Looking for a St. Rita Prayer for a Miracle? You’ve come to the right place.
St. Rita of Cascia is a powerhouse of a Saint and is known for working miracles. I really can’t fully describe the raw power of this Patron Saint of Infertility and Hopeless Cases. In all my years praying with the saints, I’ve never felt anything quite like my experience praying with her. If you’re trying to conceive and working against the odds, consider turning to St. Rita.
My journey with St. Rita started when I was trying for my second miracle. I had started to develop a comprehensive list of Saints of Fertility & Infertility and I came across her in my research. I soon learned that the National Shrine (U.S.) for St. Rita was in Philadelphia and made plans to visit it. In the months before my visit I started praying to her regularly.
I’m going to talk briefly about St. Rita’s life, my experience praying with her, how to celebrate her, and then I will end with prayers to St. Rita, including my own original prayer to her to heal infertility and conceive a miracle child. Her feast day is May 22nd.
When you’re done with this post on St. Rita Prayer, don’t miss my post on 21 Fertility Prayers for Catholics!
Table of Contents
St. Rita of Cascia’s Life
St. Rita was born in 1381 in Italy and wanted to be a nun. Instead she was married to a violent man who was basically part of a mobster family. The story of her life goes that after 18 miserable years with her husband, her sweetness, faith, and goodness finally converted him and apologized to her and to God. Unfortunately, just after his confession and conversion he was murdered by the competing mobster family in the area. Of course Rita was forgiving, but her two sons pledged to avenge their father’s death by finding and murdering his murderers.
Rita feared for her son’s mortal souls and prayed that ANYTHING, including DEATH happen, to stop them from becoming murderers. Indeed, they both became ill and died. The story says she convinced them to forgive before they died.
Rita headed straight to the convent. But the nuns said, “No way! You aren’t bringing that mobster family craziness here!” So Rita was determined to make peace between the families and then she would be allowed to enter the convent. She prayed, and prayed, and prayed.
Here is where the stories of her life diverge. In one version she convinces both families to forgive and make peace. They are astounded by her love and kindness, and agree, signing a written peace agreement.
Another version suggests that she prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and the bubonic plague came to town and killed all the angry violent men in charge of both families. The ones who were left agreed to peace.
St. Rita was welcome to the convent where she lived a long and pious life. She prayed for hours in front of the crucified Christ, and received a wound from the crown of thorns on her forehead. The sore never healed.
One story says that when she was sick and dying she asked for a rose from the garden of her family home in the middle of the winter. Her relative actually found one (in January!) and brought it to her. You might want to bring her a rose when you visit her shrine!
Finally, after St. Rita died her burial was delayed so that people could view her. And an amazing thing happened- she became one of the “incorrupt” saints. This means that her body did not decay. In fact you can STILL VISIT HER BODY TODAY in Cascia, Italy!

This shroud is at the Shrine in Philadelphia and is one actually worn on the deceased incorrupt body of St. Rita that is still on display in Cascia, Italy
Because of the many seemingly impossible situations she faced and because of the many miracles she has intervened in since her death, St. Rita is known as the Patron Saint of Infertility and Hopeless Causes.
Miracles of St. Rita of Cascia
Here are some of the most famous miracles of St. Rita- the last three of which led to her canonization.
- When she was a newly baptized baby it is said a swarm of white bees swam in and out of her mouth without hurting her.
- In addition to her body not decaying, there was also a beautiful smell said to come from it.
- A young girl named Elizabeth Bergamini was in danger of losing her sight from smallpox, and the doctors could not help her. She was sent to the Augustinian Convent at Cascia and they prayed to St. Rita to deliver her from blindess. After four months, she was healed and could see again.
- A man called Cosimo Pelligrini was dying from gastro-enteritis and saw St. Rita and was then completely healed.
My Story of Praying with St. Rita for a Miracle
I read St. Rita’s story when trying to conceive my second miracle and was moved by it. I started praying to her for intercession in addition to St. Anne, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, St. Gerard, and my name saint, St. Therese de Lisieux. I was specifically praying for healing from infertility, to conceive a second miracle naturally, and for it to be a girl. I believe prayers are more easily heard the more concrete they are.
I planned a trip for late May 2017 to visit the St. Rita Shrine in Philadelphia, and the St. Gianna shrine in Warminster, Pennsylvania (about 30 minutes north of Philadelphia). My husband and son were with me and we arrived at the St. Rita Shrine on Memorial Day- and it was closed! I hadn’t called ahead and I was devastated. Not only had I missed it but I had dragged by husband and toddler son into Philadelphia on a holiday weekend!
