, you SHOULD NOT EAT THEM RAW. This includes in your smoothie. That’s right- no more raw kale or spinach in your smoothies or in your salads. I know, I know, you think I’m crazy. The other random blogger websites say its okay. Well, they are wrong. Most of these raw leafy greens are very difficult to digest and when you’re trying to conceive, you don’t want your body to use up its energy on digestion. You need your body to focus on making healthy eggs and circulating blood to the uterus.
Additionally, with the exception of a few raw veggies in the summer, for many infertility-related conditions such as Cold Uterus, Kidney Yang Deficiency, or any Damp conditions, Chinese Medicine (i.e., your acupuncturist) will likely advise no raw veggies.
So what is a lady to do? You need to lightly steam any cruciferous vegetables which are very difficult on digestion: arugula, cauliflower, cabbage, turnip, collard greens, bok choy, brussels sprouts, radishes, rutabaga, and watercress. You also need to lightly steam any green veggies that are high in gut-irritating oxalic acid. These include: spinach, chard, parsley, chives, purslane, and beet greens. Greens you can put in your smoothie raw include: Romaine, Red or Green leaf lettuce, or butter lettuce, or young dandelion greens.
Can I break this rule? Yes, plenty of people get pregnant while blending raw spinach into their smoothies. It simply isn’t optimal. I have 5 different infertility diagnosis that I overcame by doing ALL THE THINGS and always optimizing my choices, so I follow this rule closely. If you are healthy and just starting to try to conceive, don’t sweat this one. This rule is the most important for women struggling with infertility, who have thyroid issues, who have digestive issues of any kind, or have been diagnosed by their Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner (acupuncturist) with Spleen Qi deficiency, Kidney Yang Deficiency, or Cold Uterus.
3. Rotate the Greens in Your Fertility Smoothie
Rotate your greens, people! Don’t put kale in your smoothie every day for a year. Not only is it not interesting, but you are limiting your nutrients and minerals. It is also possible, although highly unlikely, to have “alkaloid buildup” which can harm our thyroid. You can even develop hypothyroidism from binging on cruciferous veggies, like kale. When you lightly steam your veggies, however, the goitens that produce the glucosinolates that affect the thyroid are partially destroyed by heat. So, steam away, and mix it up! Enjoy mixing it up by alternating with raw lettuces, especially in the summer!
Can I break this rule? Yes, but you really shouldn’t. It isn’t healthy for your body to have the same food over and over every day!
What I do in my smoothies: In the summer I rotate through raw organic romaine, green leaf, or butterhead lettuces. For the fall and winter I buy frozen organic kale or spinach in bulk and lightly steam a bunch for the week then store in a glass pyrex in the fridge to use in my smoothies. In the spring I harvest young dandelion leaves from my yard to use as my green. We use this high grade stainless steel vegetable steamer inside our non-toxic All-Clad Tri-Ply cookware (this is a more affordable set). Occasionally I rotate these out for raw romaine, or lightly steamed collards, watercress, or chard.
*This post contains affiliate links which at no cost to you provide me with some small change to help keep this blog running. If you decide to buy some fertility smoothie ingredients, a Nutribullet, or anything else I recommend, please consider clicking through one of my links to help support this blog and my family! Thank you!
4. Limit the Sugars in Your Fertility Smoothie!
It is all too easy to go crazy with fruit when you make your smoothies, not to mention how many people add additional sweeteners such as honey to their smoothies. To maximize egg health you need to keep your insulin response on an even keel. So if you are putting a banana, mango, and some pineapple in your smoothie, you are putting your body into sugar shock which can affect your egg health.
Sugars are also sneaky and can show up in other ways, like as an ingredient in your protein powder that you didn’t even realize was there. Here’s the thing- all sugar is problematic for fertility and egg health, even when it comes as natural fructose in fruit. This means that you can’t trust ingredients that would normally be okay in a “clean” eating diet such as honey, agave, or maple syrup.
What should you do? Choose fruits with low overall sugar (not just low-glycemic fruit) and a high-antioxidant or fiber content, such as apples, pears, and berries. Limit your total fruit consumption to 2-3 servings a day, or 1-2 if you have PCOS and need to control your blood sugar levels more closely. 1 serving = 1 medium fruit (baseball sized) or ½ cup chopped fruit.
Can I break this rule? If you are under 35, have been trying to conceive for less than a year, have no concerns about egg quality, and do not have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), then yes, you can break this rule. Heck, if you are 26 and just started trying, feel free to load your smoothie up with bananas, mangoes, and maybe even throw in a little organic blackstrap molasses for additional sweetness and vitamins. However, if you have PCOS, high FSH, low AMH, a history of repeated early miscarriage or chemical pregnancies, or any other kind of infertility struggle that might be related to egg quality, don’t break this rule.
What I do in my smoothies: I rotate through organic berries: blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and occasionally through in half a small green apple if I am craving a little extra sweetness. To save money I usually buy bulk frozen organic berries- even though fresh would be better it is truly cost prohibitive for a daily smoothie. This is the only frozen item in any of my smoothies. Which leads us to . . . .
5. Skip the Frozen Ingredients for Your Fertility Smoothie
In Chinese Medicine, cold foods (including foods that are literally “cold”) can chill the uterus and make it an unwelcome place for an embryo to implant. Ladies, we want our uteruses to be warm jungles packed with love and nutrients for our little babies-to-be. This means you need to avoid icy smoothies. Whenever possible, keep ingredients at room temperature (fruit, veggies, etc.), and avoid frozen ingredients.
Can I break this rule? Yes, plenty of women get pregnant while drinking icy beverages daily. It just isn’t ideal, and by now you know me- I am always shooting for optimizing all my fertility decisions. This rule is the most important for women with Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnoses of Kidney Yang Deficiency, Spleen Qi Deficiency, Blood Stasis, or Cold Uterus.
What I do for my smoothies: When I used our Ninja to blend, I would make my smoothies on Sunday, freeze into pint-size mason jars, and then grab one on the way to work in the morning. I would wait until it had defrosted, and then I would WARM EACH MOUTHFUL to body temperature in my mouth before swallowing. I know, it was insane. But, I simply didn’t have time to blend and wash the Ninja each day. Now, my husband and I each use our Nutribullet each day, and take our fresh smoothies to work in the same cup we blended in! We can actually prep our dry ingredients the day before and have them ready to add the veggies and fruit to in the morning.
The only downside is that the Nutribullet cups are plastic- yes they are BPA and phthalate free, but I would prefer they had a glass option. I have sent multiple requests to their customer service, and I hope to see a glass option in the future. For now, we wash the cups by hand in luke-warm water to reduce any potential leaching, and replace the cups annually. If you want to optimize this one beyond what we have done you could use a blender with a glass jar, like this affordable Amazon favorite, and then transfer to a glass or mason jar for drinking!
6. Add Protein to Your Fertility Smoothie!
Babies are made of protein and fat. You need plenty of both to nourish yourself, make healthy eggs, get pregnant, and sustain a healthy pregnancy. New fertility diet research shows that you should have 25-35% of your diet be protein to maximize egg and embryo health.
I can’t figure out a way to do that without adding protein to my daily smoothie. There are two ways to go: protein powder, and whole foods. Below I have a list of whole foods that are great to add to your smoothie for an extra protein punch.
If you go with a protein powder, be careful to avoid soy or pea protein, both of which can be detrimental to fertility. Soy can be estrogenic which can be harmful for many of us (but not all- do your own research!), and concentrated pea protein was shown in some old studies to be an effective contraceptive. (Read my full article here on the research behind pea protein and fertility).
Do plenty of women get pregnant while using soy or pea protein? Sure, but I’m not willing to risk it with my many fertility issues.
Most women struggling with infertility should avoid whey protein also, as dairy is an inflammatory food for many women and can lower your chance of a successful pregnancy. However, if you are just starting to try to conceive, and you are underweight and not ovulating, then you might consider using a raw organic whey protein. If you aren’t sure whether dairy is for you or not, read my blog post on how dairy can sometimes cause infertility.
With all protein powders, a huge issue is contamination with heavy metals like lead. Several stories have come out on plant-based proteins just being loaded with lead. Also, several major collagen protein powders, including Vital Proteins which I used to use and promote, have come out as having heavy metal issues.
I am now ONLY using and promoting protein powders that test for heavy metals and share their test results.
The Best Protein Powders for Fertility
For most women, here are the kinds of protein powders I like:
- Collagen Peptides– This is what I use now and love. I conceived my second miracle while using collagen, used it throughout my second pregnancy, and continue to use it while breastfeeding. It is thought that the collagen peptides can provide the same kind of nutritional boost and gut-healing that you get from bone broth. There are studies showing collagen helping with bone health, weight loss, diabetes, circadian rhythms, improve mood, boost your arterial health, make your skin and hair look great, and improve gut health. (Don’t forget to take an awesome probiotic to help also). I actually do my own daily bone broth ALSO for these benefits. There are no organic free range collagen peptides available on the market. After the scandals with heavy metals in many of the collagen peptide lines, there is now only one collagen peptide brand I use and recommend- Perfect Supplement’s Hydrolyzed Collagen. Their shared current labs with me and they test for heavy metals and pesticides. They also happen to be much more affordable than the more popular brands that have had issues with heavy metals. They also have the only Organic Bone Broth Protein powder that I am aware of that has no other fillers (plus its tested for heavy metals and pesticides). —> Get your Collagen Peptides Here and use code ANNA10 for 10% off your first order! Grab their awesome Acai, safety tested Spirulina, and Resveratrol while you are there. Read my full review of Perfect Supplements here!
