
If you’re struggling to get pregnant, you aren’t alone. 1 in 5 couples will face infertility; my husband and I were one of them. It was heartbreaking trying month after month to get pregnant and failing.
It was worse when the doctors said I wouldn’t be able to conceive with my own eggs (spoiler alert: they were wrong!)
Praying, and asking God for a miracle was a huge part of my fertility journey and the largest and most important part of the mind-body work I did to get happier during infertility.
Table of Contents
How Do You Pray to Help Conceive A Baby?
I’ve been spending a lot of time over the years reading through the blogs of other women who struggle with infertility. They are their personal stories of grief, pain, struggle, becoming warriors, and for many, eventually becoming mothers. Many of them never stop fighting and never stop believing in their miracle, until, eventually, they get it!
I love reading the faith-based blogs where these women spill their hearts out to God and profess their faith in His goodness. I also love reading about how some of them research fertility diets, eliminate toxins, and do prayer and mind-body work.
Occasionally, however, I’ll come across one that says something like, “We’ve decided not to worry about a special diet or acupuncture or anything- if it is God’s will, then we’ll get pregnant.”
Whenever I hear this I always think about the metaphor of the man who prayed to win the lottery.
The poor man goes to church every day and prays, “Please, God, please, please, please . . . let me win the lottery!” This prayer goes on for months. Every day it is the same, “Please, please, God, let me win the lottery!” Finally, God can’t take it anymore, and his voice booms across the church in frustration, “My son, please, please, please . . . BUY A LOTTERY TICKET!”
Do I believe that ultimately our miracles come from God? Yes, without a doubt. But do I believe we should lie back and count on Him to do all the work? Um, no. We have to SHOW UP. We have to SHOW UP every single blessed day to do the good work to manifest our miracle.
Showing Up For Our Miracle
I think that God expects us to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of our own blessings. I think that God blessed us with brains, spirit, and mountains of challenges precisely so we could learn how to climb!
What does this mean?
- It means that once we know that there are fertility-harming chemicals and toxins out there, we are obligated to work relentlessly to eliminate them from our household and our lives. We do this for our fertility and health, and the health of our families. No excuses.
- It means that once we realize that there is an optimal fertility diet for us, we commit to it passionately, dedicating ourselves to becoming the healthiest, most nourished vessel for a baby that we possibly can by. God will give us the strength to do it, but we must have the motivation.
- It means that once we have been educated and know that mind-body techniques like mindfulness, gratitude, meditation, yoga, and acupuncture can help us become more fertile, we commit to these practices. God has provided us with these blessings- it is up to us to benefit from them.
- It means that once we learn about ways to maximize our chances of conception, and other fertility-friendly habits, we do them relentlessly.
- It means that we constantly empower ourselves by taking charge of our baby journey and constantly researching and finding out more information on how to heal ourselves.
- And, above all, it means we pray. We continue to seek a direct and meaningful relationship with God (whatever form He or She might take for you). We know EXACTLY what we want and we ask for it directly.
How Do You Pray and Ask God for A Baby?
You praise, you give gratitude, and you ASK for exactly what is in your heart! It isn’t hard. Just open your mouth and start praying.
Elizabeth Gilbert says in one of my favorite books, Eat Pray Love,
Prayer is a relationship; half the job is mine. If I want transformation, but can’t even be bothered to articulate what, exactly, I’m aiming for, how will it ever occur? Half the benefit of prayer is in the asking itself, in the offering of a clearly posed and well-considered intention. If you don’t have this, all your pleas and desires are boneless, floppy, inert; they swirl at your feet in a cold fog and never lift.”
When I started my fertility journey my prayers would be mushy. I would say something like, “Please, God, let me be a mother.”
“Please, God, let my husband and I become parents.”
Not very specific, huh? God could have been like, cool, you’ll adopt in 15 years, no problem. It was actually the Fertile Heart program that helped me realize EXACTLY what I wanted. I wanted to naturally conceive and carry to term a healthy child (not via IVF or donor eggs). I also wanted them to have a healthy, happy, and long life. So that is what I prayed for.
How I Prayed to God to Conceive
When I was struggling with infertility and miscarriage I prayed AS SPECIFICALLY as possible to God. I prayed for exactly what I wanted- to get pregnant with my eggs, and my husband sperm, and to have a healthy pregnancy and baby.
My Miracle Prayer for Getting Pregnant
“Please, God, heal my ovaries, my womb, and my eggs. Please, God, let me naturally conceive from my husband’s sperms a healthy baby. Let me carry that baby to term and let them lead a happy and healthy life.”
See the difference from the prayers above?
I still knew that I was willing to try other routes to become a mom- no one could stop me from becoming a mother except for me. But, I also asked for exactly what I wanted.
And you know what? It worked. In about two months- after two years of miscarriages, struggle, and grief, I got pregnant naturally. My baby is now almost two years old. Read my miracle story here.
Now, your goal might be different. You might just want to have a baby, and you don’t really care if it is by IVF or not. You might not care if you use donor eggs or not. Ultimately, you might just want to be a mom, and adoption is fine with you. Or, maybe you only want a baby if you can conceive them naturally.
Whatever you want is legit. It’s your story. It’s your “personal legend” as Paulo Coelho talks about it in his inspirational book The Alchemist. Determine what it is. Ask for it. Work for it. SHOW UP.
Does Praying Help You Get Pregnant?
I 100% believe that my fertility prayers helped me have my two miracle children after infertility. Lest I fail to address this important point- just because we ask for exactly what we want doesn’t always mean that we get it. But, it’s essential that we ask. I had been afraid to ask God for exactly what I wanted because I feared great suffering if I didn’t receive it. Somehow, I thought it would be worse to have asked for a naturally conceived child if I wound up adopting.
But you know what? The fear of the suffering is usually worse than the suffering itself. In the end, no one could stop me from becoming a mother. Yes, my preference was for a naturally conceived child, and I asked for it. Had God gently said, “Sorry, I have other plans for you,” I would have listened. We would have tried other options, adopted. We might still try other options or adoption.
But this isn’t my story- it’s yours.
Do you know what you want?
Write it below in the comments. Tell the universe exactly what it is you want!!
Miracle Prayers for Getting Pregnant
Still don’t want to free-form your prayer, and you prefer a tried and true miracle prayer for getting pregnant? Here are several prayers for infertility to help you on your journey to pregnancy. Also, if you are Catholic (or just curious ;-), don’t miss my post on Fertility Saints, or my post on 21 Powerful Fertility Prayers for Catholics.
My Miracle Prayer for Getting Pregnant
“Please, God, heal my ovaries, my womb, and my eggs. Please, God, let me naturally conceive from my husband’s sperms a healthy baby. Let me carry that baby to term and let them lead a happy and healthy life.”
By Anna Rapp
Infertility Prayer
God of All Life
You fill what is empty,
You make abundant what is scarce,
You bring to bloom what is barren.
We ask your presence and care for all those who seek to be parents. Bless them with the conception, healthy delivery and joyful rearing of children to cherish made in your image and likeness. Dwell with them and console them as they wait for the gifts given in your good time.