We headed to a nearby battlefield to run around, and then found our hotel for the night which was up near Warminster. In the morning I visited the Shrine of St. Gianna (I had scheduled this visit with the woman Anna who runs the ministry there). I had a lovely and sweet time praying with St. Gianna and was even able to hold her relics. At the end of my time praying with St. Gianna, I felt like she said, “Okay, now go visit St. Rita.”
Luckily, my husband had the same idea, and we scooted on back down to Philadelphia. My toddler started napping at just the right time so I was able to visit the shrine without worrying. Inside the Shrine (which is in the basement of the church) there is a gorgeous room with statues to many Saints. I took my time there and prayed with many of them.

The room of saints at the shrine
Then I knelt before St. Rita’s relics.
Now, ladies, normally when I pray, even with a Saint, I start off with a long ramble. First I pray to God for forgiveness from my sins. Then I talk about how thankful I am for all the gifts in my life. Then I start to actually get into the meat of what I am asking for.

Where I knelt before the relics of St. Rita
With St. Rita, I didn’t get the chance. I started to pray, “St. Rita,” and I felt I was immediately interrupted by her. I felt like I heard her say, “You’re already healed. Your baby is on her way.” I was shocked.
I took a moment and tried again, “Oh, St. Rita, I . . .” and again I was interrupted. “You are healed. Your baby is on her way. You can go now.” I was unable to pray. I cried instead.
And, miraculously, she was right. That was the very end of May 2017. At the beginning of July 2017 I had my first ever normal FSH reading. And later in July I conceived my second successful natural miracle- a little girl who just turned three years old this spring.
Now, don’t get me wrong- I know it was through the intercession of St. Rita to GOD THE FATHER that my miracle occurred. AND I know that part of my miracle is God and the Saints showing me how to live a healthy, fertile life, including all the non-toxic efforts we make, the fierce adherence to a strict fertility diet and lifestyle, and daily mind-body work. And, I am thankful every day for this.

Happy, at the St. Rita Shrine!
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How to Pray With/Celebrate St. Rita
- Say the St. Rita Novena! This means you say the same prayer for 9 days. Her traditional novena is copied below! To make it extra special, start it on May 14th, nine days before her Feast Day so you end your last day of the novena on May 22nd.
- Go to mass on her Feast Day on May 22nd, and offer the celebration up for her intercession.
- Visit one of her shrines- I know of the one in Philadelphia and the one in Cascia, Italy. If you go on her feast day, you can participate in the celebrations.
- On her feast day (or any day) gather with a group to pray a litany to her.
- Wear her medal to remind you to pray to her daily.
- Display her saint card somewhere you can see it on a daily basis.
- Read more about her online, or in a book like this one.
Prayer to St. Rita of Cascia
An Original Prayer to St. Rita for Healing from Infertility & A Miracle Child, by Anna Rapp
Saint Rita, you are my advocate and my protectress.
Saint Rita, you are beloved by the Lord and given special graces from heaven.
Saint Rita, you help those who are in need.
Hear my desire now to be healed of infertility.
Intercede on my behalf to the Lord that I may be blessed with perfect and miraculous fertility.
Know my deep desire to conceive and birth a healthy child who will live a long, happy, and healthy life.
Advocate for me, that heaven might hear and grant my desire to lovingly welcome a miracle child into my family.
As I wait for this intercession, help me to be patient in my suffering as you were.
Help me to be consumed with Divine Love as you were.
Help me to persevere in prayer as you did.
Through your intercession, and the love of Jesus Christ, I pray.
Prayer to St. Rita for a Miracle
O glorious St. Rita, your pleadings before the divine crucifix have been known to grant favors that many would call the impossible. Lovely St. Rita, so humble, so pure, so devoted in your love for thy crucified Jesus, speak on my behalf for my petition which seems so impossible from my humbled position. (Here mention your request ). Be propitious, O glorious St. Rita, to my petition, showing thy power with God on behalf of thy supplicant. Be lavish to me, as thou has been in so many wonderful cases for the greater glory of God. I promise, dear St. Rita, if my petition is granted, to glorify thee, by making known thy favor, to bless and sing thy praises forever. Relying then upon thy merits and power before the Sacred Heart of Jesus I pray. Amen.