- Plant-Based Protein for Fertility: Once you start looking for a vegan protein powder for fertility, things get dicey quickly. Soy is potentially estrogenic- ditch. Pea protein is linked to infertility– ditch. Oh look, this one is great . .. never mind it is stuffed with random fillers and sugar. Oh, I finally found a clean one, and boom . . . it has heavy metal contamination from processing. No worries, dear reader, I have finally found an ideal solution:- Perfect Supplements makes a pure, organic plant protein made from pumpkin seeds, hemp seed, and sacha inchi seed. AND, Sacha Inchi seeds are linked to boosting fertility. AND Perfect Supplements tests every batch for pesticides, heavy metals, and allergens. AND they are affordable. Problem solved. Phew! For Perfect Supplements Perfect Plant Protein use the code ANNA10 for 10% off every order!
Whole Foods Protein Sources for Fertility Smoothies
Should I avoid protein powder? Some people who do fertility-friendly paleo or Whole 30, etc., diets, don’t use protein powder because they are a processed substitute for “real food.” I get that, and some weeks I get all anti-protein powder. Then, the next week, I’m like, man I really want that protein powder! You do what works for you- in the end plenty of people have gotten pregnant doing both. It comes down to what works for your relationship with food and nutrition. If you decide to skip the protein powder, here are some options for real food protein alternatives for your smoothie:
- Nut Butters (peanut, almond, cashew, other) (ex. Peanut butter is 7g protein in 2Tbsp)
- Nuts -e.g., 4.5 g protein in ¼ cup walnuts
- Sunflower Seeds – 5g in 1oz (see my post on seed-cycling to know which seeds to use when!)
- Oats – 5g protein in ½ cup dry (make sure gluten-free if you need it)
- Chia Seeds – 4g protein in 1 Tbsp
- Pumpkin Seeds – 7g protein in 1oz/142 seeds
- Flax Seeds – 4g protein in 2 Tbsp (use in first half of cycle only)
- Quinoa- 8g protein in 1 cup cooked
- Raw organic, free-range, egg – 6g protein from one (just don’t do this one when you are pregnant!)
- Hemp hearts – 10g protein in 3 tbsp
- Hemp seeds – 5g protein in 1 tbsp
- Cocao nibs– 4g protein in 1 oz
Can I break this rule? Sure, as long as you are getting plenty of protein in the meals you eat. Note, it is hard to get the recommended 35% of your daily intake from protein if you don’t add protein to your smoothies.
What I do for my smoothies: After the scandals with heavy metals in many of the collagen peptide lines, there is now only one collagen peptide brand I use and recommend- Perfect Supplement’s Hydrolyzed Collagen. Their shared current labs with me and they test each batch for heavy metals and pesticides.
7. Add Healthy Fats To Your Fertility Smoothie
Like I said earlier, babies are made from protein and fat. You need plenty of healthy fat in your diet, especially since you have cut out all unhealthy fat if you are following a strict fertility diet. While you should be using healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil on your salads, your fertility smoothie is a great way to make sure you are getting enough fat in your diet.
Additionally, healthy Omega-3 fats help lower inflammation in the body (very important for endometriosis and repeated miscarriages), increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, and improve cervical mucus. They are also crucial to the healthy development of any little embryos that take root during the two week wait. Don’t skimp on your Omega-3s!
The fats you want and where to get them:
- Omega-3 essential fatty acid boosters for your smoothies: Walnuts, Walnut Oil, Flaxseeds, Chia Seeds, fish oils (yes, some people add fish oil to their smoothies. Too far for me.)
- Omega-6 essential fatty acid boosters for your smoothies: flaxseeds, hempseeds, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, sunflower seeds
- Omega-9 essential fatty acid boosters for your smoothie: avacados, almonds, peanuts, pecans, cashews, hazelnuts, and macadamia nuts (in general it is cheapest to buy organic nuts in bulk from your local grocery or health food store if you can find them)
- Healthy saturated fat in the form of Medium Chain Triglycerides (helps the body assimilate the Omega 3s)- Coconut Oil, Coconut Manna (Butter), Coconut Milk (make sure it is unsweetened), or Coconut Cream.
Can I break this rule? Yes, as long as you are getting plenty of healthy fats elsewhere. But, you probably don’t want to, because they help make the smoothie yummy!
What I do for my smoothies: I rotate through walnuts, walnut oil, coconut oil, coconut cream (yum!), various nuts and seeds, and avocados.
8. Add Some Liquid to Your Fertility Smoothie
You won’t be able to blend your smoothie without some liquid! Whatever liquid you choose, watch out for sugar. Avoid juices or coconut water which is high in sugar. I recommend that most women struggling with infertility avoid dairy, so using a milk alternative is a good way to get some extra calcium in and make your smoothies yummy. I used to use unsweetened organic coconut milk, which tasted great. You could also use an unsweetened almond or cashew milk- just make sure it doesn’t have the icky additive carrageenan in it! Don’t choose oat milk, its loaded with sugar. I’m hardcore now- I just add water or a nettles infusion.
9. Add fertility super foods for YOUR needs!
The most important part of your daily fertility booster is that it is a yummy way for you to get in your fertility superfood boosters! Now, many fertility superfoods such as nuts, seeds, avacados, coconut oil, leafy green vegetables, etc., are good for almost everyone. But there are additional fertility superfoods that are perfect for CERTAIN infertility conditions. If you have an infertility diagnosis, or a Chinese Medicine Diagnosis, be sure to do plenty of research to tailor your smoothie! And, while you are at it, check out my blog post and free e-book on how to make Your Perfect Fertility Diet: Tailoring The Diet to Your Diagnosis!
ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. If your body doesn’t like a superfood, stop using it! These are powerful, and not for everyone! My body couldn’t tolerate maca or royal jelly, for instance. Some people get too much energy from spirulina. Listen to your body!
And- don’t go crazy with your super boosters! I only do spirulina, wheatgrass, and protein in my smoothie. Choose 2-3 that are the best for you and your needs.
Here are my favorite fertility superfood boosters with what infertility conditions they are extra helpful for:
Spirulina is one of my favorite fertility superfoods. In general, seaweeds and blue-green algae are incredibly nutrient dense foods for fertility. Spirulina is a special green algae and can be grown in the ocean or in fresh water. The Aztecs used to eat it for strength and endurance. It is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other benefits that help support overall alkalinity in the body and egg healthy. Some also claim it is a great source of protein, but I’ve never seen this backed up with actual numbers. It is especially helpful for those who have been diagnosed by their acupuncturist with Kidney Essence Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency, Blood Deficiency, Blood Stasis, and Cold Uterus.
Researching which kind of Spirulina to put in my smoothie made me crazy. Spirulina easily absorbs any toxins from its environment, so it is very important to buy it from a reputable source. I now only use the Spirulina from Perfect Supplements– it is the most tested spirulina on the planet and they check for every kind of contaminant imaginable! And, when I asked them to share their results with me they half a dozen certificates with results plus a 46 page powerpoint explaining their safety process. I was sold :-).
Wheatgrass is a magical fertility superfood. It is another super healthy “green” that is beneficial to overall health and fertility. It also lowers levels of follicle stimulating hormone (lowers FSH), balances hormones, encourages alkalinity in the body, and enhances cell health. It is especially helpful for those who have been diagnosed by their acupuncturist with Kidney Essence Deficiency. The best way to add wheatgrass to your diet is to juice the raw plant. This can be very expensive. The second best way is to buy frozen wheatgrass shots. This is also expensive. The less expensive way is to buy high-quality organic powdered wheatgrass (again, cheaper to do Amazon and Subscribe & Save). I switched from Amazing Grass to Terrasoul because they test every batch for heavy metals and were willing to share their results with me. Stop using wheatgrass when you have a positive pregnancy test- most people say it is safe, but out of an overabundance of caution, I can’t recommend it during pregnancy. Be aware– Wheatgrass is not part of the Autoimmune Protocol Diet, and can increase allergy issues in some people. Listen to your body and make good decisions. Note: Some functional fertility doctors have reported that people with gluten sensitivity may react to wheatgrass, even though it is gluten free. Listen to your body and your doctor!