With Sarah and Abraham, Rachel and Jacob, Hannah and Elkanah, Zachariah and Elizabeth, we pray. Amen.
from Catholic Health Association of the U.S.
St. David’s Infertility Prayer
Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings in my life. Help me to remember them as I face the challenges of
infertility. I pray that I can surrender myself into your hands. Let me accept the reality of this situation and
have the wisdom and courage to take action where I can. Strengthen my body, mind and spirit to endure the
trials of infertility. Keep me ever mindful of the needs of others and grant us your peace. Amen.
Hannah Prayer Ministries
Prayer During Infertility
Dear Lord, the pain of infertility is so deep. All of our lives, we dream of being mothers, of raising children with loving hearts to do your will on this earth. Month after month when that dream does not come true, it so painful, Lord. We feel like our dreams die each month with empty arms. Please guide us to trust in your plan for us. We desperately need you in our lives. Thank you for all the blessings we do have, knowing through you all things are possible. Amen
Source: Beliefnet member Juls0621
Miracle Prayer for Conception
You are the God of my fertility. I pray and hold faith to your word for a supernatural conception and healthy full pregnancy.
I beg that You plant a seed into my womb Lord. Not just any seed, but a holy and healthy seed of God.
You said to go forth and be fruitful. So God, I ask this day that You open my womb, so that I can bring forth a child and even children.
Just as You opened the womb of Sarah after so many years, I believe that You are and will do the same today. I have the faith that You will keep Your promises to Your children.
I know You will quench my desire. Lord, even as Hannah was without a child, You give her a son after her prayer unto You. You heard her supplication. And this day I know my prayer will not be void unto You but it will be heard and answered.
Lord, even as you remembered Rachel and she conceived, listen to my prayers and me and my family. Enable me to conceive and bare child.
Genesis 30:22 Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and enabled her to conceive.
You said to ask and it shall be given. This day I ask for fertility in the womb. I break the spirit of barrenness and I come against every attack of the enemy to prevent my pregnancy.
Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!
Hi Anna. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this. I love that you relied on God and prayer to achieve a natural, healthy pregnancy. That was my prayer, as well…for ten years. In my experience, prayer is sometimes answered in the way we expect and sometimes not. I’m sure you would agree: We must be careful not to add shame to TTC women who faithfully put their trust in God and yet do not receive the answer they were hoping for. Only after five years of trying did God open my heart to adoption and later surrogacy. Now, I wouldn’t change a thing. In fact, I was the one who was changed in my waiting time. I believe that is often how God works, not like a genie in a bottle, but more like the wind and rain over time, gently eroding and shaping our will until it resembles his. Thanks for reading.
I could not agree with you more. Your words are beautiful and like poetry, “I believe that is often how God works, not like a genie in a bottle, but more like the wind and rain over time, gently eroding and shaping our will until it resembles his.” Gorgeous.
I want and been praying for our healthy babies, I want to conceive naturally from my husband and carry full term and our babies be healthy.
This is exactly what i want.. “Please, God, heal my ovaries, my womb, and my eggs. Please, God, let me naturally conceive from my husband’s sperms a healthy baby. Let me carry that baby to term and let them lead a happy and healthy life.”…
I really pray to conceive a healthy baby and the father would be my husband, we were struggling to conceive for many years and i really pray that God will guide us and send us the best doctor that can help in our case of infertility. All we want is to have a blessing n having a healthy child or children to build a family and to become parents.
Thank you both!!! @Sarah in fact I do feel quite as you, I want to be a mom!! And I know i would love to be pregnant, but if adoption is my way to meet my kid I would love me “pregnancy of the heart” I would be happy and whole eighter way!!
Adoption is a beautiful choice. I pray for God to open my husband’s heart to adoption- its something I’ve always wanted in addition to wanting babies of my own creation. My husband says I shouldn’t want so much, but I can’t help it!
– Anna
The Lord bless your heart
Amen I loved this ❤️🙏🏾
Please God, heal my ovaries, heal my fallopian tubes and heal my womb. Amen
Anna, I want to thank you for sharing your journey and the abundance of information you found in making sure you found success. I have suffered 2 miscarriages in the last year. I have a 3 year old that was a sweet surprise, so I would have never thought baby number two would have been this hard. Currently it feels like everyone close to me is pregnant and I definitely hit a rough spot today. Who would have thought starting your cycle would
send you into a tail spin. I have tried many things to conceive, but something told me to really put more into my faith today, which brought me to praying to the saints and to your page. I also felt it might not be right to pray specifically for a girl and just for a healthy pregnancy and baby, but you made me realize it’s alright to be specific. Thank you, your page has been a tremendous help to me after the day I have had.
Thank you for this. My husband and ive been doing ivf fir 3 years. Please pray we experience a miracle.
Hi Sarah! You are blessed, thanks for your story. I’ve been praying to have a baby too, but God has not given that to us yet. I heard stories about surrogacy, no idea how much would that be an what steps to make, must be expensive huh? Not sure if we can even afford it but that can be an option as well as adoption. My period becomes irregular again and would play up, but Im still hoping for a miracle that God would heal and open my womb and ovaries for that. I also worry that i am already 44…
I love babies and me and my husband have been really hoping for a miracle and become parents someday.
God bless always!
Hi there , im 40 with a 12 year old.GOd has a plan , keep praying. Also look into Our Lady of Milk novena. Im starting this month with Thé Holy Milk Powder from Thé Grotto, youre supposed to pray with it and The Glorious Mysteries xx May Pour Mumma intercéde for us all ♥️♥️
God is so good it’s impossible to begin to explain. My husband and I have been struggling with infertility for almost four years now and have had a horrible ectopic pregnancy in the process. Just today we were in church discussing the power of worship and prayer. The pastor asked for people to come down to receive prayer and i thought to myself “I don’t need to go down there I don’t want to pray about having a baby… again. We are all tired of hearing about it. ” something told me that I haven’t fully recognized we are struggling with infertility. I was on Pinterest and stumble across this article. He can’t be speaking any louder to me. So..
Lord I honor and love you with all my heart. I want to become pregnant and carry a sweet miracle to full term. I want to glorify your name during pregnancy and shout your goodness when I hold my sweet bundle and watch it grow. I’m Jesus name. Amen
Amen, Amen, Tabatha!!
Keep praying!
After loosing 2 pregnancies in my 3rd trimester, Dear God, please I want to carry my baby to term. Please God, heal my placenta so I can carry my baby to term. I want to carry out baby girl in my arms and continue to give all the praises back to you! Dear God, I want to have babies who would grow up knowing your word
Amen Amen!!
I love your prayer! It is one I will be using myself! Good luck and God Bless you on your journey!
Baby dust to you Jen!!
Hi Anna,
I am so pleased I found you out there. Today I needed a sign, hope and a booster to my morale and there you are. I will pray to God for a naturally conceived baby, a healthy pregnancy and a safe birth.
God bless you and your lovely family .