Prayer to St. Rita of Cascia in Difficulty
I give you thanks, O Lord, for the many benefits you have bestowed on us. With confidence in your mercy I beg you now, through the intercession of Saint Rita, to grant me the grace of imitating her virtues, especially her love for you and her neighbor, her perfect acceptance of your will, and her devotion to the passion of your Son. Through the infinite merits of Jesus and those of Saint Rite, grant me comfort in my present trials, and the desire to accept with gratitude whatever may be for my salvation and the salvation of those who are dear to me. Oh, good Satin Rita, who gives constant proof of the power of your prayers, show me some sign that my prayers will be answered. Pray to God for me as I humbly pray to you. Amen.
Novena to St. Rita
O Holy Patroness of those in need, St. Rita, whose pleadings before thy Divine Lord are almost irresistible, who for thy lavishness in granting favors hast been called the advocate of the hopeless and even of the impossible; St. Rita so humble, so pure, so mortified, so patient and of such compassionate love for thy Crucified Jesus that thou couldst obtain from him whatsoever thou askest, on account of which all confidently have recourse to thee, expecting, if not always relief, at least comfort; be propitious to our petition, showing thy power with God on behalf of the suppliant; be lavish to us as thou hast been in so many wonderful cases, or the greater glory of God, for the spreading of thine own devotion, and for the consolation of those who trust in thee.
We promise, if our petition is granted, to glorify, thee by making known thy favor, to bless and sing thy praises forever. Relying upon thy merits and power before the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
We pray: (mention your request)
Obtain for us our request by the singular merits of thy childhood,
By thy perfect union with the Divine Will,
By the heroic sufferings during thy married life,
By the consolation thou didst experience at the conversion of thy husband,
By the sacrifice of thy children rather than see them grievously offend God,
By thy miraculous entrance into the convent,
By thy severe penances and thrice daily bloody scourgings,
By the suffering caused by the wound thou didst receive from the thorn of thy crucified Savior,
By the divine love which consumed thy heart,
By that remarkable devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, on which alone thou didst exist for four years,
By the happiness with which thou didst part from thy trials to join thy Divine Spouse,
By the perfect example thou gavest to people of every state of life.
Pray for us, O holy St. Rita, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
(Say the novena each day for nine days.)
Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!
Hi Anna,
How do you celebrate a saints feast day? I want to honor St Rita on the 22nd but don’t even know where to start.
Hi Kate!! Good question! I updated the post with some ideas, that include saying a novena, going to mass, praying to her, and learning more about her! Baby dust!!
Thank you so much!!
I’m grateful for reading about this saint today and I know my own miracle child is on the way
I love st Rita more dearly,where can I see her shrine in Nigeria to pay her visit to intercede on my fertility journey
Oh how wonderful you have a shrine to visit!
I love you dear St. Rita
Thank you for your friendship.
Thanks for reminding me about the power of praying to St. RITA to interceed on my behalf. Doctors have told me it is not possible; extremely low egg count; high FSH and adenomyosis. But I believe in the power of miracles. I am going to have an IVF and I’m taking estradiol to normalise my cycle. Praging and believing in baby dust. Blowing tge same to all you beautiful ladies out there!
Yes!!! Keep us posted Isabella!!
Our daughter was trying for a baby for a year. I started to prey to St. Rita and now thanks to St.Rita’s intercession, she is 12 weeks pregnant.
Thank you St. Rita and I will continue to pray for a complication free pregnancy and healthy baby
Hi Anna! My husband and I are making a trip to Philadelphia this week (we leave tomorrow) and we are planning on going to both shrines. Anything I should know ahead of time (as in should I call them or something). So excited for this trip and really hope both saints will hear our intercessions. At only 28, I have been fully diagnosed in menopause, put on birth control to prevent it and given a 0% chance of naturally conception. We conceived our baby boy through donor egg IVF in October and we miscarried at 10 weeks the first week of December. We are devastated and terrified that this may never happen for us. We plan to do another round of donor egg IVF but this time with my sisters eggs in the upcoming summer. We want to pray to these saints that this time it will work and we can have our family.
Thank you for everything you do.
Hi Emily! I’m sorry I missed this! I hope you managed both- you do have to call ahead for St. Gianna! Baby dust and best wishes for your donor egg round this summer!!!!
Hello Anna,
I just wanted to say that I think you’re TERRIFIC. It’s nice to be able to connect with someone who has been through the same.