This energizing plant supports your endocrine system while enhancing fertility at large. It is said to bring the hormones into balance, increase egg and sperm health, and increase libido. Make sure to only use the gelatinized version of the root, as the raw powder can be very difficult to digest and can be toxic in large amounts. Always consume maca before 5 in the evening, as it can keep you up if you have it too late! Stop using Maca when you have a positive pregnancy test- most people say it is safe, but out of an overabundance of caution, I can’t recommend it during pregnancy. I was unable to use maca- even the gelatinized version hurt my stomach.
Acai & Goji berries
Acai & Goji berries are both antioxidents and as such help ensure the cells of your eggs are healthy. This is especially for anyone with egg health issues, so those over 35, those with high FSH or low AMH, or those who have had multiple early losses. If you are using actual goji berries don’t put too many in- they can be quite high in sugar (this is what my husband uses in his male fertility smoothie)! I love and use this Acai powder in my smoothies!
Mixed Powdered Greens
These are an easy way to get a bunch of vitamins and antioxidents to promote healthy cell (egg or sperm growth). This is the one my husband and I both add to our smoothies.
Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly is supposed to raise estrogen levels, balance hormones, and increase egg quality. Royal Jelly is the food that the queen bee is fed so that she can produce up to 2000 eggs per day! It is a superfood that provides many vitamins and minerals. The problem is that royal jelly often comes in a honey that is packed with sugar. Don’t add a sugar bomb to your smoothie! I took royal jelly for a while before I knew about the effects of sugar on egg health, but it made my stomach hurt. Always listen to your body! If you feel good with a superfood, it probably means it is helping- if you don’t feel good, then stop! Never use Royal Jelly if you are allergic to bees or bee products.
Bee pollen
Bee pollen has many vitamins and is thought to increase ovarian function, egg health, and overall fertility. Be sure to find bee pollen that doesn’t include massive amounts of sugar. Never take bee pollen if you are allergic to bees or bee products.
Seed Cycling in Your Fertility Smoothie
If you are looking into seed cycling for balancing your hormones or boosting fertility, the easiest way to get the ground seeds into your diet is by adding them to your smoothie! You can check out my whole post on Seed Cycling for Fertility here.
Here is my general seed cycling protocol:
- 1 Tbsp organic flax seeds, freshly ground in my smoothie
- 1 Tbsp organic pumpkin seeds (hulled), freshly ground in my smoothie
- 1 Tbsp organic sesame seeds, freshly ground in my smoothie
- 1 Tbsp organic sunflower seeds, freshly ground in my smoothie
Notes on the Fertility Smoothie Recipe
Now that you’ve made it through my exhaustive post on fertility smoothies, I hope YOU aren’t exhausted! My recipes are below, please enjoy, and make them YOURS. Just like the Fertility Diet, the Fertility Smoothie should be tailored to your particular situation (and tastes!).
A quick note on taste— ladies, this smoothie is not going to taste like the ones you’ve made with two bananas, mangoes, honey, and whole fat dairy. It just isn’t. But over time you get used to it, and now I find them delicious! I crave their green goodness daily. While not trying to conceive, however, you can believe I put those bananas in there!
Note- I change up my smoothie a little bit each day. Sometimes I’ll do a raw ginger/blueberries/lime juice combo. Sometimes I’ll do raspberries, a little bit of gojis, and add some cocoa powder. It all depends on the day and what I’m feeling. Some day I’ll write a book on it! This is my basic smoothie that I do for my High FSH, endometriosis, Low AMH, diminished ovarian reserve, and MTHFR mutation. It was one of the 79 things I did to get pregnant!
Fertility Smoothie Recipes Round-Up
My Fertility Smoothie Recipe for High FSH, Endometriosis, Egg Quality (Low AMH, Low Antral Follicle Count & Repeated Early Loss)
- 1 cup organic romaine, butter lettuce, or young dandelion greens, or 1/2 cup lightly steamed spinach or kale (collards or chard if you’re brave)
- 1/2 cup- 1 cup organic berries (fresh preferable, frozen if you can’t afford fresh or they are out of season)
- 1 scoop Perfect Supplement’s Hydrolyzed Collagen
- 1/2 Tbsp organic walnut oil (more if you are going Keto) (for my endometriosis- use another fat suited to YOUR needs)
- 1 scoop wheatgrass powder (for my High FSH and acupuncture diagnoses- use a superfood suited to YOUR needs)
- 1 tsp spirulina (for my poor egg quality and acupuncture diagnoses- use a superfood suited to YOUR needs)
- 1 Scoop Acai powder
- 1.5 cup unsweetened SO Coconut Milk (or, enough to fill to the “Fill” line on your Nutribullet) OR filtered water OR even better- your own homemade coconut or nut milk
- Seeds according to my seed cycling protocol
Add all the ingredients to your NutriBullet, or other blender, and blend for 30 seconds or so. Enjoy!
Fertility Smoothie Recipe for the Menstrual Phase
Let’s be honest, we all need a little chocolate during our periods! This fertility smoothie for the menstrual phase is chock full of the right seeds, nuts, and nutrition to support you during this phase of your cycle! During menstruation you need foods rich in iron to help your body replenish its blood supply, rich in vitamin C to help with iron absorption, and plenty of protein. We’re also going to add in our seed-cycling protocol!
- 2 Tbsp low-cadmium, low-lead Cocao powder
- 2 Tbsp Pumpkin Seeds
- 2 Tbsp Flax Seeds
- 1 Scoop Perfect Supplement’s Hydrolyzed Collagen
- 1/2 cup lightly steamed spinach
- 1/2 cup dark cherries + 1/2 cup blueberries
- 1 Tbsp walnuts or nut butter
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp spirulina
- 1 1/2 cups unsweetened coconut milk + water as needed
Fertility Smoothie for the Follicular Phase
During the follicular phase you need to make sure you are eating well and receiving deep nutrition so that you’ll be able to nourish your maturing follicles. Protein and healthy fats are very important, as are foods with plenty of Vitamin E. We continue to seed cycle to promote a healthy hormone balance.
- 1 cup lightly steamed kale or broccoli
- 1/2-1 cup mixed berries
- 2 Tbsp Pumpkin Seeds
- 2 Tbsp Flax Seeds
- 1 Scoop Perfect Supplement’s Hydrolyzed Collagen
- 1/2 avocado
- Extra fats: 1 Tbsp Walnuts, coconut yogurt, walnut oil or Cold-pressed MCT Oil
- No sugar nut milk or coconut milk
Fertility Smoothie for the Ovulatory Phase
During ovulation, we want to choose lots of leafy greens to boost our B vitamins which are particularly important to the release of an egg and successful implantation. We also want foods rich in zinc and Vitamin C. Our seed-cycling continues to be pumpkin seeds and flax until the ovulatory phase is complete.
- 1 cup romaine lettuce or young dandelion greens, if in season
- 1/2-1 cup strawberries and/or raspberries
- 2 Tbsp Pumpkin Seeds
- 2 Tbsp Flax Seeds
- 1 Scoop Perfect Supplement’s Hydrolyzed Collagen
- 1 tbsp Almonds or Almond Butter
- Unsweetened Coconut Milk
Fertility Smoothie for the Luteal Phase
During the Luteal Phase we are preparing for possible implantation, and we want to avoid cold, raw foods. We also want to make sure we are getting plenty of zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 to keep our progesterone levels high. We switch now to sunflower and sesame seeds for our seed-cycling protocol.
- 1 cup steamed cauliflower
- 1/2 cup cooked sweet potato or pumpkin
- 2 Tbsp Sesame Seeds
- 2 Tbsp Sunflower Seeds
- 1 Scoop Perfect Supplement’s Hydrolyzed Collagen
- 1 tbsp Walnuts, Walnut Oil
- 1 tsp spirulina
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/8 tsp nutmeg
- Unsweetened Coconut Milk
My Whole Lemon and Ginger Fertility Smoothie Recipe
Originally found here at My Lemon & Ginger Tonic Recipe
- 1 whole organic lemon
- 1 large knob of fresh ginger, peeled (I do about the size of my thumb, but you could do less)
- 1 tbsp organic walnut oil (or other fat- coconut butter, fish oil, flax oil)
- 2 tsp organic sunflower lecithin (NOT SOY LECITHIN!!!!)
- 1 capsule Vitamin E 100 IU Mixed Tocopherols
- 1 ¾ cup filtered water (just enough to reach the Max Fill line in my Nutribullet tall cup)
- Optional: Add 1/2 tsp of organic ceylon cinnamon (especially good for those with PCOS)
My Male Fertility Smoothie Recipe
Read more about this male fertility smoothie here on my page! This is what my hubby drank while we were trying to conceive!
- 1/3 cup Walnuts
- 1 Tbsp Pumpkin Seeds
- 2 Brazil Nuts
- 1 Tbsp low-cadmium, low-lead Cocao powder
- 1 scoop protein powder of your choice (see above for recommendations)
- 1 scoop Greens Powder of your choice or Spirulina & Chlorella is Hubby is up for a challenge
- 1 Tbsp Goji berries or Acai Powder
- 1 Tsp Maca
- 1 Banana
- 2 Cups Milk of your choosing (see above for discussion on milk) or as much liquid as needed to reach the “fill” line on your Nutribullet!