Amen Tabitha….God is so faithful he shall honour that in Jesus name
Please God bless me and my husband with our own children. Heal my uterus, heal my ovaries heal my entire body so I can conceive and carry my own children and deliver them healthy spirit soul and body. Amen
Hello Anna,
I sit here another night feeling like I’m hanging onto lost hope or not accepting that I’m in denial. I want to be a Mother more than anything. I am constantly praying and hope for our miracle baby.
Our infertility journey starting when my fiancé was diagnosed with ALL leukemia. Due to his Chemo, Radiation, & Bone marrow transplant we had to sign papers saying that it will make him sterile. I remember feeling so angry and defeated every single day of his cancer journey feeling like a nightmare. Within our Beautiful nightmare I like to call it we received so many beautiful blessings and support and Thanks to God he healed my fiancé from cancer.
Now we go through this new season of infertility that I desperately pray for every day over 3 years now. My fiancé is a walking miracle now I’m praying for our baby miracle to share with everyone to show them how amazing our God is
I am praying with you my dear, I am so sorry for your struggles.
Us too, me and my husband, we are praying for healing of my womb, eggs, infertility and healing of any issues my husband has Lord, God I want to conceive my babies to full term and for them to be healthy, healthy.
My husband and I will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary at the end of this year and it’s been a roller coaster with 2 surgeries to remove fibroids. This has messed with our chances to get pregnant with the adhesions from the surgery, but I’m not giving up. God is going to bless us with a miracle and a testimony to show His mighty power. I can’t wait to tell the world of the blessings He will give to us. Only trust Him. Thank you Anne for the encouraging story.
Praying for you Nicola!
Dear God
I pray that you heal my body, so I may ovulate naturally, so my ovaries work properly. Lord God I asked that you heal my husband to produce healthy sperm and that his surgery is a success so we can conceived our healthy miracle baby to term and have a healthy pregnancy. Amen
Amen, Danyl!
Amen. I too ask for the same. God bless
This truly blessed me. I’ve written a blog about my husband and I’s journey of infertility in March. Doctors told me that both of my tubes are blocked. But for the last 3 months, I’ve altered the way I pray. A couple months ago I told my husband maybe God is waiting for us to ask for everything we desire our children to be like and all that we desire while he’s in the process of creating our little angels. Well, in the last 6months I’ve been getting prophesied to that we’ll be blessed with 3 seeds. Just 2weeks ago I went to my home church in Ohio and my Pastor prophesied to me that God heard my cry just before I came out there. He said that my words will not come back void and I can conceive. He also kept repeating the words miracle numerous times. Since then I’ve been detoxing, exercising, praying and studying the Word of God even more. I’m believe that when getting a prophesy it doesn’t just come because God said it. It comes to the degree that you “DO THE WORK”. I said all that to say, God bless you. After reading this I feel a since of relief and I know I’m on the right track. When our miracle comes I’ll be sure to check back with you.
I can’t wait to hear back from you. Sounds like your blessings are on their way!
Update: So my husband and I decided to go through with IVF Jan of this year and I am currently 4 wks shy of my due date. Sometimes our plans just doesn’t line up with what God has for us, but I am truly grateful for the process. I can’t wait to meet our miracle boy ❤
Congratulations my dear!!! Thank you for sharing, and have blessed birth!!!
Yay!!!! Congratulations, what a miracle!!
What a blessing! What a miracle. I’m currently about to undergo embryo transfer with IVF and we are praying for our miracle baby after 7 long years! My tubes are blocked to and we made the decision to try via IVF. Sometimes our plans don’t work the way we want it to, but in the season of waiting I’m much closer to the Lord and completely relying on his mercies..
God will surely hear your prayer & bless you with the gift of child. Looking forward to hearing from you
And I will convince with my husband sperm naturally with triplets and by this time next year we will carry our children in Jesus name I pray. Amen 🙏🙏
Dear God
Thank you for healing my body and soul. I thank you for all the goodness in my life, I am blessed. I pray to conceive naturally and simply with my love’s sperm. I pray to carry my healthy babies to full tearm. I pray to have natural labors. I pray my children to live happy and healthy life with me and Thier father. Thank you God.
Amen, Amen
Hello my name is rozlin
Me and my spouse pray for a miracle every night and day that we can have a baby. You see I don’t have ovaries but got uterus still but we don’t want to do ivf or egg donor we want one of our own but we have plan b and that would be to adopt a child of god if have to. Please pray for us
Lord, I pray unto you. Heal my reproductive system. I want to again conceive naturally with the sperm of my significant other, Please, God. Once we receive our blessing lord protect him or her. Please bless me with a natural full term pregnancy and a healthy baby.
I need help to stand n agreement to be fertile and able to hv a child.im goin to b 43 in 2 weeks.i hv no kids..and my hearts longed to be able to become pregnant…this is missing from my life….to hv that chance to become pregnant and carry to full term….thank u
Hi Anna
I got motivation to read your article. I am also struggling to have baby naturally. Although i am about 46 years, no periods in last 4 years but still have a faith on God that he will show his kindness and show me right path to become mother of healthy and beautiful child
Kuljit I am saying a prayer for you my dear! baby dust!!!
God bless you a besutiful child.
The God that did it for Hannah, Rebecca abd Elizabeth I pray for total healing of my ovaries, my womb, my fallopian tubes, balancing of my hormones, that my spouse will produce quality sperms to fertilize my quality eggs.
Dear God I pray that we will naturally conceive healthy, bouncing, whole, full term, God-favoured, blessed twins a baby boy and baby girl with my spouse in this year 2023. I decree and declare that I will see hear the heartbeats of my twins and delivery the children that I have named with my spouse in 2023.
Lord you promised in your word that for my shame I will be blessed with double. There is nothing that is impossible for you. Settle my case father.
Please God, heal me and my husbands body and reproductive system. Please, God, let me and my husband naturally conceive our healthy rainbow baby with my husbands sperm. Please, God, let me find out I am pregnant right away so I can take every precaution necessary to keep our baby safe. Please, God, let me carry our baby to term and deliver naturally without any complications. Please, God, let us and our baby have a long, healthy and happy life together. I have faith in you God. I will do my part.Thank you for this anticipated miracle, God. I am eternally grateful and will continue to worship and serve you. Amen.
Amen Amen!
I want to conceive via IUI. I am single and 38. I tried adoption and it was not the route I needed to take before trying to conceive. I have had one miscarriage and two other unsuccessful IUI treatments. I have been struggling with how to pray, should I pray, when to pray, and even what to ask for and not feel selfish or guilty. Reading this of course made me cry but it was just what I needed. I am at that crossroads now and needing to hear God clearly on what steps to take next.
Thank you for sharing your story and being an inspiration!
La-Tisha, I’m glad you found the blog! I am praying for you!! – Anna
Dear Lord, I ask today in the Name of Jesus to help my husband and I to concieve miraculously before the year runs out. I don’t want us to do ivf. Thank you for hearing and answering me.
