Looking for a St. Brigid Prayer for Healing or for getting pregnant? I have several prayers to St. Brigid shared in this post! I prayed with St. Brigid for healing on my infertility journey.
There are many Catholic Saints that you can pray to for fertility, and St. Brigid (St. Bridget of Ireland) is not the most common.
She is, however, a saint of great comfort to me and I make sure to celebrate her at her feast day on February 1st.
This post includes a brief overview of St. Brigid, ideas for celebrating St. Brigid’s Feast Day, traditional prayers to St. Brigid, and my own original St. Brigid Prayer to help conceive a healthy baby.
Read this too! -> Fertility Prayer for Catholics: 21 Powerful Prayers for Trying to Conceive
Table of Contents
St. Brigid, Patron Saint of Midwives and Babies
Who is St. Brigid the Patron Saint of?
St. Brigid is the patron saint of the house, women, homemakers, midwives, fire, and babies, among other things. She is known as a staunch advocate for women, wives, and mothers. Even if she isn’t officially a patron saint of infertility, she is a good saint to pray with when trying to conceive!
St. Brigid was an early Irish Catholic Nun who became an abbess and founded multiple convents. The most famous was in Kildare, Ireland, and is said to be built on an old sacred site for the pagan Celtic Goddess Brigid. Today, Kildare is still a holy site for Brigid, with St. Brigid’s Cathedral, a gorgeous St. Brigid’s well, and the Solas Bhride Center, a Christian Spirituality Center focused on the that you can visit.
St. Brigid, Goddess Brigid, and Fertility
While some scholars maintain she was an actual person who was born to a druid family and became a holy virgin nun and abbess, others believe the saint was a Christianization of the Celtic Mother Goddess Brigid.
The celtic Goddess Brigid was certainly associated with fertility, the spring, fire, birth, and all things of creation.
The Saint day of St. Brigid- February 1st, is actually related to the Celtic Holiday of Imbolc, a celebration of spring. For more information on celebrating a related holiday on February 2nd, read my post on Imbolc & Fertility.
However St. Brigid originated in as a saint, I believe she is a good saint to have on your side while on your baby journey.
See below for a traditional prayer to St. Bridget and one I wrote myself to pray for a successful conception and pregnancy.
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Celebrating with St. Brigid
Here are some ideas for working with St. Brigid!
- Pray with her! See the prayers below for traditional and new prayers to St. Brigid. You can also free-form pray as well!
- Read more about her! Amazon has a number of books on St. Brigid that you could read if you were interested!
- Make a St. Brigid cross, or buy one. We bought one and have it up year-round in our kitchen.
- Wear her medal. I love wearing Saint medals as a reminder that they are with me and to pray with them throughout the day.
- Visit Kildare, her sacred home. You can just visit or go on an official retreat at Solas Bhride where they keep her fire lit. I visited there while pregnant with my daughter and had a very special time sitting my her flame in prayer. There is also a lovely St. Brigid well just down the lane. Truly a special place!
- Visit St. Brigid wells all over Ireland. The one in Kildare is her holiest site in Ireland, but there are holy wells dedicated to her across the country! The one in between Liscannor and the Cliffs of Moher always feels to be a special place of fertile energy.
A picture of the statue of St. Brigid at her beautiful holy well in Kildare. I was lucky enough to visit Kildare this past November!
St. Brigid Prayer for Fertility
Prayer to St. Brigid for Successful Pregnancy
(original by Anna @ tomakeamommy.com)
St. Brigid, champion of women and of babies, I ask for your intercession.
You are a healer who strengthens what is weak.
You bring harmony where there is discord.
Pray to Jesus to heal my body that I might conceive and birth a healthy child into this world.
Strengthen my soul that I may remain steadfast in my belief in my own fertility.
Bring harmony to me that my body, soul, and spirit may align to prepare for pregnancy.
Prepare my heart to welcome new life with love.
Hear my pleas, Brigid, and intercede for me to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Through Jesus Christ I pray.