Fertility Smoothie Recipe for Egg Health
Fertility Smoothie for Egg Health!
- Total Time: 6 mins
- Yield: 1 1x
This is the fertility smoothie I drank every day to get pregnant despite endometriosis, High FSH, low AMH, diminished ovarian reserve, MTHFR single mutation, and repeated miscarriages. My focus was on improving egg health overall, and overcoming my individual issues. Be sure to swap out MY superfoods (e.g., walnut oil for endometriosis, wheatgrass for High FSH, etc.,) for YOUR particular situation!
- 1 cup organic romaine or butter lettuce, or 1/2 cup lightly steamed spinach or kale (collards or chard if you’re brave)
- 1/2 cup– 1 cup organic berries (fresh preferable, frozen if you can’t afford fresh or they are out of season)
- 2 scoops Perfect Supplement’s Hydrolyzed Collagen
- 1/2 Tbsp organic walnut oil (for my endometriosis) (yes this is in plastic which sucks, and doesn’t have USDA certification,but I can’t find another organic option– you could get non-organic in glass)
- 1 scoop wheatgrass powder (for my High FSH and acupuncture diagnoses- use a superfood suited to YOUR needs)
- 1 tsp spirulina (for my poor egg quality and acupuncture diagnoses- use a superfood suited to YOUR needs)
- 1.5 cup filtered water (or whatever you need to reach the fill line on your Nutribullet)
- 2 tbsp coconut manna
- 1 scoop acai powder
- Add all ingredients to your NutriBullet, or other blender, and blend for 30 seconds or so.
- Enjoy!
- You can sub whatever kind of unsweetened coconut/almond milk, etc., for the water+ coconut manna combo. I’m just trying to avoid using canned or tetra pak milks with gums in them, so I’m making my own coconut milk with the manna in a glass jar plus water.
- Sometimes I add half an apple.
- If this is too not-yummy for you, first try removing the wheatgrass and spirulina. Is it good then? If it still isn’t yummy, switch to romaine instead of lightly steamed spinach or kale. Is it good then? Reintroduce other items until its yummy enough! You WILL get used to it, I promise! DON’T ADD THE BANANA.
- Have fun! Play around with different combinations. Throw some seeds or nuts in if you want. Just watch your sugars, i.e., don’t throw in the banana! 🙂
- Prep Time: 5 mins
- Cook Time: 1 min
- Category: Smoothies
- Method: Blender
- Cuisine: Fertility, Healthy Living
- Serving Size: 1
- Calories: 342
- Sugar: 6g
- Sodium: 119mg
- Fat: 26g
- Saturated Fat: 17g
- Unsaturated Fat: 0
- Trans Fat: 0
- Carbohydrates: 21g
- Fiber: 12g
- Protein: 14g
- Cholesterol: 0
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Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!
Hi, Would you only recommend that women take wheat grass only if they know that they have high fsh? Or would it be okay for everyone?
Hi Madeline! I would definitely recommend it to anyone trying to conceive who doesn’t have any grass-related allergies! It is a great source of folic acid, antioxidants, and chlorophyll. A superfood for anyone, but especially for men trying to conceive! Baby dust!!
Hi, I would like to have your thought on Lori Bregman fertility smoothie. What do you think of the ingredients?
Hi Amelia! Thanks for the comment! I think her recipe looks great! The only thing is that it isn’t tailored….not everyone should take maca, for example. So you could start with her smoothie and then tailor with additives to find something that makes YOU feel good. Also, I always stick some kind of green veggie in my smoothie, because otherwise it’s hard to get in 3-4 servings of greens a day! She suggests liquid omega or fish oil. If you can handle that, do it!!! Personally I’d rather take things like that in a pill and add a yummier fat to my smoothie! Enjoy whatever you blend up, and just watch those sugars!!
Thank you for taking the time to answer! You are right, I will develop a mix of both recipes based on your article and what I need.
It is going to be hard to say goodbye to sugar 🙁
Amelia, I hear you. It’s so hard, but it’s so important!! Good luck, and baby dust!
Hi Anna,
Thank you for your warm reply to my last comment.
I am using your website daily to keep on track and am doing absolutely everything but with slight modifications to my life. I have cut out sugar but it still creeps up in things where you’d never expect it but I remain vigilant! One thing I’m concerned about is I’ve been eating goji berries as my only ‘sweetie’ – i find them delicious and immensely satisfying for that little change of flavour after something savoury. I know how strongly you recommend them but what is their sugar content like, am I just eating little lovely nuggets of sugar?
Thank you as always,
I’m so glad you are finding the website useful! Good job remaining vigilant about sugar. You are doing so much good for your body and your eggs! You are right to be concerned about the goji berries. They are definitely high in sugar content, but they also pack a punch with nutrients and antioxidants. I would suggest 2 options. The first is switch to a no/low sugar antioxident powder for your smoothies like the one I suggest in the post. Unfortunately that won’t give you the little yummy “sweetie” kick! So, your other option, is just have one now and then. A 1/4 cup of goji berries has 13 grams of sugar! Woah! But, if you are having one or two after each meal that sounds just about perfect to me (like you said, “after something savoury”). A nice little dessert. I have also been known to have a tiny square of super super dark chocolate (like 90%) that has no soy or dairy. So, don’t go crazy, and space out your consumption across the day so the fructose doesn’t spike your insulin response. But, enjoy those goji berries one or two at a time!
Indeed, woah! I better slow down on those Gojis – whoops! But I can definitely reduce it to just a couple but I’ve certainly been overindulging (I found they are delicious with pecans). I like your suggestion of a square or two of super dark, dairy/soy free choccy 😉
Thank you again for being such a guiding light on this journey. You are wonderful.
Hi Anna,
Thank you so much for this blog. It is really inspiring me and giving me a renewed energy on my IVF journey. I was just wondering is the recipe for one portion?
I hope your journey is going well and you have been blessed with a baby! Sorry I didn’t reply earlier. YES this recipe is for one portion!
Hi Anna,
Me again, the strangest thing happened 6 weeks into my fertility regime with my smoothies. My body just all of the sudden started to violently react to them. After having my morning smoothie, I would have intense cramping, burning, gas and would vomit and would last for about 3-4 hours.
I kept persisting but each time eliminating or changing an element of the smoothie to try and figure out what was causing it but after 5 times of enduring this intense reaction, I have to say I don’t know if I can ever have another smoothie ever again! And it is such a shame because I was loving my smoothies. Have you ever encountered or heard of such a thing?
I am going to have eggs with wilted greens and avocado in the mornings instead and try and mix it up with some smoked salmon every now and then. I also want to try making my own oats so I can still have my fix of Chia. What is your opinion of oats?
Below recipe for my breakfast smoothie that I had every morning for 6 weeks without any problems until just now:
1 cup organic spinach or kale, steamed
½ cup organic blueberries
3 small pieces beetroot (raw)
1 tablespoon coconut oil
½ teaspoon maca (powder)
1 tsp spirulina
handfull sunflower seeds
handfull walnuts
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk/almond milk
Thank you as always, Anna.
Andrea, oh my goodness!!! I haven’t heard of that. Do you think you could be having an allergic reaction to an ingredient? Sometimes allergic reactions can be gastrointestinal! Anna
Also.. .I love oatmeal! I also love a nutritious breakfast! I guess I better clarify in my post that my fertility smoothie is my midmorning snack, not my breakfast ? -Anna
Is it okay to eat oatmeal bc doesn’t body break it down into sugar? I have been loving oatmeal too but am feeling guilty for doing an oat.
Don’t feel guilty about food, just strategize. If you love your oatmeal, make sure you are eating it with plenty of protein to offset the effects.
Thanks Anna, pretty crazy huh?
As always, I appreciate your feedback and advice.
Thanks again!
All the best,
Andrea– Just double checking that you were using GELATINIZED maca, right? The plain raw powder can wreak havoc on your stomach otherwise. Just a thought! – Anna
Hi Anna! Thank you for all the wonderful info you’ve compiled on this blog.
I was wondering if you recommend this daily smoothie for men as well. I’d love to make a big batch in the morning for both my husband and I, but wanted to see if there were any specific swaps you’d recommend for an added male fertility boost. I think I read your husband was doing a daily smoothie as well.
Thanks 🙂
Julie! This is totally on my to-do list– write up a post on a male fertility smoothie!! For my hubby definitely a focus on nuts & seeds, and he gets 1 tsp of gelatinized maca a day. He also does whey protein because he has no problem with dairy, and then does a greens powder mix. Oh, and he gets to put a banana in- lucky man!! I’ll make a post soon, I promise! -Anna
Why is pea protein a problem. I have just bought a full tub of vegan protein which is a mix of rice, hemp and pea. Not cheap and really reputable brand in the uk. I have had a quick look around and all the things I can find say peas causing infertility is an old wives tail. Are there any recent studies on this?