I pray that the Lord heals my endometriosis and that my eggs are healthy and thriving. I pray wholeheartedly for twins as I’ve alwats had a strong desire for them since a young age. I pray for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. I know it’s possible. I believe the Lord has amazing plans for our life. I hope to continue to share of the Lord’s work in my life.
I pray that god will heal my ovaries and allow me to conceive a baby naturally. I pray he will bless my womb,my body, my heart and my soul with a beautiful healthy miracle. I pray to god that he will allow me to finally become a mother naturally. Amen
I pray that god will heal my ovaries and allow me to conceive a baby naturally. I pray he will bless my womb,my body, my heart and my soul with a beautiful healthy miracle. I pray to god that he will allow me to finally become a mother naturally. Amen
Amen Stephanie!
Dear God,
I pray that you will, heal my eggs and
Allow me to conceive a healthy rainbow baby (or 2). I pray that I have a safe and boring pregnancy, and we are able to bring our rainbow(s) home and they enjoy long, healthy, happy lives. This journey has been soo long, and soo sad lord, we are ready for our Miracle.
In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen
Amen, Carrie!
I pray for healing of fallopian tubes, I pray for my husbands healing. I pray that I can get pregnant either naturally or via Ivf. Heal my heart Lord! Help me not to be anxious while waiting…
Amen Linda!
Dear Universe (God),
I pray to you for a healthy baby, conceived with my own healthy eggs and my husband’s own healthy sperm. I pray for your divine protection so that I may carry my baby to term and deliver safely. Please watch over the pregnancy with your divine spirit and protect my baby, my mind, my body, and my spirit. Guide me with Peace, Calm, and Joy. I also pray that you guard over my family and my marriage, showing us divine love and inspiration. I love you and am grateful for our many blessings. I want you to know that we are ready for our miracle. Amen.
p.s. I believe that by “putting this out there” you will hear me. Thank you for hearing my prayers. Love, Karen
Thank you for sharing this article. I speak to the universe that I am able to get pregnant with a healthy baby(ies). I will contintue to work hard everyday for my blessing (s).
This is Great! I was curious on your thoughts when a couple tries to sway for a certain Gender?
Whitney! What a great question! I don’t begrudge anyone their prayers. Pray for what you want! With our first we didn’t pray for a gender because we didn’t care, we just wanted a healthy baby. This second miracle I prayed specifically for a girl, because I knew in my heart I really, really wanted one. Here’s the catch- if you are going to pray for sex it has to be WELL BEFORE the sperm meets the egg. Give God a chance to make the miracle happen. Once that sperm has met the egg the sex is determined- ain’t no prayer gonna change an X to a Y.
Are you expecting a baby girl ? And I agree! The Bible says pray for anything! God cares about all the small details that we care and Pray about.
I am!!! Due in April!
Congrats!!! I had a vision a few months ago of a room in my house that was set up as a babygirl nursery. 2 months after that I was praying and the word spring time came to me. I’m still not sure what God meant by that imbut I’m still praying everyday faithfully waiting to receive his blessing For a baby girl.
Dear God,
I pray that my body may know the joys and woes of pregnancy. I pray that the life you create makes it full term and my husband and I can spend years marveling at the miracle you gave us. I pray that you keep our eyes, ears and hearts open to your will that we may recoginize if this is not the way to be parents. Show us the path and help us to walk It joyously. In your holy name Amen.
I pray God gives me a second chance, to give my little girl healthy baby brother or baby sister, from the man I love, in His glory.
Dear Lord, We come to you with open and grateful hearts. We thank you for all the blessings in our life. We ask you Lord that you bless us with a healthy happy baby to add to our beautiful life. We pray that this “unexplained infertility” not be a burden in our path to becoming parents. We pray to be able to experience the joy of finding out I am finally pregnant and that the pregnancy be a smooth one. We pray to be able to tell our children the story of how we became close to you and had the opportunity to find you when we felt we were lost. We thank you in advance lord for blessing us with our healthy happy baby. In Jesus name, Amen
Please God let my husband and I conceive another child together. Please heal my eggs and let us conceive naturally a full term baby who lives a happy and healthy life. Please give me the hope and courage to do what I need to make my body the best vessel for Your child to come into this world. Amen
Anna, this is my story….over two years, two miscarriages, heartache, and lots of “mushy” prayers. Today we had our 2nd IUI with two eggs in play, so here is my prayer.
God, please heal my body so we can conceive one or two of these babies from our own sperm and eggs. Let me carry our bab(ies) to term safely and let them live a happy and healthy life!
Lord God I want this aching in my heart to be fulfilled. Please lord heal my tubes and help us to conceive naturally with a healthy pregnancy and healthy child. Lord this aching in our hearts to have another child is leading us in a path. Lord please provide the healing that only you can provide. Heal this body of mine and help us to add another blessing to our family. Jesus I pray this in your name always, Amen
Thanks Anna. May husband and I have been struggling about infertility for almost 2 years. I had 2 miscarriages and after which no sign of success… The doctor even told about the low chance and asked me to give up. We are still praying. Sometimes with hope and sometimes we are just scared of losing hope. Sometimes I prayed like Hannah, mother of Samuel. I love your prayer and reminders. They give me encouragement.
Dear Lord, I pray that you may heal my ovaries from premature ovarian insufficiency, that my ovaries my rejuvenate, follicles to mature and ovulate. That you may bless my husbands sperm and my eggs, that i may miraculously conceive healthy babies and carry the pregnancy to term this year 2018. That my husband and I may enjoy the gift of parenthood and continue serving you dear Lord as well as fulfill the purpose you have for us on earth.
Dear Lord,
I thank you for helping me to seek out your healing and a stronger relationship with you. I thank you for the supports you have given me and I pray you motivate me to continue being proactive with both my physical and metal health. Lord I pray you give me the strength to do IVF again. I pray that you save me from another miscarriage and help me heal. Please allow me to experience a healthy pregnancy and baby that is our own.
My daughter wants a baby and just found out her fallopian tubes are blocked. her surgery is next Tues. I heard that unblocking tube were mostly unsuccessful. We basically need a miracle. What saint do I pray to there seems to be so many
I don’t know which to recommend to you- the best thing you can do is read about each of them and decide which one calls to you!! Baby dust for your daughter!
Oh- and you can read about Fertility Saints here– https://www.tomakeamommy.com/catholic-patron-saints-fertility-infertility-miscarriage-trying-conceive/
Dear Lord
You said we don’t get because we don’t ask and when we do we ask amiss. Reproducing is part of your creation and you created my body as a woman to reproduce. I ask for healing of my reproductive organs that they will function as well as my husband’s sperms to create wonderful twin boys. The odds might be against us but who can stand against your purpose oh God??.My mind body and soul are ready to receive these gifts from You. For You give gifts to those you love.