We lost our little Angel Kelly Elizabeth in November 2015 3 weeks before our due date. I also found out while pregnant that I had kidney cancer.
She was my miracle baby she came into my life and she saved me, because if I hadn’t been pregnant I’d never have known about my kidney cancer. Lost Kelly Elizabeth in November and 8 weeks later had my kidney removed stage 3 cancer.
It’s been really hard dealing with her loss and everything that has happened since. My husband is struggling since that terrible day.
Hopefully by praying to St.Rita she will intercede on our behalf and help us with another miracle.
Thank You again and God Bless you and your family.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss and cancer. What a devastating way for the Lord to work a miracle. I am praying for you and your husband! I hope that you find your own healing and your miracle baby!!!
Thank you I also prayed to St Rita and st.Gerard I was not getting pregnant and I wished to have my second baby. After praying within a month I got pregnant naturally. Doctors told me I won’t be able to get pregnant naturally but I did by the blessing and intercession of StRita and St. Gerard
I’m Happiness..I prayed to saint Rita for marriage and it was granted
That’s lovely, thank you for sharing Happiness!
Hi Anna and Readers,
I desperately need to share so a long post is coming. Sorry for my English, I’m not native speaker.
I have been reading through your blog for like 6 months. Since then I have introduced changes in my lifestyle, visited a naturopath, started drinking herbs for balancing my hormones, changed my cosmetics and cleaning products and so on. I am 38, have an overactive thyroid, just to name a few potential obstacles in getting pregnant.
However, my partner didn’t know this. We have a 3yo and my partner also has an older daughter from his previous marriage. He said he was done with kids. I have been pregnant twice, first a miscarriage at week 10 in 2018, the other time biochemical pregnancy this fall. The miscarriage was devastating for me and we were in an awful crisis after that. I felt like asking him to grow a family was out of question, with all the loneliness and misunderstandings. However, we don’t use contraception so I felt like maybe I will get pregnant somehow. During ovulation I would initiate sex, but felt like a criminal. My dream was to be a couple trying to conceive openly and with anticipation.
At some point I started praying with St. Rita after I got inspired by this post. I found out there is a church in my city where there is a mess for St. Rita on every month’s 22nd and I went there. In this church you can get a red rose and then get it blessed and so I did. I went home with the rose and then my partner opened the door for me and… handed me a bunch of red roses. I was blown away, I don’t get flowers very often and such synchronicity just couldn’t be incidental!
We went on, I kept praying, and then 3 weeks later my partner asked me if we could try for a baby. Like WHAT? Haha.
So here I am, my first cycle of ttc together. Wish us luck 😀
Many greeting for all, may the New Year bring you love and peace.
I’m crying. I can’t believe he met you at the door with red roses. What a beautiful story – your prayers were heard!!! I’m so happy for you trying together for a baby! God bless your marriage, your womb, and your family.
This is so lovely! My case is somewhat same with yours. I have been trying to conceive for the last 7 years. I has been 15 years sincw my first pregnancy. I have been praying to God to grant me a second miracle. I am blessed that while searching for a Patroness of Infertility I came across your blog.
Thank you so much. Please join me in my prayers too.
Thanks for sharing your story.
I’ve read your story so many times. It gives me so much inspiration. I love how you prayed to St Rita and how she told you your miracle was on her way. Such a beautiful story! I have started to pray to her and it’s amazing the compassion I feel from her. When I pray to her I feel safe and any anxiety I feel just goes away. It’s a wonderful feeling. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story.