Jayne, great question! Yes, the studies are all old. It is a combination of studies from the 1950s and 60s, and we don’t have anything modern to benchmark off of. Plus, supposedly there is a history of some kind of indigenous people using pea protein for contraception (definitely the old-wives tale type of evidence, right?).
Is any of this definitive proof? No, but we don’t have definitive proof on almost anything in fertility, except for maybe the negative effects of caffeine and alcohol. Pretty much all evidence we have other than that is from a handful of studies.
Here’s my train of thought- I want to do ALL THE THINGS. If there is some chance pea protein might increase infertility, I can’t risk it. I have too many diagnoses and issues to risk ANYTHING that might reduce fertility and I need to do ALL THE THINGS to increase fertility. However, if I had a 25 year old super healthy friend who wanted to get pregnant and she was worried about the pea protein in her smoothie I’d tell her to chill out and enjoy. Does that make sense?
If you’re already pretty healthy, young, and fertile, you don’t need to worry about these things. But at some point you have to make a personal choice about risk. Another example is bananas- lots of “fertility coaches” recommend putting bananas in fertility smoothies. For women like me with multiple factors reducing our fertility, this is a TERRIBLE idea. The sugar in one banana could ruin egg quality for months. But, for my theoretical 25 year old healthy friend, the banana is fine. Does that make sense?
Enjoy your protein 🙂 When you finish it decide what you want to do next!
Hi Anna, great shared, but I cannot find avocado here & difficult to have whatever foods, fruits, etc in organic ones ;(;(
Thanks, I am 35 with a diagnosis of unexplained fertility and multiple chemical pregnancies. I like you am really not sure I should drink it now because I don’t want anything to hinder my fertility further. Are hemp and rice protein ok? I know soy is definately out. The two you recommend are not available in the Uk. It’s such a minefield I feel like I am getting somewhere then realise I have done something else wrong ? Thanks for your advice, much appreciated and I love this site. Keeps me on the straight and narrow as well when I feeling weak! Jayne
Brown rice protein with no sugar is totally fine. Hemp is okay, but not in the long run, because it has too much Omega 6, and you want to make sure your balance is more Omega 3s to Omega 6s. I add hemp hearts occasionally, but not more than once or twice a week. To be honest- there is no PERFECT protein powder for fertility- I’m still searching for it. Best bet would be a brown rice with no sugar, or a collagen peptides protein. We have a new brand here in the US by Dr. Axe made from Organic Chicken Bone Broth Protein which COULD be the perfect protein, BUT right now it still has annoying fillers in it. I sent them an email asking them to PLEASE make a pure one without anything else. If you find a near perfect option available in the UK, will you please let me know so I can share on the website? THANK YOU!!
– Anna
Hello! Is this a good recipe for BOTH my husband and I to take while trying to get pregnant?
It’s your lucky day! I actually have another entire post on a Male Fertility Smoothie!! Find it here:
Hello Anna,
Thank you for your blogs!!! I have been studying them basically all week and implemented so much in my daily routine. I was supposed to start IVF this cycle but my day 2 fsh test on Tuesday read 15.8 Doc said no go until it’s below 15. I was devastated. Anyway I cried for a couple hours then I started googling how to lower fsh and your blog was so inspiring. I was already gluten free and dairy but stopped drinking wine, implemented your smoothie, upped my acupuncture(found a good fertility one in Philly) and actually went to ST. Rita’s shrine today- it’s gorgeous. I just want to say thank you. I got this!!!
HI Lee Ann!!
I’m so glad you found the blogs!!! A little wheatgrass and praying to St. Rita and you’ll be on your way to a lower FSH :-). I love that shrine- so lucky you live near it! The St. Gianna shrine is nowhere near as impressive but very sweet and just about 40 minutes north of you.
You do have this!!!! Baby dust!
Hi Anna,
I’m kinda freaking out because I just checked my protein powder and it’s pea protein. I’ve only had it for 7 days. You think that’s a ok? Can I put peanut butter in my smoothie or what other protein butter do you recommend? I’m over the protein powders. Thank you for your response!!
Lee Ann
Lee Ann,
Don’t freak out honey :-). Its okay. We avoid pea protein out of an abundance of caution, but plenty of women use it and still get pregnant. Yes, you can totally do peanut butter. If you look back up in this post I actually have a whole list of foods you can add to your smoothies to add protein when you just don’t want to use a powder!!!
Hi Anna, I’m just starting my fertility diet in prep for baby #2. Have you compared or used Sports Research Pure Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides or even Great Lakes? Pure Research’s is much more affordable for me and I’m curious your take on it. I’m new to the collagen world.
Hi Chelsea! When I did the research it was all about finding a sources that promises it is from pasture raised-grass fed cows, and at the time Vital Proteins was the only one. It looks like Great Lakes is promising that too now- but that Sports Research is only saying pasture raised. I really, really, wish there was an organic option. Dr. Axe has some promising bone broth collagen protein mixes, but so far they aren’t perfect- they have non-organic and then they have organic but with extra herbs/supplements that are not helpful for female fertility. The quest for the perfect protein goes on! In the meantime, I have Vital Proteins in my cabinet!
Thank you for such a prompt reply!
Hi Anna, thanks for making this. Are you supposed to drink one per day. How often do you recommend drinking one.
Hi Kaitlin, just once per day!!
hi Anna
what are your thoughts on decafinated coffee?
Hi Amanda! I avoided it- unless it is organic coffee has a lot of pesticides; it still has some caffeine; and the process of decaffeination introduces chemical toxins into the coffee. Not worth it to me! It’s not terrible as the occasional cheat, I just decided it wasn’t good for an everyday beverage! Its why I switched to Dandy Blend!
Anna – I’m prepping to buy all the great ingredients for starting my smoothie routine but I’d love a brand recommendation on coconut milk/cream products. Of course the more economical the better. I can hit up Costco or order online. Seems like a “bulk” order in general is cheaper. What brand do you use?
Hi Chelsea! Best thing to do is make your own, but I don’t do that! I buy the So Delicious Organic stuff from the refrigerated section of the grocery store because it has less fillers and no carageenan. I also love the So Delicious coconut culinary cream (we order on bulk from Amazon on Subscribe and Save), but I only add that to the smoothie as a special treat. We use it for cooking mostly and I add it to my Dandy Blend. Here’s the link-
Baby dust!
Im so thrilled to have found your site. I thank you for all of the useful information.
I am 37, going on 3 years trying to conceive. I also have Graves disease, so while at times I get discouraged, I can’t and won’t give up. I just have a question about the dairy. Would you still recommend taking the Adora calcium supplements if dairy should be take out of the diet?
Yes, just stick with the dark chocolate which is dairy free and skip the milk chocolate. Baby dust !!
Hi Anna,
I started making drastic changes in my diet since Saturday (3 days ago) by sticking to all the changes you recommended here at least by 98%.
One thing that I am seriously struggling with is the smoothie. It just tastes horrendous and right now I am feeling very nauseous.
I am not sure if it’s the wheat grass or the spirulina powder, or both. It tastes terrible and I can’t get it to be a nice flavor I can handle. Can this be replaced with any kinds of real veggies, fruits, etc for the same effect?
This is what I put in:
cooked spinach
wheat grass – big teaspoon (not sure what a ‘scoop’ measurement unit is)
spirulina – normal teaspoon
little bit of organic maple sirup
(today) a little coconut oil (I have no walnut oil)
unsweetened coconut milk
Thank you in advance,
Hi Undine!
Awesome job making drastic changes!!! If the smoothie tastes gross and makes you nauseous- stop! Let’s back up and see if we can figure out what’s going on. First- you only need the wheatgrass if you have High FSH. Spirulina isn’t required.
But try this- start with berries, coconut oil, unsweetened coconut milk, half a green apple, and maybe some nuts. (Ditch the maple syrup for the sugar in half the apple which will give you nutrients also). If you can stomach that, add some protein powder. If that tastes good, add some raw romaine. If that tastes good, stick with that for a week. THen try switching to the lightly steamed spinach and see how it tastes. If its gross- don’t do the spinach. If its good, do that for a week. Then try adding just one- either the spirulina or the wheatgrass. See how it goes. If its palatable do that for a week. THen try adding the other. If anything just tastes GROSS then maybe it is the wrong super food for you!
Also, your tastebuds might need time to adjust. You’re only 3 days in- you are probably still used to things being sweet. That will change! At some point you’ll be able to play around with different fruits, veggies, and superfoods, and it will all taste good!
Baby dust!
Hello Anna 🙂
Thank you so much for your quick reply.
I was tested with a day 3 FSH of 12, so it is higher. And my AMH last year in May was 0.5.
I have a feeling the wheatgrass is the flavor killer, but not sure. Spirulina and wheatgrass both don’t smell pleasant lol. But I’ll definitely continue my best to taking in both. This morning I mixed both in some lukewarm water and drank it – it was the hardest thing, I have to say.