Thank you Father as we receive. Amen and amen
Thank you for sharig Sarah. I fell pregnant naturally (never thought I could) but lost our first born daughter at 20wks. I have been on a path that has played with my confidence and overall outlook in life. I know I am a Mother but what I really want to be is a Parent. So at 40yrs (turning 41 soon) I heading down the road of an Embryo transfer (I have 5 beautiful embryos) I will be transfering one end of the month. I have been praying everyday for strength, for god to take away my anxiousness and fear as he has proven to me that my body can do this…after all we conceived our beautiful Ella agrace and she made it her home for the time she was here on Eqrth.
I pray for a happy, healthy, whole baby girl or baby boy. One healthy baby is just fine but if there are more, I won’t complain. To others it may seem that I don’t want children, but I do. I hide my true feelings because the disappointment hurts so bad. God, you know the desires of my heart. Please heal me and my husband so that we can continue our lineage. Give our family long, happy, healthy lives to continue doing your will. Give us wisdom and knowledge to guide them and nurture them as our parents have guided and nurtured us. Give us strength to protect and cover them. Forgive my recklessness in the past. It is with a humble heart I come to you. Wherever you lead me I will go. I believe. I believe. I believe. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Loving, kind, generous, merciful God, I thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me and my life. I am truly blessed to be a child of God. I have been trying for 12 months to conceive a beautiful soul, a child of my own with my own eggs and my fiancé’s sperm, and I have felt the crushing pains of failure each month. I know I am at an advanced age for motherhood, Heavenly Father, but I know it is still possible! I pray from the depths of my heart and soul that you will lay your hands upon my ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, hormones, eggs, follicles, cervical mucus, my fiancé’s testes, sperm, seminal fluids, everything it requires to make a baby, and I pray that you will correct any inadequacies in our repeoductive systems and our ability to conceive. Heal us, sweet Lord, and bless us with a healthy baby of our own. Please forgive me for my sins, oh Lord, and for not realizing my heart’s desire to be a mother sooner. Forgive me for my fears and insecurities, Lord. I’ll do whatever it takes, Lord, and I thank you for the chance! You know what is in my heart. I also want to pray for other women in my situation. I pray that they too are blessed with success in their heart’s desire to become mothers of their own child. In Jesus’ name I pray! Amen.
Dear God,
I want to thank you for all that you have done for me, and always being by my side when times got hard and believing in me that i was strong enough to get through it all! Today i pray that I would be able to conceive a health baby on my own with my husband’s sperm and my eggs, also to carry full term and for my baby to grow up happy and healthy! I know im not perfect but I’m willing to do anything to become a mother and to do this on my own!! I let you into my heart and home to heal me and make me strong to get through anything! I thank you once more for everything, in Jesus name I pray
Father many like me have come to you with petitions and heavy hearts struggling with unexplained infertility. You’re a Loving God and I believe no tear or discouragement is too little for you to see.Father this is too heavy for me but I still have faith in you.Father bless our marriages with a child of our own.Father we are not worthy before you and nothing good we’ve done can compare to the joy of bearing a child.But father today may you wink at our sinful past and remember just one good thing we’ve ever done.Father I plead please heal me and let me be a mother.In Jesus name I do pray and believe.
Please forgive my sins I have committed in my past and make me less anxious in becoming mother. Remember my single act of goodness and heal my womb to conceive a healthy baby naturally with my husband’s healthy sperm. Bless me a wonderful, happy and healthy child! I offer you my whole hearted gratitude for all the things you have done to me and anxiously waiting for the miracle to happen.
Thank you Sarah for sharing! Very encouraging and a good reminder to be specific in our prayers!
Lord, you know my age and what the doctor told me as far as having a high FSH and low AMH. And that my chance of conceiving naturally is less than 1% and chance of miscarriage is 90%. Despite my obstacles, I know You are greater and bigger than all of them. The sweet husband You sent me is a testament of your love and I’m so thankful for him. Honor our prayers Lord, not just for 1 child but 2, possibly twins. Both to be conceived naturally without adoption or donor eggs which was recommended by the doctor. I pray for the complete reversal of infertility, that my eggs are viable and healthy, that my womb is healed and is right now preparing for successful implantation. I pray Lord that I will never miscarry. I pray that there will be no chromosomal abnormalities, no irregular heartbeat, no stopping of growth while in utero, and that I will not go into premature labor. I pray for the endurance to continue with supplements, eating healthy, and remaining hopeful and full of faith and trust in You. I thank you Lord, that you are fighting my battles with me and for me. I thank You Lord for your redeeming, restorative, healing, loving power. And I thank you in advance for the beautiful miracles You will bring into our lives and the many ways You will be glorified through them. In Yeshua’s name, Amen!
I’m a mother to an almost 4 year old but prior to her I had a miscarriage and after her I had a miscarriage. I pray all the time to be a mommy for a second time and my husband always says if it’s meant to be it will happen. My daughter now is constantly asking for a baby sister and it gets harder and harder to explain to her the older she gets that maybe we just need to pray more. My heart aches for this and I’m tired of crying. I keep asking God if it’s not meant for us then give me the peace to let it go, but I receive no peace thus far. I pray for a healthy baby, boy or girl. Just healthy and that I can conceive naturally without the medicine it takes sometimes. I pray God give Violet a forever playmate in this earthly life.
I am thanking you in advance for my conception of a healthy baby girl that is delivered full termed father. If it is in your will to give me doubt for my troubles and allow me to conceive twins that I won’t complain for it is a blessing from heaven. Thank you father for opening my husband heart to try again and healing us both from our miscarriage of our son. We thank you for our many blessings in Jesus name we pray Amen !
Dear Father, I thank you so much for my blessings. Please forgive me for being so selfish this last year. I lost sight of what was important- i said another baby would be too much with my jobs- I said another baby would be a heavy weight while trying to get out of debt. I told myself I didn’t want more kids right away. Here i am 2 years later- with a beautiful and sweet 3 & 1/2 year old daughter who eagerly asks for a sibling almost daily. I know you hold our sweet little Brynn in Heaven with you. I now see clearly again Father. I am focused on what is important and I humbly come to you and ask for you renew my heart; to give me peace. I ask for my husband and I to conceive naturally – to carry our baby(s) to term, to labor naturally and I PRAY FATHER that this child will walk with you all the days of his or her life and that my Husband and i can help him or her everyday to be a servant for you. Thank you for always pouring your grace over me , Father… I need it, so much. I am far from perfect and I am so grateful for your PROMISES. THANK YOU FATHER! in your name I pray, AMEN.
Thank you everyone for sharing. It can feel like a very lonely road and is nice to have company! I stumbled upon this blog because something whispered to me that I needed to pray. I feel that it has helped me tremendously to articulate and reflect on what I want/ need for our family and to bring me more peace. reading this blog has also made me feel more empowered and motivated and given me the feeling of having more control over my fertility. I would like to add though that some things like regular acupuncture, massage, etc are not affordable for everyone so would be nice to see alternatives. Many people also struggle with husbands who work long hours, travel frequently, etc putting more road blocks in the baby making way. Mommies(to-be) come from all walks of life. Just some things to consider!