Saint Brigid Hearth Keeper Prayer
Courtesy of SaintBrigids.org
Brigid of the Mantle, encompass us,
Lady of the Lambs, protect us,
Keeper of the Hearth, kindle us.
Beneath your mantle, gather us,
And restore us to memory.
Mothers of our mother, Foremothers strong.
Guide our hands in yours,
Remind us how to kindle the hearth.
To keep it bright, to preserve the flame.
Your hands upon ours, Our hands within yours,
To kindle the light, Both day and night.
The Mantle of Brigid about us,
The Memory of Brigid within us,
The Protection of Brigid keeping us
From harm, from ignorance, from heartlessness.
This day and night,
From dawn till dark, From dark till dawn
Traditional Prayer to St. Brigid
Ask for us all today
The courage to do God’s bidding
Whatever the world may say
The grace to be strong and valiant
The grace to be firm and true
The grace to be faithful always
To God, God’s Mother, and you.
Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!
Praise the Lord,
Am Victoria Alek married last year in january
Am in need of your prayers please pray for me that i can be able to convice a baby this month please help me Father Lord.Promise to give my life to Christ from the frst day of my pregancy.
Thank you for sharing! I had a miscarriage in July and it was my first baby. I am so anxious and nervous to try again. I hope one day I am able to get pregnant and have a healthy baby and pregnancy! I truly believe in the power of prayer and love this. Thank you so much!
I am Elvia. My husband Pedro and I have been trying for the last 3 years. Doctors have told me that an egg donation is my only chance for a baby. Although my heart broke and the news, I held my Faith strong and know my God will help me achieve pregnancy. Pray for me, my Faith and Hope are weakening. I’m regaining my strength through praying to our Saints with confidence that the message will reach my Savior Jesus Christ. I don’t know if I could spend another year without a baby in my arms. Pray for me
My name is Mary Jane, I had a miscarriage last year November and I’m begging God for my miracle baby this month. I believe he won’t fail all of us. Please let’s try to give feedback when we conceive to enable people know that pain only last for a moment but joy is forever. God bless us all, Amen
Hi Anna,
I am so grateful to have found your beautiful blog. 💕💖
We have had a rocky journey over the past three years. Our precious angle was born sleeping and her sister also took her wings one year later. 👼
Now on a long IVF journey…….. Tomorrow morning, Feb 1st, the feast of St. Brigid, we will find out if our two embryos have survived to blastocysts and can be implanted…. 🤞
I am sitting here quietly anxious, but grateful that I have the comfort of the prayers to St. Brigid which you have so kindly shared. If you or any in your community have a moment to offer up a pray for us we would be most thankful. 🙏
Yours with hope,
My name is Lilah, I had a miscarriage in January with my first baby. I am praying and believing in myself and the Lord I will be able to conceive a healthy baby and pregnancy. I pray, Amen.
Hi Anna,
Thank you for your uplifting posts… I had a mc back 2019 and have yet to meet my rainbow baby. I hope to meet them soon.
Greetings Anna,
I married at 44 and was told to give it up as I was too old. Now that I’m 47, my cycle has just about stopped and the “you’re too old” song is still going strong. My husband and I really want to be parents. Pray for us and that God would bless us with children.
Praying for you all and may god our holy mother and all the saints answer all your prayers I have twin girls who will be 13 this year my partner and I were trying for 3 year for a baby only to be told I’d never conceive naturally only to be transferred to a professor at the hospital who found out I had under active thyroid she put me on thyroxine and had me on the waiting list for ivf but I conceived natural once my thyroid was under control there’s a lot of women who don’t have this checked as well as unnatural causes god only knows why but don’t lose your faith if it’s not meant for you try adopting there’s loads of poor baby’s looking for someone to love them they are looking for someone like you I always question why horrible women can conceive & good hearted ones struggle but that’s one of life’s mysteries, I’ve only had the 2 oddly my body stopped my monthly’s after the twins were born Drs don’t know why but I know they are my miracles from god & his saints they were born at 29 weeks in icu for 5 months there so big string and healthy today thank god , I pray everyday to be blessed with another miracle always keep praying for your miracle so please keep your faith ladies 🙏♥️