In my smoothie I put steamed spinach, almond milk, maple sirup, 2 large strawberries and some blackberries (which aren’t sweet at all unfortunately), sunflower seeds, flax meal (not my best idea I think), the protein powder you recommend on your website, and I think that is it. Still very sour. I am not good with sour, never have been. Will make some more adjustments tomorrow, as per your recommendations.
I am very happy I found your website, it is giving me hope.
Great job detailing everything here!
I hope you made some of those adjustments and it started tasting better for you!!!
I am finally getting on board with your fertility smoothie and am enjoying it so far. I have two questions.
1) Do you recommend one tablespoon walnut oil or just a half tablespoon walnut oil for your basic recipe? The recipe in the box and the typed recipe above it conflict on the amount.
2) Do you drink this smoothie in place of breakfast? I am finding myself pretty full from just the smoothie, but I noticed you mentioned eating eggs for breakfast in this post.
Crikey! I didn’t realize they conflicted! I put in a whole tablespoon, but honestly I didn’t usually measure it- just tilted the bottle over :-). I’ll fix them!
I don’t drink it instead of breakfast. During a work day I leave very early so I have a small breakfast of real food at home and bring the smoothie to work as my first morning snack. On a day at home I have a big cooked breakfast and have the smoothie later as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. I have a pretty crazy huge appetite though, and need to consume a lot of (healthy, fertility-diet approved) calories- so its all about what YOU need. BABY DUST!
Hi Anna, i’m looking into getting the Collagen Peptide that you recommended, am currently try to conceive. Did you drink the same collagen peptide during your 2nd miracle pregnancy? like throughout the whole pregnancy? Or did you switch to other protein powder? I understand protein is very important in the entire pregnancy. Is the Collagen Peptide safe to consume while you are pregnant? This particular brand or even any other collagen brand. Appreciate you reply and Congratulation on your new born!
Hi Sylvia! Yes, I drank the collagen peptides through my second pregnancy and they were great! I tried to keep my protein level high and carbs low this pregnancy to avoid high blood pressure which I developed with the first pregnancy!
Hi Anna,
I’m excited to try your smoothie! I am only 27 but have already had 3 early miscarriages. I know myself and I won’t be able to add any greens to my smoothies, but I did order the Amazing Grass Green Superfood which you recommended. My question for you would be is the Collagen Peptides used instead of protein or should/could add protein instead? Also, would it be okay to add oats to my smoothie? I think I would like to use it a breakfast smoothie some morning.
Thank you!
Hi Michelle!! I’m so sorry for your losses. I hope you are taking care of yourself emotionally!! Good call with the green superfood, although try some lettuce occasionally and see how you do :-). Yes, I use the Collagen Peptides as my added in protein! No need for another, but you could if you wanted. Yes, oats are totally fine, as long as you watch your total carb load versus fat and protein!!!
Baby dust!
Hi Anna,
I was reading your page and then the final recipe and i was a little confused. In the recipe you mention protein powder and then walnut oil. If i was to use walnuts as my protein can i leave the oil out?
Hi Sharee!! Add some protein and some fat of your choosing. It does seem redundant to add walnuts and walnut oil. Walnut oil doesn’t have protein though- just the fat. If you add walnuts you are getting both fat and protein- although not enough protein for my preference! Does that make sense?
Thank you so much for this post. Was in much need…
I drink this fertility smoothie every morning. Steamed organic Spinach (only after seeing your post), raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, 1/2 organic banana, 1/2 apple, chia seeds(1 tbsp), 1/2 teaspoon jade matcha leaf powder with 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk (don’t like coconut taste as it causes me to burp) and 4-5 mango pieces at times.
Do you think I am missing anything?
Later after reaching work I have 1/2 avacado with 2 gluten free bread slices. Some walnuts,cashewnut later in the day…
1. You think adding collagen protein to the smoothie is a good idea?
2. I do not like bitterness of kale so I am daily consuming spinach.
Hi KD! Sounds like you are crushing it! For me, that would be too much fruit- sugar overload! I had to be very careful about egg quality, so only did berries, and maybe 1/2 an apple. Banana and mango would be too much sugar for me. I would also avoid the matcha because of the caffeine. As for the protein- new research shows that egg quality is maximized when your daily macronutrients have over 25 percent protein. This is very hard to do unless you add protein to your smoothie- especially if you’re trying to not overdo it on animal protein at each meal. That is the reason I add protein to my smoothies, and the collagen is my favorite. You might have a different kind of protein that works for you! If you’re getting your healthy fats in later in the day, no need to add to your smoothie. Almond milk is totally fine. If you drop the match powder, think if there are any fertility superfoods that are perfect for YOU that you might add! I can’t do much kale in smoothies either. I swap between the steamed spinach and raw lettuce. BABY DUST!!!
Also, do you have fertility smoothie recipe after positive pregnant test?
I basically do the same thing but without the wheatgrass or spirulina. And I let myself add as much fruit as I want!
Dear Anna,I am so excited to find your site. Your story is really amazing showing how strong is the power within you.thank you so much for taking time to have this blog.
I have one question for the above post. How much grams is a scoop of protein and how much a scoop of wheat grass??
Thanks for your help.
Hi Maria!! So glad you are enjoying the site :-).
Both of the brands I use come with their own scoops!! You can see on amazon how much the grams are. Most items like this do! If you want more or less for your needs (or tastes!) you can adjust it! I’m just sharing what I did and do!
Thank you so much for this blog. Im 40, had one miscarriage in May.
I am making the smoothie every morning since early June.
We are going back to the clinic to get more sperm and try another IUI in October.
Can I ask how much avocado do you recommend? Also how much protein should I aim for.
I would rather stick to non powder/collagen protein – not sure why.
Can I use cacao powder instead of nibs?
Thank you again so much.
I do one avocado each day while trying to conceive as long as I can find them ripe! Cocoa powder is fine, just don’t overdo it- it has a lot of caffeine! Here’s is my article on figuring out the total amount of protein you should be shooting for in a day—
Baby dust!
Hi! I know you talk about raw seeds and their benefits. I love to roast pumpkin seeds with a little olive oil and salt and eat them as a snack. Would that be okay or are they better to eat raw while TTC? Thanks!
Yum!! Totally fine!! Did you see my seed cycling post? You could eat them specifically pre-ovulation to boost estrogen ( The “best” way for that is raw and ground, but I’m sure you get a benefit from eating them anyway. Plus, the yum factor is good for your mental health 🙂
hi! did you continue having this smoothie after you got a positive pregnancy test? Are all of these items still safe to take such as the collagen, spurinlina? Thank you
Hi Nik! I actually have a whole post on what I did after I got my BFP! Basically I stopped the wheatgrass and spirulina until the third trimester (although that was out of an overabundance of caution, and probably would have been fine), but continued the rest. I definitely used the collagen protein!!! Here’s the link for that blog post-
Hope this means you are pregnant!!
Hi Anna,
I have the MTHFR mutation and low AMH (which I’ve discovered are related). I am trying to find some good smoothie powders – one for protein, one with alkalizing greens (unless there’s a powder with both!)
I’m thinking of Nutiva’s organic hemp powder for my protein. Is that a good choice? Is hemp okay with my mutation? Would collagen protein be better for someone with the mutation?
And I’ve read that those of us with the mutation may have gluten issues. Does that mean we should avoid wheatgrass? Is spirulina better?
Thank you!
Hi Julie!!
There used to be a fantastic protein + greens mix by Amazing Grass that met all of my exacting standards, but unfortunately they discontinued it and all their protein now has pea protein. Personally I think collagen protein is better for everyone, unless they have histamine issues. Its a more complete protein, and babies are made from protein and fat. If you prefer a veg protein for personal reasons, hemp is, in my opinion, fine.
I totally advocated for avoiding gluten while ttc for people struggling with all kinds of diagnoses. The wheatgrass by Amazing Grass is gluten free- but whatever company you buy from you’ll want to check their website or ask them to make sure theirs is too! I took spirulina ALSO. I think they are different but both really important for certain health conditions. I actually skipped a mixed greens powder and just did spirulina and wheatgrass straight up!
Baby dust!
Hi! My wife found your website about 3 1/2 months ago. We started following your diet recommendations, which for the most part, also aligned with what 2 nutritionists recommended. I started making her smoothies, which she’s been drinking 6-7 days a week. My wife just completed her annual blood work and it turns out her TSH level (thyroid stimulating hormone) went from 2.7 to 5.1. 4.0 is the acceptable high. The doctor put her on Synthroid for a hypo-active thyroid. They are confident her levels will drop to a normal range within 6-8 weeks, which aligns with our IVF schedule and a possible embryo implant, so no major concerns.
After hearing this news, I remembered you mentioned the concern over an alkaloid buildup which can harm your thyroid. Do you think her diet changes could be contributing to this? I explained these changes to the nurse and she doesn’t seem to think so.