Hi Laura! So glad you found the blog. You are right, my experience does come from a place of privilege. We were basically looking at trying to fund $30-$40K in donor egg cycles, so making the decision to spend a few thousand dollars on improving fertility to get pregnant naturally was a no brainer for us. But its not so simple for everyone. My hubby does travel a lot actually for work :(. It does make things harder for sure. I am lucky that we both worked the same general hours though (i.e., home at night together when not traveling).
Thank you for your thoughts!! I will try to think of ways to be more thoughtful in my writing. Shoot me an email if you can help me out with specific ideas!!!
For years I have been hiding my depression and juggling emotions everyday between accepting the fact that I could never have the chance to be a mother due to PCOS or still clinging to the hope that one day I will bear my own child. And then today I stumble here at your blog, thank you for lifting my spirits up.
Lord I pray that You erase our fears and uncertainties. Let me receive the gift of being a mother, to naturally bear my own child with my other half. Please heal me and my husband, let the pregnancy be safe, carried to full term and have safe delivery. Lead us to be good parents so that we may guide our children into Your path.
Thank you God for not giving up on us. We believe in You. Amen.
My Loving Father,
I desire to conceive a child naturally with my husband. I pray for a healthy baby. I pray for a regular ovulation cycle and for healthy sperm and eggs. If it’s not too much to ask, i desire twins!
In Jesus’ Name,
Thank you soo much for sharing this. Reading this article and the blog has been very encouraging. This journey for some of us is very traumatic and stressful. This blog is just the friend you need to hold your hand through it all.
Sending you love and baby dust my dear!!!
Hey!! My names Kristy.
God I pray that you bless me and my husband with a baby of our own. One that we make together. Please lord heal my ovaries, and my hormones. I pray I get pregnant soon and it sticks this time. I cant wait to be a mommy. I pray that my husband has healthy sperm and I have healthy strong fertile eggs. We have so much love to give to our baby to be one day❤
This was just what I needed to read today. It is so encouraging to also read all the prayers people have left. What a beautiful testiment to God’s love through all of His daughters. My prayer right now is that the pregnancy we have from this FET will result in positive numbers on Friday and continue to grow into the healthy, happy baby we have been praying for, for the past 3 years (and even before that – we bought gifts to send our parents when we would have our first baby, well before we were married in faith and hope for that new life!). We have been through a lot with fertility treatments and diagnosis, and the works, but we have been working on so much to get ourselves to a healthy, more fertile ground for this new life. We pray that God will use this pregnancy to glorify HIs name and that we will be bringing home a healthy baby in just about 9 months, and that this will become our time to bring home one of his precious souls.
Thank you for your blog! So great to have guidance in all ways relating to fertility. It is (as someone else says above) like having a friend and a guide book all in one!
Thanks for your post really spoke to my heart. After reading all the post I now feel that I am not alone and I know in my heart the Lord will soon send my little miracle after 8 yrs of praying.
Thank you so much for this blog, I needed to read this… its been over 2 years of trying to conceive and nothing… I have so many arguments with God on the whole “why me”? But Im trying really hard to change my outlook on the journey has put me in. I trying to pray differently, work on my eating habits and exercise in order to prepare my body for God’s blessings. I will take this article to heart and implemented in my life. Thanks again!
You are so welcome!! Meet God half way for your miracke!!! I am praying for you!
Dear Anna,
Your write up was just another (may I use the word) ‘stepping stone’ on my secondary infertility journey. Thank you.
Its been almost 3 years now since we started trying for our second miracle and boy has God made me walk all around back to his loving arms 🙂
I guess in many ways, I felt so blessed with getting my first miracle I just kinda thought, the next one would just happen naturally. Then 1 year after trying, my periods stopped and I ran around town knocking on every fertility experts door. The answer was simple, my eggs were dwindling and I would not be able to conceive with my own eggs! That somehow didn’t sit right with me. While I champion every friend and relative who opts for donor eggs, I just feel it’s not the road I want to personally take.
Then as I prayed, I stumbled upon a plethora of Christian prayers, write ups and videos and with each one I realize how important it is that I first commit myself completely to God before I receive my miracle again.
Your prayer makes me now realize that it’s ok to be specific with God, after all he knows what really lies deep within my soul.
So here goes
Lord Jesus, with all my heart I glorify your name and I come before you with the same prayer for a second miracle in my life. Lord please heal my ovaries,my eggs,my uterus and the rest of my body please let me conceive a baby with my own eggs and with my husband’s sperm just as I did before. Please let this baby be born full term and may the baby grow up in your love and be healthy and happy and a testimony to your everlasting love and faithfulness. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen
A beautiful prayer and journey to God! He loves us and takes care of us!!
You answered 🙌🙌🙌🙌
Thank you. Just to update you, yesterday went to Mass after 5 years. Boy, it felt good. Currently on my tww, I believe God will answer my prayer very soon.🤗
Thank you Anna
God bless you.
Hi Anna , loved your publication ! My husband and I just went through a mmmm well our Baby stopped growing and his/her heart stopped at 7w3d and we didn’t noticed until we were 10 weeks and it’s only been a week and it has been so hard and I feels it’s like that nightmare you are never able to wake up from… but reading your journey encourages me to get closer to God and pray for a healthy pregnancy and healthy and strong baby for whenever God gives us that push and energy to try again. Being a mom has always been my dream… we tried getting pregnant for 7 months and we finally got the miracle of it but we were only able to enjoy this amazing journey for 10 weeks and hearing our baby’s heartbeat by week 6 was the most breathtaking experience ever that will never forget! So thank you for making me see we don’t have to stop fighting or giving up for our dreams that easy! God bless you and your family and thank you !
Ine, I am so sorry for your loss! How heartbreaking my dear!!! I am glad you have found the blog and I wish you speedy healing and baby dust!
Hello World.. Am Fortune and a praying to naturally conceive twin girls with my beloved husband, to carry to term and deliver safely.. Amen
Hello ma’am,
I read your testimony. Thank you for share and giving us the courage we need.
Today, i speak to my eggs, uterus, hormones, ovaries and husbands sperm that we shall conceive naturally a healthy baby has this new monthly circle beginning it will end with a conception of a healthy baby boy.
I wil be back to share my testimony.
Let the days to deliver of a healthy baby boy begin.
In Jesus name
AMEN to that prayer!
copy of Karen’s prayer
Dear Universe (God),
I pray to you for a healthy baby, conceived with my own healthy eggs and his own healthy sperm. I pray for your divine protection so that I may carry my baby to term and deliver safely. Please watch over the pregnancy with your divine spirit and protect my baby, my mind, my body, and my spirit. Guide me with Peace, Calm, and Joy. I also pray that you guard over my family and my marriage, showing us divine love and inspiration. I love you and am grateful for our many blessings. I want you to know that we are ready for our miracle. Amen.
p.s. I believe that by “putting this out there” you will hear me. Thank you for hearing my prayers. In Jesus’ name Love, Rachel
Amen, Amen!!