I have 4 boys the oldest has just turned 3 and we have been trying for a girl for 3 years. I am 41, ovulating and taking proceive and omega 3 supplements etc… I am overweight which I think is against me and I am trying to lose the weight but have depression and in antidepressants which relaxes me so I know I need to lose weight but my medication says chill out 😊 I am very happy and the medication is working and that is a blessing. I am so thankful for my 4 beautiful boys and my little Angel in heaven Francis. My loving husband and all that we have. I long for a little girl so much. I feel very selfish wanting and praying for this with all that I have. But I can’t help it. I starting praying to St Rita today. My mother is praying the novena today and I have started now. Please include me in your prayers. I have just started selling and giving away my baby chairs, cots etc.. it was very hard doing this but I have to be realistic with my age and 3 years trying. I have strong faith and know that God is doing what is best for me in my plans for the future so am learning to accept my situation. Hard to give up and I won’t just yet… I am very happy, have a healthy and blessed family and pray for all who are unable to conceive… a child is a true blessing. Xxx
Thank you for sharing your story. When I read the part where she spoke to you I started bawling, tears streaming down my face. While at work! I’m so happy you got your miracle. My husband and I have been trying for years now. I’m 39, high FSH, low AMH, bad eggs, etc. Last year I got pregnant following my first IUI, “that never happens!” said the DR. but sadly I miscarried at 7 weeks. After several unsuccessful IUI’s we moved on to IVF. My identical twin sister, (who has 4 beautiful babies who I love dearly), went through with me to donate her eggs. Unfortunately it was unsuccessful. We can try IVF with donor eggs from a stranger, but I’m still longing for a natural pregnancy. I’ve wanted babies since I was a baby! I’m beginning to lose faith, I’m reaching a stage of despair. Please pray with me that I will get my miracle, keep my faith, and trust whatever path God has chosen for me. To all the ladies struggling with infertility, I pray for you everyday, i know how hard this is, you are not alone.
Thank you.
I am praying with you Jessica!!
Hi Anna, I was struggling with infertility for the past 3 years and as soon as I was introduced to Saint Rita and began praying for her I got pregnant the next month. Now I am supposed to be early 6 weeks but my gynecologist told me that I can either take a pill and have a miscarriage or just leave it and eventually I will have a miscarriage on my own. I really don’t want to believe this and will continue to pray to Saint Rita to help me. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Please tell me how to not loose hope and fight for my little miracle. Thank you for creating this blog and reminding us that miracles DO happen.
Armine, I hope you have your miracle darling!! Keep praying!
My fiance had a hard time finding a new job and through St. Rita’s intercession, he found a new job when he really needed one. Unexpected money came into his life too. Thank you, St. Rita.
That’s wonderful!!! Thank you St. Rita!!
Anna, your site to make a Mommy popped up on one of my feeds. I started to read your writings about St. Rita. I have been praying for my daughter to become pregnant for four years. She is 38 an nervous that she is running out of time. When I read that St. Rita’s feast day is May 22nd, I knew if found you for a reason as May 22nd is my daughter’s birthday! I will now add St. Rita to my prayer requests and look forward to reading more about her. Can you please add my daughter (K) to your prayer list to become a mommy? Thank you so much Anna.
Yes, I am praying with you for K to conceive and become a mommy! So glad you found me!
Please continue to pray for me for conception. 40 and had an ectopic pregnancy, chemical, and BO in the last 3 years.
Hi Anna! I am so glad I found your page. I didn’t realize there were so many saints for fertility. I thought the story about St Rita was interesting to me. Sorry if I missed it, do you have links to where you purchased your medals and prayer cards?
Hi Chele! Mostly I searched on Amazon or bought through local churches or when visiting shrines! So glad you found the site and best wishes!!
💔🙏😭🤰🤱 I’m desperately seeking for prays for me and my husband Vladimir jarrin 🙏 😭 we been working so hard on having our frist new born Miracle blessings child together going on two years now it’s been a complete nightmare very painful after our marriage it’s been hard for me I been to fertility centers to help me nothing has happened yet for us both , please pray for me to finally have the miracle my husband Vladimir jarrin and I been desperately seeking for a powerful MIRACLE BROKETHROUGH blessings for me to finally be PREGNANT 🤰 🤱🙏😭🤞 without any complications interpretation blocklish during my pregnancy journey’s together with my husband Vladimir jarrin our hearts are completely Is shattered two million pieces 💔😭😭 we both want to be parents together to finally be permanently blessed with our MIRACLE BLESSINGS CHILD together for God to permanently open the doors for us both to hold and raise our Bundle of joy with love for god to place his powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance hands upon my OVARIES AND MY WOMB MY EGGS without any negative energy around our pregnancy journey’s starting NOW 🙏 😭🤰🤱🤞for my me and my husband to start building our family I’m desperately seeking for God to permanently place his powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance hands upon my pregnancy tests results to say PREGNANT POSTIVE 🤰 🙏 😭 for me to carry a full term nine month healthy successful growing baby inside my stomach with a successful delivery for god to permanently blessed my husband Vladimir jarrin and I with TWO BUNDLE OF JOY 2024 and 2025 ) to complete our family 🙏😭🤰🤱🤞
PRaying with you!!