I make her smoothies every 5 days (a full Ninja blender splits up into 5 pint glasses perfectly). Here is what goes in it:
1 cup blueberries
1 cup strawberries
1 cub of blackberries/raspberries
1 apple
4 tablespoons of walnut oil
5 servings/scoops of collagen peptides (alternated with Organic Rice Protein)
5 servings/scoops of wheat grass
5 servings of FertiliGreens (
1 bag of steamed spinach, kale, or swiss chard (I alternate)
1 head of romaine lettuce, butter lettuce or red romaine (I alternate these as well)
Remaining space filled with sugar free almond milk
I’m wondering if I’ve been overdoing it with the FertiliGreens and/or wheat grass? Those are the two items that have been constant since day 1. FertiliGreens is a wide mix of things (Organic Wheat Grass, Barley, Alfalfa, Kamut and Rye Grasses, Vegetables (Spinach, broccoli and beets), Organic flax seeds, Sea vegetables (Kelp, Dulse, Sea Whistle and Alaria), Herbal Tonics (Eluthero, Astragulus, Green Tea, Ginkgo biloba and ginger). She has also removed all gluten, sugary foods, caffeine, etc,. Most of what you recommended 🙂
I’m glad to know that the Synthroid prescription will adjust her thyroid levels to normal, but would also like to know the cause of the high levels and would love to hear your input.
All of this aside, we are just past the 90 day mark with these diet changes and attempting a mini-IVF this month (3 failed high-dose attempts so far). 6 follicles to start, 1 which is already 19mm and the first day of medication starts today. The single larger follicle is a noticeable change for us, so we’re hoping to hear some more good news as the next few weeks go by.
Somehow I missed this comment from years ago, and I wanted to get back to you and ask how your mini-IVF went? And how is your wife’s thyroid?
I am not rating this for yumminess, because let’s face it… without a banana it isnt that good! I am rating it for being an actual, honest, FERTILITY smoothie, and taking into account diet science, etc. Thank you! I am drinking ecstasy and praying for baby!
Lol, Emma you are so right!
Hey thank you so much for all of this great information. I am going to be starting my first IVF cycle after two failed IUI. I wanted to add the açai and Goji powder, can you let me know how much of each you would add to your above smoothie, I want to make sure I’m not adding too much or too little. Thank you so much
Add whatever the recommended serving size is on the package! Other than that, I don’t have any specific research pointing towards amounts for those!
Hi, got diagnosed with POF last week i am 36 and just purchased all the ingredients for fertility juice and looking to change my diet January 1 along with no more alcohol. Wish me luck i need it.
Baby dust my dear!!! You’ve got this!!!
What would you recommend for PCOS, diagnosed cold uterus/kidney deficiency by accupuncturist, multiple miscarriages. Have a juicer and will ensure all veges a steamed gently before hand.
Hi honey! I’m not an expert on PCOS, but I had cold uterus and definitely the spirulina was part of addressing that. Are you in my facebook group? That would be a great place to look for other people with your history and ask what they put in their smoothie!
Hi Anna
I am so glad to find you online 🙂 I love all your posts. I am planning to start the smoothie , but have already started the supplements and no caffeine and no sugar diet. Little about me : I am 33 years old and my AMH is normal (2.01) as per doc but I have seen gradual decrease in my AMH from 2.32 to 2.01. I dont have pcos or any other issue, except the unexplained infertility. Would you still recommend wheatgrass , spirulina or maca powder to me. My cycle is not fixed it varies from 28-31 days .
Hi Sheenam,
Have you seen an acupuncturist to get your chinese medicine diagnosis? That was part of what helped me identify that I needed the spirulina. I think that spirulina and wheatgrass are both great, nutritionally dense options for anyone trying to conceive. Maca is not for everyone.
I don’t know your particular health profile and I’m not a naturopath or coach, so I can’t recommend individually, does that make sense?
Baby dust!!
I just discovered your blog and I am literally devouring all of this information. I live in the tropics, Southern Vietnam, and do not have easy or affordable access to berries, pears, or apples. The ones we might find are definitely not organic. Do you know of any acceptable tropical fruits for smoothies, papaya or dragon fruit?
Hi Anna, I really appreciate this forum that you’ve created here, and I’m sure it will be of great benefit to many including myself. I will start with your fertility smoothie as soon as amazon delivers the items I’ve ordered today. Additionally, I would love for you to talk about prenatal vitamins….as in the best options and when we should commence prior to starting TTC. Looking forward to your response. Thanks
AWESOME POST and so very helpful to hear all of the comments!! How do we know if we should be adding in Spirulina or Wheatgrass? IS there a clear sign or symptom we should watch for?
Hi Anna – Thank you so for all this awesome information!! I love collagen powder and have been putting it in my hot tea 2 or 3 times a day for quite awhile for a protein boost. While doing some research yesterday, I discovered collagen powder isn’t a complete protein since it is missing one of the the amino acids. What are your thoughts on this and how it relates to daily protein intake? Thanks again!
Hi Anna! I love your website! What do you think about Noosh protein powder? It appears to be just powdered almond protein.
Hello Anna,
Can you please let me know if we can use Garden of Life RAW Organic Perfect Food® Green Superfood instead of wheatgrass and spirulina ? I see that you recommend it in the male fertility smoothie.
Hi Anna,
Thankyou for sharing your story. This has been so helpful.
Haev you ever heard of the protein powder from Orgain? Specifically this one.
What are your thoughts on it?
I usually mix that with some frozen berries and spinach. with some walnuts or sometimes chia seeds.
Hi Anna,
I started making your fertility smoothies and lemon drink about 7 weeks ago. I am now 4 weeks and 4 days pregnant!! I made a couple additions to your recipe based on your recommended options. I added chia seeds, cacao, gelatinized maca and added the seeds that corresponded with your seed cycle schedule. I felt great every day knowing that I was getting the important nutrients I needed. I am continuing to make both drinks now. I have Crohn’s disease and eating can be tough some days so it’s nice to have a nutritious option that is gentle on my system. Should I continue to use the ovulation through end of cycle seeds?
In addition to the lemon drink and smoothie, in the last 7 weeks I eliminated as many plastics as possible. My cleaning and beauty products had already been swapped for better versions but I swapped my shower curtain, any bulk food items I had in plastic, etc. lastly, I stopped eating anything from a can. I wasn’t eating much from a can before and due to Crohn’s I eat very clean but I stopped eating canned food completely, making my own beans, chick peas, etc.
Thank you so much for all of the research you have done and for sharing it. Now that I am pregnant again after a mc in November I am also going to use the Circle & Bloom mediation program to help with the anxiety that is mixed in with the joy. Thank you again!!
Hi Anna!
That’s a great recipe.
I am not using spirulina though, I have added some maca.
Is wheatgrass good for hormonal balance in general?
I wanted to ask you if adding a tea spoon of raw cacao everyday is fine?
Many thanks!
Hi Anna!
You mentioned that you use walnut oil for your endometriosis. What oil would you recommend for improving egg quality, low amh?
Hi Anna,
I ‘ve been trying for couple of years now, one missed miscarriage and one failed IVF, even though I produced good quality eggs and couple of good embryos the one they transfered didn’t implant. Wanted to ask if your daily smoothie with greens, berries, spirulina, wheatgrass, flax and sunflower and pumpkin seeds would be good for me. I’m trying again on my own and probably another embryo transfer later in the year. Another recommendation?
I bought a blend of flax, sunflower, pumpkin & sesame seeds & goji berries. Do you think is ok for everyday since I found you have another post on dividing the seeds during the cycle.
Love your blog, very helpful. Thank you for all your work
I’m so sorry for your loss!! I would finish what you have and then buy them separately for cycling!
Thanks, I’m now starting the FET in a month time, do you think I should keep the daily smoothie including on the TWW? I wont be ovulating this month but want to keep the goodies every morning. Should I avoid anything from your list of things to prepare the smoothie?
Hi Anna,
Your website is so informative, thank you for all of your hard work! Have you heard of the smoothie blend company Seedlyfe? They have multiple smoothie blends for different female stages (PMS, TTC, pregnancy, new mom, menopause) would you recommend the Fertility Smoothie Blend for someone who is just starting to conceive? I haven’t been diagnosed with anything other than being older – I’m 40. Here is their website:
I’ve read you don’t recommend Maca Root or Vitex unless you’ve been told certain hormone levels are not normal and their Fertility Blend has both….just wondering if I should continue taking? I’m trying to prepare the best way possible for a natural pregnancy before we try IVF. Thank you in advance!
I’d never heard of them, but just looked them up! I’d skip the Fertility blend because of the Stevia- check the info on Stevia! And yes, it seems like they are kind of just sticking in everything that is good for fertility– a tailored approach will be better for most people!
Hello! I wanted to ask about your seed cycling.Ive been taking a blend of walnuts,Brazil nuts,hemp,chia,pumpkin,and flax .
Your post to stop taking flax and pumpkin after implantation.I having a IUI tomorrow.Can I continue with the blend or should I throw it out and start a new one with sunflower seeds,sesame,chia,hemp and nuts?