Dear Universe (God),
I pray to You for a healthy baby, conceived with my own healthy eggs and his own healthy sperm. I pray for Your divine protection so that I may carry my baby to term and deliver safely. Please watch over the pregnancy with Your divine spirit and protect my baby, my mind, my body, and my spirit. Guide me with Peace, Calm, and Joy. I also pray that you guard over my family and my marriage, showing us divine love and inspiration. I love You God and am grateful for our many blessings. I want You to know that we are ready for our miracle. Amen.
p.s. I believe that by “putting this out there” You hear me. Thank You for answering my prayers. In Jesus’ name Love,
Amen, Amen, I am praying with you Helena!
I had ovarian surgery a year and a half ago and wasn’t feeling confident in my ability to conceive. I went to the beach and prayed this prayer over and over until I could feel the words bursting from my body. I felt the power and strength in the words as I walked the beach. I found out I was pregnant the following month. I am now 6 weeks away from my due date with my baby girl. I believe in this prayer and I believe women’s bodies are amazing!! I am passing this prayer along to my SIL who is struggling with a septum in her uterus. Please send her prayers.
YES!! What a powerful testimony! It gave me shivers to read!!! I love the way you said the words until you felt them in your bodies! Bless you, your baby, and your SIL!!
Oh great spirit, blessed father, Lord God and creator of all – I pray lord that you heal my womb and provide me with healthy fertile eggs that they may join with the sperm of my husband naturally inside my uterus. I pray that we may be blessed with a healthy pregnancy and delivery of a happy and healthy baby. And I pray that your Grace shines down upon me and gives me the strength to be an extraordinary mother and loving example of your light for our child as she grows and matures. I pray and trust in your divine knowing and understanding of all things Lord God and I pray for the highest good. Amen
Amen Amen!
I came across your blog post and it really touched me. Today I received sad news of a low ovarian reserve and it devastated me. But nothing is impossible with God. You have helped me realize the importance of putting the time and the detail into my prayers. I believe God put my desire to be a mother in my heart when He created me, and I will tell Him my vision of how that dream becomes a reality each time I pray. Thank you for sharing your story.
I want to produce at least one good egg soon, and to concieve a healthy baby without the use of fertility drugs or IVF, and have that baby implant and grow into a healthy human who will do wonderful things in this world and who will love you greatly.
I’m praying that God blesses us to become pregnant by the end of 2020. I would love to conceive naturally but if God has it set for us to use fertility treatments I am okay with that. My husband and I have been trying for almost 2 years and we are ready to be parents.
Before I read this blog I was crying because while I was watching a series I saw a mom tucking her child in bed and I suddenly went sad thinking that will I experience this? Will I experience looking at my own child sleeping? I burst into tears. I can’t even show my husband that I’m sad because I don’t like him seeing me getting sad again. I was looking for comforting words to inspire me here on pinterest and I saw this writing of yours. And I guess your words lifted me up and gave me hope again and to never give up with my prayers.
I have a healthy 11 year old daughter, and during the last two years I have suffered two miscarriages. At the beginning of this month, I found out that I am pregnant again. I’m praying for a healthy, happy, full term baby who will live a long and happy life. I will be 42 when the baby is born.
I pray for God to heal my body and my husband’s body so that my ovaries, womb, and eggs are healthy and my husband’s sperm is healthy & ready to meet my egg. That God will bless us with a natural conception to carry the baby to full term, and give birth to a healthy baby. To have the child live a long and healthy life. To raise the child as a child of God with nothing but unconditional love. I pray that my body may accept this blessing and it may come to pass if it is in God’s will.
I pray for God to heal my body especially my Fallopian tubes so I can give birth to a healthy baby the natural way as soon as possible. I will do my best to raise the child as a child of GOd and he/she will live a long and healthy life. I praise you God to grant my wish please, and I will continue honor your name.
I pray for God to heal my body after 3 failed IVF rounds several years ago, which lead us to adoption. Our now 3 year old adoptive daughter is our greatest joy. But, our family is still not complete. I believe that God has more plans for us and for my body to be healed and to get pregnant with a healthy baby. This baby will live a long and healthy life. I pray to you God, to grant us this prayer as soon as possible.
I am trusting God for twins a boy and a girl. I believe God will make me conceive naturally and will be healthy to carry them to term with complications. This I pray before my 40th birthday in jesus mighty name and the children will grow to serve the Lord. Amen
I pray everyday to god that he can just bless us with one child. I ask my angels that I have lost to help me conceive. I got married last year my first. I feel just turning 44 that I have passed up my chance to have just one miracle. I don’t get greedy I just pray everyday that he show me a way on this journey if I am worthy enough to have a child of my own! I’m blessed with 4 little nephews but I want that special love to share with my child. I’m hoping my prayers will be answered and I’m not to late.
I’ve been trying after two years too. And I’m so close To giving up and it’s been two months now and being infertile sucks. I know I’m young but I feel like having a baby will make me so much happier then I already am. I am 21 years old I know I’m young and I should live my life but I don’t want to I just want my own baby. I lost a baby brother to cancer and lost my dad too cops he was killed from cops. And I honestly asked and begged Jesus for a baby. For a girl too raise kids since she was eights years old I am ready for my own kids now. I’m tired of crying every night feeling like a useless woman who can’t have kids . We are caregivers and life givers it’s our purpose to have children for what kind of world will it be with out woman trying to have conceive babies. Please god please heal my ovaries so I have conceive a healthy baby in your image.
Than you for sharing. It’s been 7 years on and off of trying to conceive. I am 42 and feel that if I don’t have kids it’s going to be late. I know god has a plan for me – I am impatient he also knows this. I keep wishing for twins because I feel having just one at this point will be unfair to an only child for no siblings. But also feel so guilty for such a big ask. But I pray to conceive children with my own eggs and partners sperm – children that are genetically our own. I am blessed with so much and am holding on to hope. Thanks for allowing to share
For several years my husband and I tried to get pregnant. He and I went to the doctors to get checked out severally. I have eaten right and exercise most of my life and just found it heart breaking when the doctor discovered that I had CYSTS on my UTERUS. I had the cysts removed but that did not start our wishes right away. A friend of mine told me about something she did, contacting a spell caster, Dr Ozigidon. Once I tried her steps by contacting the same man on email (drozigidonhenz.spell.net@ gmail. com) and with his spiritual prayers and powerful spell my husband and I had success. Dr Ozigidon did it all for us.you can reach him directly on (+2349054750112) I hope everyone has the opportunity to have their dreams come true of being parents, because it is a wonderful experience and a love like no other holding your bundle of joy!
Pray for a healthy pregnancy from myself and my husband together naturally, free from miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Pray to not have another miscarriage or ectopic and to have my anxiety (not a type A, not normally an anxious person, but scared to death to experience this experience again even though both tubes were saved through my ectopic) pray for a healthy/safe birth, and prayer for my child or children to live full and rich lives with my husband and myself by their side. Prayer that i can support other women in my life with love and free of my negative reactions as they carry, birth and raise their children.
Pray my disappointment, fear and negativity/anger can be eased towards God and others…. and that I can see a clear vision of my identify not inside of only motherhood or miscarriage..but can become richer through this struggle.