Thank you
Hi Anna! I wanted to check if you’d read of any issues with the Earthrise Spirulina you link to in the recipe? I admittedly skipped to the recipe and bought the linked products before reading the article, so I missed that you’d switched brands on that one. Also – as a heads up, Amazing Grass was sued by the state of CA for not disclosing heavy metals on its labels (including the wheat grass linked to in the recipe – see, so folks may want to consider another brand.
HI Maria!! I am so embarrassed. I literally talk about the lawsuit against Amazing Grass up in the text and failed to change those links at the bottom. Well, they are finally changed now!!! I use Terrasoul now- I emailed several organic wheatgrass companies, and Terrasoul was the only one who happily sent me all their test results. THANK you for your comment and making me log on and fix those!
I have never heard anything bad about Earthrise, but I have switched to Perfect Supplements Spirulina because of their extensive testing and transparency.
Be well!!!
Thanks, Anna! Good to know that I wasn’t missing anything re: Earthrise. I also wanted to share that adding a 1/2 cup roasted red beets & some cinnamon to your recipe helps bring out the berry taste, and gives it a lovely deep purple color! (Especially raspberries). 🙂
Hi Anna! Thanks for the recipe and the blog in general. I am very excited to start my fertility smoothie adventure! Question though: I can’t seem to find the option to print the recipe on this page – did it disappear or did you take it down? By reading past comments it seems like there used to be a printable “recipe card” type thing at the end of the post after the recipe you have typed out (similar to the one on the male fertility page) but it is not showing up currently. I’d like to have a nicely printed copy of it so I can make notes. Thanks!! 🙂
Thank you so much for all your advice Anna! What do you think about Terrasoul cacao nibs and also Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Dark Chocolate version with cocoa powder? Would you eliminate them from your fertility diet or would you have them?
Hello, would you not recommend juicing for fertility as this would contain raw veg?
Hi Anna,
Thanks for your wonderful blog. Can my hubby also take the seed probiotic?
Yes, absolutely, my hubby does!
Hi Anna,
Thank you so much for your blog and the work you do 🙂
I am 33 and just started TTC a few months ago. No significant medical issues and because it hasn’t been a year have not sought out any fertility testing.
Wondering what you would recommend for me as a smoothie given that I don’t have any issues diagnosed? Looking for what you would generally suggest for a fertility boosting recipe.
Hi Amy! I would just use a smoothie as a way to ensure you are getting TONS of greens, and extra proteins. Spirulina or Chlorella might be helpful in general for detoxifying and nourishing- be sure to read up on them first to make sure it sounds right for YOU!
Okay, so this isn’t the yummiest fertility smoothie out there, but yummy isn’t really the point is it? I feel healthier and more energized drinking this smoothie, and best yet, my FSH has gone from 22 to 13!! Hoping it keeps going down. Thank goodness for wheatgrass!!
You understood the assignment, lol :-). YES we’re not going for yummy here! SO glad you feel better and your FSH went down! Did you find your baby?
I’ve been making my smoothie with frozen organic blueberries, organic mixed berries, 1 avocado, steamed spinach or steamed kale, chia seeds, flax seeds, and unsweetened coconut milk. And it tastes GREAT!! I plan on adding collagen, and possibly spirulina and maca. I think the avocado gives it a nice creamy texture. Thanks Anna!
I am SO glad it tastes great!!! I love it too. Isn’t it interesting how it tastes different to different people? And YES avocado can make it so creamy and nice! 🙂
Hi Anna,
Did you continue with the smoothie up until the end of the cycle or stop it at some point?
Hi Samantha! I continued it throughout the cycle, only stopping the spirulina and wheatgrass with a positive pregnancy test. I’ve updated this post to now include recipes for the menstrual phase, follicular phase, ovulatory phase, and luteal phase to show how I rotated and altered the fertility smoothie based on time in my cycle!
Hi Anna, Thank you so much for the amazing website and detailed info. I am 38 yo, ttc baby #2 for the last year. Had a miscarriage at 8 weeks in July. Currently FSH increased from 11 to13, AMH 0.7, low AFC, have hashimotos as well and started synthroid few months ago.
How long does it take for the optimal results after you start the smoothies. I want to avoid IVF if I can but given age and increasing FSH, I don’t have lot of time so want to make a careful decision. I do have couple questions so wondering if its possible to speak with you at all?
Hi Sheena! I’m sorry I missed this. How are you doing? Have you found your baby? I would say the smoothie is just part of doing ALL THE THINGS to get happier and healthier!
Hi Anna, I’m 37 almost 38 and want to conceive soon. I have low follicle levels for my age, but we’re hopeful I will be able to conceive naturally. We are also looking to freeze my eggs just in case, and for future children. I had the ovarian reserve testing done and received an AMH level of .40. It’s within range but looks low on it. Until I hear from my doctor I don’t know what to implement as far as ingredients for the smoothies. I’ve been following everything on your diet so we can have the absolute best chances possible to conceive naturally. Any insight is greatly appreciated!
Same, I have low antral follicle count on one ovary and I don’t see any supplement advice from Anna for this. It would be really good to know which supplements/powders are worth adding to boost my antral follicle count. I don’t have any of the other issues she talks about like hormonal imbalances/PCOS/endo/low AMH etc…my only problem is my lazy left ovary!!
Hi Natasha! What a good question! I’ve always related low antral follicle count (which I have) to a high FSH/low AMH situation and don’t know much about it outside that context. Well, you only need one for natural conception! Have you found your baby?
HI Mandy! I’m sorry I miseed this! I hope you were able to have success, I’d love to know how its going for you!!!
Hi Anna!
I’ve used your website since September and implemented most changes and just found out we are expecting! I’m wondering if you change the fertility smoothie once you have the BFP? Could I had sunflower lecithin for choline?
Hi Gillian! YES I did change the fertility smoothie after I got pregnant, most importantly I added a banana, lol :-). Sunflower lecithin is a great idea, but make sure you do the math to ensure you’re getting enough choline!
Wow thank you for all of the info you have compiled! What are your thoughts on pineapple as an anti inflammatory and Brazil nuts to aid in implantation? I have heard about those a lot. I got diagnosed with high fsh low amr and diminished ovarian reserve. Thanks again for all the info, it’s amazing!
Hi Erica! Sorry I missed this! I hope you have your baby by now!! xo. I am all for Brazil nuts, as they are fabulous for selenium. We would take his & hers brazil nuts every day! Don’t take too many though, its easy to overdose on selenium and get a weird icky metallic taste in your mouth. LIke 3-4/day max. I’m NOT a fan of pineapple for a couple of reasons- first because it is higher in sugars, and second because the guidance on when to take it is SO mixed. Without good science, and with the possibility that taking it on the wrong day might actually make things worse makes me want to avoid it!
When you say “lightly steam” something, what exactly do you mean? For only a certain amount of time?
Great question! I mean steam them only for a couple of minutes, until they have started to wilt, but not get soggy or overcooked.
I see that the plant protein source uses pumpkin seeds. Isn’t that going to interfere with the seed cycling?
What a great question! I think its just a risk you have to take if you are set on a plant protein! Also, seeds are really more supportive than anything, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
Hi Anna! Can you answer me a question? You said no sure or sweet fruit etc. is stevia ok? Or would that be a problem? Thanks.
Stevia is a weird one. Probably okay, but maybe not? I avoided it, because I get OCD about these things. Article for reference ->
I’ve read, at a couple of other sources, that since the greens are being broken into such tiny pieces in the blender, the cell membrane/walls get broken open and therefore the greens are not hard to digest and in fact they start to digesting as soon as they hit your saliva! The newly exposed parts begin to oxidize immediately and break down. This also a reason why smoothies should be consumed rather soon after blending. Do you not agree with this theory?
Jess, ohhh I like that idea!! I think even if they are easier to digest you still have the problems with the oxalates, etc. So even if you decide to go raw for some, make sure you rotate and don’t overdo it!
I just want to say thank you for your exceptionally thorough post. Other articles lack the depth that yours has. I really appreciate the research! And I’m slogging my way through daily fertility smoothies!
Megan, you are so welcome!!!
Hi Anna!
I bought the greens powder and hydrolyzed collagen powder you recommended for your smoothies. I was wondering if you happen to know if those are both safe to continue using during pregnancy as well? Thank you!
The ones from Perfect Supplements? Yes! Don’t use a marine collagen.
Hi Anna,
Thanks for all the rich information in your post. My go-to fertility smoothie consists of 1 banana, cup of mixed berries, filtered water, 1 tbsp rice protein powder, 1/2 tbsp chia seeds, 1 tsp acai powder, pinch of propolis (been pollen). How does this look to you? I know you wouldn’t do the banana but I walk for an hour every morning and this is the only way the smoothie can keep me full until lunchtime. I am planning to add wheatgrass now on your recommendation. I can’t do other seeds at the moment because I am just using a handblender but I do use seeds in as many salads and recipes as I can. Also, what do you think of lemon zest for added folate?
What about swapping the banana for an avocado? That will fill you up! But also, why not eat breakfast and have the smoothie? Lemon zest sounds like a great idea to me 🙂
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