I pray for God to heal me of high blood sugar and give life to my husband’s sperm so we can naturally conceive of twins, carry the pregnancy to term in good health for me and babies, have a safe delivery, and go on to live a healthy and good life in Jesus name. Amen.
Hi there! Thank you for this wonderful blog. I have been blessed with 3 beautiful boys and I’m about to find out if I am pregnant with my fourth child. I would love to have a daughter.. but at this point, I just want to be blessed with a healthy baby. Would appreciate a prayer of fertility! Would love to be pregnant again!
My 40-year-old daughter has 5 frost babies via IVF conception. She so desperately needs at least one of them to survive a healthy pregnancy and be a healthy baby.
Requesting for God’s blessing upon my fiance’s womb that she is blessed with the child already conceived amen
I want to naturally conceive a baby now by my husband and to carry it and have a healthy baby. I am ready NOW. I trust Your timing God.
I am praying with you. Amen!
I want God to make my fallopian tubes healthy allowing them to pass an egg without any obstacles. I want God to make my body produce healthy eggs that will be fertilised by my man’s sperm. I pray that I will conceive naturally and carry into full term and give birth to a healthy baby girl or baby boy and that our baby will have abundant life. Amen
Hello Anna! Today I prayed to God to guide to a place where I could find his word to pray about infertility. I do not want own it which is why I do not use the word “my”. God brought me here to this blog! What a blessing. I have been weary of asking/praying exactly for what I want. Your prayer is my quiet prayer in my heart and today I believe God wanted me to know it is ok to ask for exactly what I want. I will listen to him as I pray and I will wait on him. I almost started IVF and was feeling super anxious about it and really sad. Then, decided not to go that route and wait on God and like a shower of peace came over me. I have been working on my eating habits and working out to make my body stronger and through it all and with medical professionals help God has been healing my soul, heart, mind, body and spirit. It has been a process. But that I know “he who began a good work in you will carry it to completion” Philippians 1:6. God is working on me from the inner most parts of my womb and my soul. So, as hard as this week has been as I found out another month and I am not pregnant “YET” is what I want to focus on. And thank God for his Grace and favour upon our life’s. So, I thank him for this healing process and will continue to wait on him. Thank you for sharing your journey and your nutritional knowledge. Blessing ♥️
I love that you talk about the power of prayer. I was blessed with a baby and I prayed every day for him. I prayed to st Jude (my favourite saint of desperate cases abs lost causes). I feel that it was my prayers to him and God that allowed me to conceive my beautiful healthy baby. I like you was very specific about what I wanted abs I am now the very proud, blessed and over the moon mumma of a healthy baby. Thanks be to God and St Jude doe hearing my prayers and intervening on my behalf. It’s time for the prayers to start again as I start the journey to try for baby number 2.
Hello I’ve been trying to get pregnant for almost 6 years I have pcos and just got word the meds aren’t working I’m just about to give up because I’d know if I can take one more heart break thank you for your sweet story
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that my husband and I conceive naturally. I want to give my husband and I a beautiful pregnancy journey. I want us to have the joy of raising our children together. I want to blessed and rewarded with Gods precious heritage. Psalm 127.
I want to be loved as a mother and have a bonding relationship with my husband and watch our children grow and change. I want to pass down our story of grief, joy and Gods mercy to our children.
I pray these things in tour name God and in Jesus Christ. I pray for you to hear the deepest desire of my heart to be a mother.
In Jesus name I pray!
Mai Rod
Dear Lord,
I pray to you, I ask of you, to please bless my husband and I with the wonder of creating a new life from our love. Please help us conceive our baby naturally, and that we carry our baby to term so he/ she may live a happy, healthy life, filled with all our Love.
Please, I pray to you, that you help me, help my body do what is necessary to conceive and carry naturally.
In Jesus name, I ask you
Thank you,
Dear God,
I thank you for all of my blessing.. Please bless this miracle inside of me and allow he/she to continue to grow healthy, happy and strong. Please place your hands on me and allow it to be in your will for my HCG level to rise to normal before tomorrow’s blood test. Please continue to bless this pregnancy and allow me to carry to full term and deliver a healthy baby. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Thank you so much for your post and all the people who have commented before me. I believe God brought me to this page. I am 36, my husband and I were looking to go the ivf route as we want to screen out my husbands kidney disease plus we both need to lose a lot of weight (I am morbidly obese at 500 lbs and cannot carry a pregnancy right now). We were going to freeze and do ivf but I found out I have no eggs (0.17 amh) and we would need to use a donor egg or donate. In my heart of all hearts I wish it could be my genes, my egg with my husband. I am putting it in gods hands and pray that we are blessed with so much weight loss and health, my husband a kidney transplant so that we can healthily and naturally conceive and have a healthy baby to full term. I pray He heals us both and that the few eggs I have left are perfect because He made them so. In Jesus’s precious name, amen!!!
I want to be totally free from fibroids, I want my eggs, ovaries, womb, cervix and uterus TOTALLY HEALED!!!! I want two HEALTHY children preferably a boy and girl, that will be smart and non rebellious and definitely not of the world, also that will grow up with their mother and father in the same household. IN JESUS NAME
Lord Jesus,
I pray this this cycle you would bless us with a healthy baby who grows full term and we have a healthy pregnancy which results in a live birth. Lord I pray this baby grows up to love you. Lord I pray for all the people on this blog who want a child. Lord answer all of our prayers.
In Jesus name I pray amen.
Iam hannah. Please pray for me. I have pcos and am trying to get pregnant
I am praying with you!
I want to conceive naturally even when the Doctors said my eggs are poor. I pray for God to help me.
I want to conceive naturally with a twin boy and girl. God heal any damage on my ovaries, reproductive system or uterus. Heal my fiance Justin sperm count, mobility, and morphology so that we can conceive these healthy babies. God let me carry them both full term with no complications. Let them live a healthy and happy life. Messiah and Harley…..Mommy is preparing for you both
Thank you for your encouraging words. The part that resonated with me the most was being afraid to ask God for exactly what I wanted. I stopped myself time and again from doing that because I felt like I should not be demanding. The waiting period is hard, especially with people around me getting their bundles of joy. But I know that God is faithful and He will make everything beautiful in His time. Thank you again for reminding me of this.
God is faithful!!! Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. You might not get it, but it is good to ask!!
Dear God,
I pray that my body produces healthy eggs, and that the embryos are plentiful and healthy, a successful implantation that will yield a healthy baby boy.
Amen 🙏🏽
Oh Lord, bless my womb, nourish my eggs and the sperms of my husband so that when we meet, we shall produce our babies this month in Jesus Name. Amen 🙏🏽
Lord Jesus, I pray that you allow my husband and I to conceive this year. Nourish my eggs and his sperm and bring forth twins.
I pray that these babies will be healthy and whole with no abnormalities and that they will be born full term and live healthy and fulfilling lives.
I pray over my body that you will heal my womb, circulation, and hormones. I pray you restore to us all that has been lost. That this suffering will produce fruit and make our characters more like you.
In your name and May this be your will.